from yeah, I bet you'd like to suck it wouldn't ya? on 2001-06-01 17:39 [#00007916]

from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-01 18:42 [#00007918]

1,000,000,000/1,000,000,000 people will eventually die someday for miscellaneous reasons. This means you and me, you know. The only way to stay immortal is to pass on your dna to your offspring. I personally don't want anything to do with whatever mess the future holds on our planet at least. My best bet would be to have my corpse flung out into space, at least I'd be away from earth.
stay puffed, man
from uk on 2001-06-01 20:22 [#00007933]

i cant wait. it will save me from getting hair cuts etc. cant wait.
from Denmark on 2001-06-01 20:26 [#00007935]

You´r hair will still grow a bit, if youre unlucky! and you can look forward to shitting and pissing in you´r black bag at the morque, and have some freak Conservate you by injecting a fluid trough your femoral artery, doing something resembling turning parts of you´r body to plastic, and sewing you´r lips and eyes together so you can be looked at in a casket, without you´r family puking at you´r funeral....
have a nice day :)
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-02 08:43 [#00007970]

Don't worry, after all you WERE already dead before. (Remember that time before you were born- me neither. That's what death will be like.)
And since you will have no consciousness when you are dead you will be unable to percieve time (actions in space). Thus, a billion years will go by in a blink of a second. So if the molecules that compose your body now somehow find themselves in a new consciousness when the universe has long since re-exploded (big bang2), it will be an instantaneous leap.
Probably our big bang was already like the 100 billionth time it's happened. It's just a tiny little flickering energy. The universe is completely insignificant so you can only imagine how insignificant you are. Nothing matters.
I like this philosophical calvin & hobbes cartoon where calvin askes which would be a worse reality: one where everything mattered, or one where nothing mattered.
All done.
rob fragilenine
from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-02 08:54 [#00007971]

wow man that's deep
from Australia on 2001-06-02 12:06 [#00007988]

read up on string theory if you want to know more about the big bang,.. interesting stuff
from Denmark on 2001-06-02 16:48 [#00008027]

I´m more interested in conservating...
but yah, its fascinating. Our earthly meat means nothing really. Why does someone think we are our bodyes, when every cell renews itself (braincells 2, even though it wasnt belived for some time. we cant be our feeling either, cause they change all the time 2! WHAT ARE WE!!!!!
did you know that tibetans dont have a word for "death" by the way? fascinating 2
rob fragilenine
from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-02 16:51 [#00008029]

yeah... and the world we live in isn't real... it's all part of a dream induced by a computer program... sounds similar? maybe the matrix???
from the uk on 2001-06-03 16:43 [#00008116]

why are we here?
what does god say?
from The Heavens, Bitch! on 2001-06-03 18:12 [#00008122]

I say you all go back to making music...it is quite entertaining....and whoever made creamsicles is an absolute genius...wait,i should know who that man is...
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