Improve your concentration | xltronic messageboard
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Improve your concentration

offline fungusman from Monster Island on 2005-11-03 17:05 [#01769243]
Points: 381 Status: Lurker

HOW?! Drugs? Any tips, meditation or something? Going to
the gym?


offline r40f from qrters tea party on 2005-11-03 17:10 [#01769246]
Points: 14210 Status: Regular

try this


offline warpphex from lurkston, ziltyland. (United Kingdom) on 2005-11-03 17:10 [#01769247]
Points: 1372 Status: Lurker

build something out of matchsticks or rub one off.


offline warpphex from lurkston, ziltyland. (United Kingdom) on 2005-11-03 17:13 [#01769249]
Points: 1372 Status: Lurker

Yoga maybe ,ive never tried it.


offline virginpusher from County Clare on 2005-11-03 17:14 [#01769250]
Points: 27326 Status: Lurker

rub one off


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2005-11-03 17:22 [#01769254]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular

yeah, drugs will really help improve your concentration


offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2005-11-04 02:44 [#01769390]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Take up a dangerous sport. Fear of death or injury is a
great way of forcing yourself to concentrate.


offline _gvarek_ from next to you (Poland) on 2005-11-04 02:48 [#01769393]
Points: 4882 Status: Lurker | Followup to fungusman: #01769243

are you a premature ejaculator?


offline Refund from Melbourne (Australia) on 2005-11-04 03:05 [#01769394]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker

yoga helped me to learn to concentrate.


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-11-04 03:11 [#01769395]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

what are you going to concentrate on?


offline Xeron from London (United Kingdom) on 2005-11-04 03:35 [#01769398]
Points: 2638 Status: Regular

Lemon smell- ie have a half cut lemon near you when you're
doing work. Lemon essence stimulates the hypothalamus and
increases memory power.

Studies done in Sicily show that when doing exams, pupils in
a lemon scented room remebered more and concentrated more
than those that were in a normal room.


offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2005-11-04 03:43 [#01769402]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Followup to Xeron: #01769398 | Show recordbag

Scent in general is a useful memory aid. Smell a particular
smell while revising and then take that scent into the exam
with you and it will help you remember (there was a study
done on this a couple of years back).


offline big from lsg on 2005-11-04 05:48 [#01769489]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to r40f: #01769246 | Show recordbag



offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2005-11-04 05:53 [#01769493]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

strong mind is the only thing that can help you. i just gave


offline ecnadniarb on 2005-11-04 06:41 [#01769539]
Points: 24804 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

The best way to improve concentration is


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2005-11-04 06:45 [#01769544]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular | Followup to ecnadniarb: #01769539

...listen to good music


offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2005-11-04 06:50 [#01769547]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Followup to earthleakage: #01769544 | Show recordbag

I still think your first answer was the best.


offline uzim on 2005-11-04 06:56 [#01769552]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

i'd need that too...

i can't concentrate on most things i do. thinking of
something different / daydreaming at random always seems
more interesting than working.


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2005-11-04 07:07 [#01769559]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

was the site lagging real bad lately or is it just the
unfortunate me?


offline Xeron from London (United Kingdom) on 2005-11-04 08:10 [#01769598]
Points: 2638 Status: Regular | Followup to Ceri JC: #01769547

yea- it's all to do with the primal part of our brains when
we used to have a hightened sense of smell. There was a
direct link to smell and memory ie. the scent of a poo could
tell you what the animal had eaten etc. Today it is mainly
asource of nostalgia eg. a certain smell will conjure up
memories of the past.

Ceri- in this case though the lemon scent seems to have a
generalised memory boost. Perhaps also the sharpness of the
smell helps keep concentration up.


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2005-11-04 08:14 [#01769603]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular | Followup to Xeron: #01769598



offline Xeron from London (United Kingdom) on 2005-11-04 18:26 [#01770105]
Points: 2638 Status: Regular | Followup to earthleakage: #01769603

what does that mean?


offline meldo from Sweden on 2005-11-04 19:14 [#01770172]
Points: 485 Status: Lurker | Followup to r40f: #01769246

wow! x2


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-28 05:18 [#02634186]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

learn to microwave previous states of mind back into
existence; take a bunch of speed once and get it for free
afterwards forever. and cardio


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-28 05:26 [#02634187]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to Ceri JC: #01769390

Take up a dangerous sport. Fear of death or injury is a
great way of forcing yourself to concentrate.

that is jerri fine cidea JC, perhaps i should take it up in
my bullshit thred


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-28 05:27 [#02634188]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to Xeron: #01769398

Lemon smell- ie have a half cut lemon near you when
you're doing work. Lemon essence stimulates the hypothalamus
and increases memory power.

lay off the fucking bong


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-28 05:29 [#02634189]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to Xeron: #01769398

Studies done in Sicily show that when doing exams, pupils
in a lemon scented room remebered more and concentrated more
than those that were in a normal room.

was this skytree? because... you misspelled remembered
and... by this logic, a room that does not smell like lemon
is abnormal? and who else can screw up this bad


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-28 05:32 [#02634190]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to Ceri JC: #01769547

I still think your first answer was the best.

have you ever thought about it in an analog sense? that if
our first answer does, actually tend to be our best, can we
get a slightly earlier answer? perhaps even just 0.02 better


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-28 05:35 [#02634191]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

the fucking nerve to attempt to entangle the concept of what
a "normal room" is and the smell of lemons. that's just
terrible science


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-04-05 21:11 [#02634575]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

* JUST SAY NO - if you wanna really do something you WILL
lose friends. You WILL need to tell them you are busy,
repeatedly, until they just stop phoning/texting you. Upside
is it will sort out who r ur good mates.
* tiny things like having to make food, go to the toilet
(yes) need to seem like utterly pointless distractions.
* find your ideal amount of sleep and dont try to do any
* large amounts of caffeine is contraindicated; know your
peak amount
(tea is better than coffee; if you want to get speedy
do espressos and yellow grapefruit juice - the grapefruit
juice will effectively increase your caffeine level and also
counteract jitters. trufax.)
* drugs are not a particularly good idea
* just get the fuck on with it.


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-04-05 21:36 [#02634577]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

* you cannot concentrate if you have a "job". save up money
to live off, or sign on, or get a rich patron/ess. You need
secure living circumstances, and not to be thinking about
* Rotating your sleeping hours 180° may be an idea, cos
then you can have breakfast with your friends which they
call dinner, then work uninterrupted for 12 hours, then
maybe have supper with them which they call breakfast, or
(....but don't desynchronise from day/night cycle cos
that's a world of weirdness)


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-04-05 21:37 [#02634578]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

EpicMegaTrax: story is your m8 Sam Altman caught scurvy from
eating ramen for four months.... the man's a retard.


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-04-05 21:51 [#02634580]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

hah just clokked the year on OP, oh well it was cathartic &
i think i prb have some more tips if i think about it....
why don't they tell you stuff like this in school anyway?


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-04-05 21:55 [#02634581]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

RIP AVICIIIIII good night god bless


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