rob fragilenine
from laughable butane bobs house on 2001-05-28 04:16 [#00007342]

I know it's an unfair battle, but I'd like everyone's view on what would happen if Aphex Twin had a musical 'fight'... come on wizards teeth, make me laugh...
from a depressing military base in Germany on 2001-05-28 06:38 [#00007349]

No comparison at all. Fatboy slim is as mainstream now as Bonjovi or Moby, its frat music now, cock-rock we call it, just very very weak stuff. I pray to the powers that be that Mr. James never ever goes mainstream, any artist that ever does seems to turn to shite shortly after. You would figure all that money would give people more time to do what they want, but im telling you, if I ever turn on the radio and hear "Aphex Twin is Fucking in Heaven" its over, the 7th seal has been broken and the apocolypse has begun. I'll grab the first 8 AFX disks, some food and water, a gun and meet you guys in the hills. Before you know RDJ will be colaborating with the Fatboy and remixing Robbie Williams tunes. MY GOD MAN!!!! Then, realizing his inferiority and in desperation, Mr Slim kills Mr James and replaces him with a kinder, more Top of the Pops friendlier RJD, bulit in a clandestine Pop bunker by no other than Maurice Starr, the same pop-guru that brought you the anti-christ known as New Kids on the block.BUT IT DOESNT STOP THERE KIDDIES! Fused into this Robo-AFX is a miniscule sliver of the mainstream Lucifer Himself.....DICK CLARK!!!! Using his strange superpowers to defy aging and becoming immortal, Dick Clark passes his agelessness onto the Robo-AFX with one purpose... TO KILL ALL INDEPENDANT MUSIC AND THOUGHT... You guys, there isnt much time left, but we are not too late.. If one of your mates puts on a Fatboy Slim record at your next university party, just go ahead and hit him, take the disk out and smash it, or we will all be eating cold beans in the Alps listening to SAWII and remembering the good old days...
from Australia on 2001-05-28 06:44 [#00007351]

Aphex twin not only kicks the shit out of fatboyslim - but adds to the pile by shitting on him afterwards,..
I like fatboyslims music but think that he is becoming too mainstream,.. but I still like a lot of his older stuff,...
santa cruz, acid 8000, and How Could They Hear Us will always be personal favourites of mine,.. no matter what happens
and If aphex twin did become mainstream,.. I pray that it'd still be inovative electronica and not shitty pop rock
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-05-28 07:53 [#00007353]

in my own amateur / newbie opinion, aphex twin would lay down a snare drum rush that would annihilate fat boy slim (but only in my own amateur / newbie opinion).
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-05-28 10:11 [#00007357]

It's not too unbelievable that Rich might like Fat boy slim. If he does, he'd probably make cool remixes/collaborations, if not, he'd pull the first tape out of his pile of junk and call it "---insert fatboy slim song here--- (Fatboy slim is a useless peice of crap mix)".
I used to kinda like Fatboy Slim, not at all now.
from the uk on 2001-05-28 19:16 [#00007381]

one phrase sums it up.....
Aphex pisses on fatboy slim from a great height
from the uk on 2001-05-28 19:17 [#00007382]

that evil glare stare thing would freak mr slimout hehheheheehhe
on 2001-05-28 20:50 [#00007393]

Wouldn't it be great if the music that AFX did was provided not only to a minority, but to the majority, so that everyone in this world could enjoy real music for a change? What difference does it make to the sound if many people have heard it?
Your only tits that want to be first, but you know what? Your never first and you never will be...
from the uk on 2001-05-29 00:57 [#00007409]

exactly right
Leo DeBoe
from somewhere in the States. on 2001-05-29 02:21 [#00007421]

They would probably shake hands, have tea, and lay down a collaboration. Fabtoy Slim uses an Atari for Christs sake.
Good times.
wizards teeth
from Three inches from a Sausage on 2001-05-29 11:16 [#00007433]

The Day Fat Boy Slim creates something good will be the day I French Kiss a Horse or a Crab.
I do find that video funny with that funny man doing that funny dance in a funny building.
from New Zealand on 2001-05-29 11:37 [#00007434]

Christopher Walken likes to dance :)
from Australia on 2001-05-29 12:32 [#00007437]

please Don't base you're judgement on the popular songs,.. they are the shittest of them all,.. download "acid 8000" and "How Could They Hear Us" and then make your judgment,..
from Australia on 2001-05-29 12:34 [#00007438]

oh yeah,.. and WT (french)kissing a horse or a crab is not very far from the truth either
from Australia on 2001-05-29 12:44 [#00007439]

oh yeah,.. and just for a laugh,.. I'm going to construct this so called "musical fight" (if it were possible in real time)
11:01 RDJ: Starts off with a simple melody ala Alberto Balsalm
11:02 FS: Brings in a screechy rock/synth Noise
11:03 RDJ: Richie complements this with a tune off his own,.. the result is beatiful
11:04 FS: Decides to put a breakbeat in (just when things were getting good)
11:05 RDJ: comesback with a furious snare rush
11:28 FS: Finally finds a pattern in the beat and adds in more rock/synth noises as well as more pad noises
11:31 RDJ: Mocks Fatboyslim by counter melodising his new melody and making tones with the high hat to create more pad/ish noises
11:31 FS: becomes stunned and leaves RDJ to do his thing
The End Result : An Aphex dominated song with the occasional synth sound shoved in,..
nobody downloads it because it's too bloody long,.. Except for the aphex twin freaks who then remove the fatboy samples with sound editors anyway,..
from Australia on 2001-05-29 14:27 [#00007449]

how can you like Santa Cruz?????? Just the same riff for about 2 minutes
anyway, fatboy will damage aphex's ears with loops followed by flying LP's, but they are blocked by Aphex's intelligent and unpredictable drums and also some twisted vocal samples
yeh, though, fatboy's old stuff kicks ass, like song for lindy and everybody needs a 303. Some of his stuff on You've Come a Long way baby is also quite good.
from Milan on 2001-05-29 14:32 [#00007450]

09/06/2001 - Fatboy Slim will play in a discotheque here in Milan.
Naturally, I'll go to take a look, I'm curious to see what he is able to do.
The problem is that after I read this Topic when I'll see him I think I'll laugh a lot... Are you Fat Boy Slim? Yes? Ahahahahahaha...
I think Fat Boy Slim compared to Aphex Twin is only a "Funny Little Man".
wizards teeth
on 2001-05-29 14:40 [#00007452]

What "truth" is French Kissing a Horse / Crab not very Far from.
Does anyone like mouse on mars ?
I enjoy them more than Aphex Twin.
Mr Stoopid Hed
from Sumwear on 2001-05-29 14:49 [#00007455]

i fink fat boy slim wood kik afexs stoopid ass. haha. u gi's arr freeks.
fatboy slim iz fukkin in heven. fatboy slim iz fukkin in heven. fatboy slim iz fukkin in heven.
from perth on 2001-05-29 14:55 [#00007457]

nah i reckon some old fatboy slim is prtty good. its really easy to listne to. i always end up putting on better living when im drunk and i get home.
from New Zealand on 2001-05-29 17:38 [#00007471]

HorseCrab / HorseShoeCrab / High-Larious
from the uk on 2001-05-29 22:54 [#00007505]

i have mouse on mars audiotacker...
wizards teeth
on 2001-05-30 08:58 [#00007532]

What you mean, you have mouse on mars audio tracker ?
This sounds quite interesting
from a foxes wooden leg on 2001-05-30 22:05 [#00007546]

it's not audiotracker, it's audiotacker. it's a cd of theirs.
(it may be called arnold thatcher, but only by a blind equestrian in slacks of mouse hips, wizards teeth)
from can on 2001-05-30 23:57 [#00007571]

obviously fatboy slim would win! By ripping off various samples from anywhere he can, he would dice and chop aphex to pieces..while Aphex, the wank! Would use 'random beats' that would just make him look foolish ;)
from can on 2001-05-30 23:58 [#00007572]

wizards- MoM rules...good music, i think they're up there with afx definitely
from Lincoln on 2001-05-31 02:36 [#00007587]

LOL. You think Fatboy Chunky ass compares to AFX? let's just put it this way...one person sold his soul while the other one ate it.
from Australia on 2001-05-31 04:57 [#00007599]

I know that fatboy barely compares to AFX in talent or skill,... but I just like his sound,.. and It's not like he just popped up and tried to be heard,.. he's been in the music industry for quite some time,.. he just doesn't take it anywhere near as seriously as most IDM artists do,.. which is why his music is more mainstream,.. because he's not trying to make a new incredible sound,.. he just out to make some enjoyable music
And If you think he loops to much,.. take another listen,... there's often extra stuff added in each bar
from perth on 2001-05-31 07:52 [#00007612]

'sides, who cares is stuff loops anyway? its not like its criminal or anything. autechre loops a bit dont they? (i mean im not an autechre head so i wouldnt really know....)
its,,,yeah its just basic music to dance to...you dont have to concentrate at all to listen to it and sometimes that better. hence i always listen to that when im sloshed
from Melbourne, Australia on 2001-05-31 10:01 [#00007630]

How can u compare RDJ with Fatboy SLim? They r 2 completely different artists in opposite musical directions.
RDj has almost attainted God-like status in electronica music scene. BUT fatboy.. is like another commercial artist.
RDJ Kicks ass! Case closed!
on 2001-05-31 10:41 [#00007634]

Fatboy is Older and Considerably smellier than Dick, and I have heard that Fatboy writes all his songs sitting on the toilet playing sink the submarine. and thats just disturbing. while richard writes all his songs and sleeps for 2 minutes then wakes up for another day of making tunes.
from can on 2001-06-01 00:50 [#00007790]

Guys!! I was joking, hence the ;) i was actually taking a sarcastic piss on fatboy..the samples thing, he does that all the time..
from Greatest Hits on 2013-02-06 20:03 [#02448815]
Points: 25465 Status: Regular

while aphex fans are rabid and loyal, they are far outnumbered by fatboy slim fans. by 2132, when people are drunkenly swaying to "retrox" in da club, someone will yell over the dancefloor noise: "HAVE YOU HEARD OF APHEX TWIN" and then someone else will yell back "NO"
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