let's all guess what Phobiazero's mouth looks like! | xltronic messageboard
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let's all guess what Phobiazero's mouth looks like!

offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:04 [#00097698]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

i think it looks like this:

\ /

or one of these:

(.) (.)
( >)

(.) (.)
( >)

(.) (.)
( >)

who knows?


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:04 [#00097699]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

Is this really necessery?


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:05 [#00097700]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

my faces & mouths didn't turn out right!



offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:05 [#00097702]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker


it's verry necessery!


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:06 [#00097703]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker



offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:07 [#00097705]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular

Put [pre] before you do all that and [/pre] after.

BTW, dont *actually* use the square brackets, use the < and
> ones.


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:07 [#00097706]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular


o o


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:08 [#00097708]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular

or not.


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:08 [#00097709]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker



offline aperson from Brentwood, TN (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:11 [#00097712]
Points: 1134 Status: Lurker

test test

Does pre work?


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:11 [#00097713]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

[pre] <\___/> [/pre]
[pre] (.) (.) [/pre]
[pre] < " > [/pre]
[pre] 0 [/pre]

like this?


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:12 [#00097714]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

Maybe it's in the faq?


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:12 [#00097715]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

i think i did it wrong....


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:15 [#00097721]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

well, anyone else have any ideas?


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:16 [#00097724]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

not doing it again? I think that may do!

That may do nicely, indeed


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2002-02-23 00:17 [#00097727]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

He doesn't have a mouth it is all healed up like Neo's mouth
in the Matrix


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:20 [#00097731]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular

Try [tt].

do it like this:




Now, replace the [ ] with < >


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:20 [#00097732]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

i think i'll try one more time.....


<.> <.>
< " >



offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:22 [#00097736]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker



offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:22 [#00097737]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker


(.) (.)
( >)



offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:22 [#00097738]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

it's really small text now ?!



offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:22 [#00097739]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker



offline aron from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-23 00:23 [#00097740]
Points: 3756 Status: Lurker

heh, this topic is cool.


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:23 [#00097744]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

bla bla bla blabla blabla bla bla bla bla bla blabla blabla
bla blabla bla bla blabla blabla bla bla

WOW! Actually quite cool if you want to put secrets here...


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:25 [#00097747]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

how do you make your words small?


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:25 [#00097748]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

I haven't got a clue


offline Xanatos from New York City (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:26 [#00097749]
Points: 3316 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

e H
l I
s G


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:26 [#00097750]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

do this < tt > and close with < /tt >


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:27 [#00097752]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular

I like my small text, i bet no one can read this. You all
smell! hahaha!


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:27 [#00097753]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

He must have a mouth!


show everyone your mouth!

we demand to see it! shoe it or we'll burn you at the



offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:27 [#00097754]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular

arse didnt work


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:28 [#00097756]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

nope, Darth... but hell, you gave it your best shot!!!


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:29 [#00097759]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

i'm going to inject mashed potatoes into your bloodstream


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:29 [#00097760]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

how 'bout this



offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:30 [#00097762]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

thats big with the "".......


offline nacmat on 2002-02-23 00:30 [#00097763]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to whitehead: #00097756

what is your new pick?
how did the cd thing end?


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:31 [#00097766]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker



offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:32 [#00097767]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker


phiz's is cool.....


offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:32 [#00097768]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

it's my left eye and eyebrow, and a gratious shot of the
contents of my left nostril... and a little bit of my

Nothing yet on the cd... REFLEX is on it, he's the man with
the plan, the big cahuna... I have no say in this...

But i sent him a nice mail message, and am patiently
awaiting his answer...


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:34 [#00097770]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular

Phob, what happened to the font tag?

Why cannae we use it dammit!


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:35 [#00097772]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker



offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-23 00:36 [#00097774]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker




offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:38 [#00097776]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

lots and lots of freaks poking their heads round corners:O)


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-23 00:38 [#00097779]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

We need shots of EVERYONE'S mouths before we get to see our
leader's mouth.


offline BaronVonPickleF from United States on 2002-02-23 00:42 [#00097783]
Points: 688 Status: Regular

Uhhhh I don't have a mouth!!!!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!!!


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:43 [#00097784]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular



offline whitehead from Nicaragua on 2002-02-23 00:43 [#00097786]
Points: 384 Status: Lurker

sure you don't ;)


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:43 [#00097787]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular

thats me screaming, kids.


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:48 [#00097792]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

\ \\\\\\\\\\\


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-23 00:49 [#00097797]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

reminds me of Oliver Hardy


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