new autechre tracks leaked on soulseek!! | xltronic messageboard
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new autechre tracks leaked on soulseek!!

offline isnieZot from pooptown (Belgium) on 2005-02-07 15:03 [#01490638]
Points: 4949 Status: Lurker

I already downloaded two of them.
this is sick shit. I uploaded them to my webspace. check it


offline oyvinto on 2005-02-07 15:04 [#01490639]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

yeah right


offline r40f from qrters tea party on 2005-02-07 15:05 [#01490643]
Points: 14210 Status: Regular

this is by far the worst music they have ever made.


offline Aesthetics from the IDM Kiosk on 2005-02-07 15:06 [#01490645]
Points: 6796 Status: Lurker | Followup to isnieZot: #01490638

har har


offline welt on 2005-02-07 15:06 [#01490647]
Points: 2036 Status: Lurker

i had to laugh when i clicked on the first mp3 even though
it wasnt funny.


offline cygnus from nowhere and everyplace on 2005-02-07 15:06 [#01490649]
Points: 11920 Status: Regular

that is not ae sorry


offline welt on 2005-02-07 15:07 [#01490650]
Points: 2036 Status: Lurker

well, somehow it is funny.


offline donaldfrog from Höhle (Greenland) on 2005-02-07 15:08 [#01490651]
Points: 25 Status: Lurker

i love it


offline ecnadniarb on 2005-02-07 15:08 [#01490652]
Points: 24804 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

Pretending to link illegal MP3's whilst having a shit avatar
= B8.


offline ecnadniarb on 2005-02-07 15:08 [#01490653]
Points: 24804 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

But those samples are brilliant...I hope the whole album is
like that.


offline r40f from qrters tea party on 2005-02-07 15:09 [#01490655]
Points: 14210 Status: Regular | Followup to ecnadniarb: #01490653

it is. the whole album is like that. i sent you the
advance copy this morning. watch for it in the post.



offline oyvinto on 2005-02-07 15:10 [#01490658]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

this is really untilted atleast


offline FlyAgaric from the discovery (Africa) on 2005-02-07 15:12 [#01490661]
Points: 5776 Status: Regular

im so getting this album.


offline AlbertoBalsalm from Reykjavík (Iceland) on 2005-02-07 15:15 [#01490663]
Points: 9459 Status: Lurker

this easily tops vietrmx21. no contest


offline rezpeni on 2005-02-07 15:21 [#01490673]
Points: 333 Status: Lurker

Anyone want to make a website with me that chronicles all
the awful Ae and Aphex fakes?


offline oyvinto on 2005-02-07 15:22 [#01490676]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Followup to rezpeni: #01490673 | Show recordbag

good luck


offline r40f from qrters tea party on 2005-02-07 15:25 [#01490682]
Points: 14210 Status: Regular | Followup to rezpeni: #01490673

instead of a site dedicated to the fakes, we should all make
our own fake autechre and aphex tracks. if we get one track
from every electronica artist in the world that represents
what they think the new autechre album will sound like, the
odds are that eventually someone will make one of the actual
tracks exactly as it appears on the upcoming album, thereby
making a real fake. brilliant idea, rezpeni!


offline oyvinto on 2005-02-07 15:27 [#01490687]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Followup to r40f: #01490682 | Show recordbag

haha, good idea!


offline pf from Finland on 2005-02-07 15:28 [#01490690]
Points: 3316 Status: Lurker | Followup to AlbertoBalsalm: #01490663

its some commondore shit.


offline rezpeni on 2005-02-07 15:37 [#01490705]
Points: 333 Status: Lurker

I just remember somebody doing a whole fake Ae album back on
Napster days 2001. So funny :)


offline AlbertoBalsalm from Reykjavík (Iceland) on 2005-02-07 15:41 [#01490715]
Points: 9459 Status: Lurker | Followup to rezpeni: #01490705

i think i have that. it's called confield right?

i kid i kid!


offline furoi from Udine (Eriko Sato's undies) (Italy) on 2005-02-07 15:58 [#01490734]
Points: 1706 Status: Lurker

well i remember i downloaded draf 7.30...the tracks were the
same of the real release excep the last.

i'm just curious...anyone can confirm something like that?


unreleased track wohoooo lol


offline boobah from pants on 2005-02-07 16:36 [#01490804]
Points: 613 Status: Lurker

omg I am so buying this album !

I also like to drink bleach.


offline Raz0rBlade_uk on 2005-02-07 16:38 [#01490805]
Points: 12540 Status: Addict | Followup to isnieZot: #01490638 | Show recordbag

this is a good way of getting people to listen to your own
music. I guess it's not ae of course because it sounds
nothing like them!


offline isnieZot from pooptown (Belgium) on 2005-02-07 16:44 [#01490817]
Points: 4949 Status: Lurker

yeah you're all laughing now. just wait when it's released.
you'll see I was right.


offline oyvinto on 2005-02-07 16:46 [#01490820]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

yeah right


offline hobbes from age on 2005-02-07 16:46 [#01490821]
Points: 8168 Status: Lurker

I'm not laughing!


offline stilaktive from a place on 2005-02-07 16:46 [#01490824]
Points: 3162 Status: Lurker

i was wrong you mean


offline rezpeni on 2005-02-07 16:48 [#01490831]
Points: 333 Status: Lurker

Another annoying thing people did in Napster days was to
insert a fake track of random loud distortion in the Boards
of Canada live set floating around at the time. Bastards.


offline obara from Utrecht on 2005-02-07 17:27 [#01490923]
Points: 19361 Status: Regular



offline xf from Australia on 2005-02-07 20:50 [#01491066]
Points: 2952 Status: Lurker

haha this is like demoscene music made in modplug tracker or
something. gr8!


offline uviol from United States on 2005-02-07 21:06 [#01491070]
Points: 2496 Status: Lurker

I must say, this is an artistic direction I didn't forsee.


offline cygnus from nowhere and everyplace on 2005-02-07 21:27 [#01491077]
Points: 11920 Status: Regular | Followup to uviol: #01491070

you are kidding right


offline aquagak from Berlin (Germany) on 2005-02-07 21:32 [#01491080]
Points: 4397 Status: Regular | Followup to obara: #01490923

haha obara your avatar is scary


offline tallyho from Vladivostok (Russia) on 2005-02-07 21:34 [#01491081]
Points: 1300 Status: Lurker | Followup to uviol: #01491070

nobody did... even Ae themselves


offline uviol from United States on 2005-02-07 21:44 [#01491086]
Points: 2496 Status: Lurker | Followup to cygnus: #01491077

Haha.. yes, I'm kidding. :)


offline pachi from yo momma (United States) on 2005-02-07 21:45 [#01491087]
Points: 8984 Status: Lurker

I didn't click.

Even if the trax were actual Autechre, I prefer to wait
until the album is released this April and buy the CD. Gotta
extend my support yo.


offline mimi on 2005-02-07 21:59 [#01491090]
Points: 5721 Status: Regular

<---heartbroken after reading this thread


offline Matvey from Kiev (Ukraine) on 2005-02-08 00:53 [#01491119]
Points: 6851 Status: Regular

this is &nbnsp;


offline obara from Utrecht on 2005-02-08 03:33 [#01491153]
Points: 19361 Status: Regular | Followup to Matvey: #01491119

this is what ?


offline CS2x from London (United Kingdom) on 2005-02-08 09:04 [#01491408]
Points: 5079 Status: Lurker

this is &nbnsp;


offline Matvey from Kiev (Ukraine) on 2005-02-08 09:08 [#01491410]
Points: 6851 Status: Regular | Followup to obara: #01491153

nbnsp with a preceding "&" was quoted from random breasts
time thread initial message.

these leaked tracks are as much fun as they are annoying.


offline mappatazee from ¨y¨z¨| (Burkina Faso) on 2005-02-08 09:11 [#01491412]
Points: 14288 Status: Lurker | Followup to obara: #01491153

this is &nbnsp;


offline virginpusher from County Clare on 2005-02-08 09:16 [#01491417]
Points: 27326 Status: Lurker | Followup to mappatazee: #01491412

this is &nbnsp;


offline big from lsg on 2005-02-08 09:17 [#01491418]
Points: 23576 Status: Regular | Followup to obara: #01491153 | Show recordbag



offline pOgO from behind your belly button fluff on 2005-02-08 09:18 [#01491420]
Points: 12687 Status: Lurker



offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-02-08 09:20 [#01491427]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Followup to virginpusher: #01491417 | Show recordbag

this is &nbnsp;


offline Matvey from Kiev (Ukraine) on 2005-02-08 09:23 [#01491435]
Points: 6851 Status: Regular

this is also HA HA!


offline _awt_ from Malmö (Sweden) on 2005-02-08 09:28 [#01491447]
Points: 2202 Status: Regular | Followup to pOgO: #01491420

weird, i had a dream last night that i wrote
"awwww-tech-errrrrrrr" somewhere on the internet, i think it
was here but im not sure...

i just stoped and Whaat ?! when i saw that you had written
it, i guess it's not that weird but that i dreamt that last
night.. is kind of odd as I dont dream much.

Anyway, awwww-tech-errrrrrrr


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-02-08 09:29 [#01491448]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

this is also the time to bring up the Selected Ambient Works 3 sample
and the new boc.



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