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Ae - Untilted *tracklist*

offline nobsmuggler from silly mid-off on 2005-02-12 04:28 [#01496236]
Points: 6265 Status: Addict | Followup to qrter: #01496234

i couldnt give a fuck about this release


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 04:33 [#01496237]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to nobsmuggler: #01496236

I couldn't give a fuck about you not giving a fuck about
this release, etc. etc.


offline nobsmuggler from silly mid-off on 2005-02-12 04:40 [#01496239]
Points: 6265 Status: Addict | Followup to qrter: #01496237



offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 05:07 [#01496249]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to nobsmuggler: #01496239

it's all the IDM rotting my brains, I'm telling ya!


offline nobsmuggler from silly mid-off on 2005-02-12 05:17 [#01496253]
Points: 6265 Status: Addict | Followup to qrter: #01496249

i thought that IDM had been abandoned because aphex doesnt
make it anymore, just goes to show how wrong you can be :1


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 05:21 [#01496256]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to nobsmuggler: #01496253

Aphex only makes a lot of money, these days : 2


offline nobsmuggler from silly mid-off on 2005-02-12 05:27 [#01496262]
Points: 6265 Status: Addict | Followup to qrter: #01496256

i bet he does the same thing with analord as paul cook does
with god save the queen. whenever he become a bit short
cash, a copy will appear on ebay


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 05:29 [#01496264]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to nobsmuggler: #01496262

paul cook does that? ha ha!


offline cx from Norway on 2005-02-12 09:34 [#01496432]
Points: 4537 Status: Regular

qrter i care what the track titles are :S
a title can either make or break a song for me, seriously.


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 09:35 [#01496433]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to cx: #01496432

that's just silly!


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2005-02-12 09:36 [#01496434]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

it's 60% the title and 40% the actual music for me.


offline sneakattack on 2005-02-12 09:37 [#01496435]
Points: 6049 Status: Lurker | Followup to cx: #01496432

HHAHAHAHAAHHAHA you're the one who started the snares thread
yesterday! HAhahahah now I understand


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 09:37 [#01496436]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to tolstoyed: #01496434

you're fooling noone!


offline mrgypsum on 2005-02-12 09:40 [#01496437]
Points: 5103 Status: Lurker

for me its, 0% tracks titles 100% the music, and anyway,
thats why we all know what the track titles are, because it
means nothing - we only get to know nothing.


offline sneakattack on 2005-02-12 09:45 [#01496439]
Points: 6049 Status: Lurker | Followup to mrgypsum: #01496437

What? We use them as identifiers. Would you rather we gave
descriptions for everything? "Yeah, you know, the blippy
one, I think it's third on the fourth album.. err, unusual
drum loop.. stuff"


offline cx from Norway on 2005-02-12 09:46 [#01496440]
Points: 4537 Status: Regular

autechre tracklisting:
1. horse titties
2. ace dude!
3. applepie
4. omfg i love pizza
5. autechre rocks man!
6. omg thats a bigass tittie right there
7. word yo!
8. nigga please

now tell me, would you enjoy the ae album as much if it had
these titles?
i didnt think so


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 09:48 [#01496443]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to sneakattack: #01496439

I tend to forget them. I don't remember tracks by their
names either.

I mostly just remember the track number.

when I start a thread about a piece of music I mostly have
to look up the actual title - in that sense it's handy. but
it says nothing about the actual music for me.


offline mrgypsum on 2005-02-12 09:48 [#01496444]
Points: 5103 Status: Lurker | Followup to sneakattack: #01496439

what about track1, track2 etc? thats good enough for me


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 09:49 [#01496448]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to cx: #01496440

I honestly, with a hand on my heart, wouldn't give a fuck.

I might comment on how shitty the tracktitles are, but it
would not interfere whether with my possible appreciation of
the music.


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 09:50 [#01496449]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to qrter: #01496448

hand over my heart, maybe even.

depends on what I feel like.


offline sneakattack on 2005-02-12 09:52 [#01496451]
Points: 6049 Status: Lurker | Followup to mrgypsum: #01496444

but you missed my point. Then you have to memorize album
names, which you could argue similarly are equally

especially since most people download shit, you should shit


offline sneakattack on 2005-02-12 09:53 [#01496452]
Points: 6049 Status: Lurker | Followup to qrter: #01496448

I think I saw you on the street yesterday. Were you running
around with a set of hot dog links trailing out of your ass?


offline cx from Norway on 2005-02-12 09:53 [#01496454]
Points: 4537 Status: Regular

well qrter that i agree with, i can still enjoy a song no
matter what its called.
but like i said, its a little cooler when a song is properly
named also. just adds to the atmosphere ESPECIALLY for


offline sneakattack on 2005-02-12 09:54 [#01496457]
Points: 6049 Status: Lurker | Followup to cx: #01496454


augmatic disport

you people need to talk with your heads, not your asses.


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-02-12 09:57 [#01496458]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to sneakattack: #01496452

no I generally don't run.

the hotdogs bit could be true except they don't have those
outside of Armerircar.


offline mrgypsum on 2005-02-12 10:02 [#01496463]
Points: 5103 Status: Lurker | Followup to sneakattack: #01496451

i make no argument that its easier to keep track of the
music when you use actual names for the tracks, but i dont
take time to learn then, nor do i put importance on them,
for me its better with track numbers - and album titles i
could care less about as well. when i first buy an album i
will listen to it and then pick out the tracks i like, later
i might see that "pro radii" is the name of the track that i
like, but i usually dont care.


offline sneakattack on 2005-02-12 10:04 [#01496468]
Points: 6049 Status: Lurker | Followup to mrgypsum: #01496463

Well if you listen on your computer, then 'take time to
learn [the names]' is moot.


offline cx from Norway on 2005-02-12 10:05 [#01496472]
Points: 4537 Status: Regular

i guess i remember titles much easier because i either use
my ipod or my computer + winamp for listening.

see i rip my cd's into .wav's, and i listen to those.


offline mrgypsum on 2005-02-12 10:08 [#01496474]
Points: 5103 Status: Lurker | Followup to sneakattack: #01496468

when i am on my computer i am usually doing something, and
cant even listen to music, i can hear music, but i never
listen to it. do you get what i mean? usually i will load up
winamp with a bunch of stuff and just his play -
occasionally i will stop what i am going to listen, but
mostly its just background - now maybe this is different for
people who can listen and work, but i can only concentrate
fully on one thing at a time - i am a bad multitasker.


offline sneakattack on 2005-02-12 10:10 [#01496477]
Points: 6049 Status: Lurker | Followup to mrgypsum: #01496474

I seeee I'm always paranoid of my surroundings and keeping
track of way too many trivial things.


offline mrgypsum on 2005-02-12 10:14 [#01496481]
Points: 5103 Status: Lurker | Followup to sneakattack: #01496477

i can get lost on one thing - i tend to forgot about
everything else for instance, when i am on this board, i am
only on this board, i am not downloading nor listening to
music nor browsing the internet - occasionally i will stop
and check on some things but i get lost on the thing i am
doing. its funny, this happens with everything i do - i put
100% of my attention on one thing and totally blank
everything else out.


offline cx from Norway on 2005-02-12 10:18 [#01496485]
Points: 4537 Status: Regular

weird i usually do like 10 things at one time.
talking to some dude on irc, working on my website, listen
to music and browse around the internut.


offline mrgypsum on 2005-02-12 10:23 [#01496492]
Points: 5103 Status: Lurker | Followup to cx: #01496485

i cant, i try all of the time, but i just get side tracks by
one thing, i usually have to put something down and pick up
another thing, like i will have to close out the board -
and start studying or something, i can never multitask.


offline magicant from toronto (Canada) on 2008-01-11 04:29 [#02162468]
Points: 2451 Status: Regular

AHA! I found a thread where Phobiazero spreads false
information. He says "the trees" is D1, where it is actually
C3. "Sublimit" is D1.


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