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CD covers

offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2002-02-07 22:10 [#00082762]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Can anyone give me an URL of a good free CD cover creating
program they've used? Thanks.


offline Netlon Sentinel from eDe (Netherlands, The) on 2002-02-07 22:13 [#00082766]
Points: 4736 Status: Lurker

cd cover creating programme? huh? i'd like that too, but i
just use photoshop 6. :)


offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2002-02-07 22:17 [#00082774]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

I have one but it works crapply in XP, I need one that
prints it the exact size of a cd cover.


offline aperson from Brentwood, TN (United States) on 2002-02-07 22:18 [#00082775]
Points: 1134 Status: Lurker

Measure the CD, make an image that big at a really high PPI,
and voila.


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-07 22:25 [#00082779]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

Go to or search Morpheous for "Data Becker CD
LabelMaker". It's pretty good.


offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2002-02-07 22:37 [#00082800]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Cheers Ducksucker, I getting it now!


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-07 22:49 [#00082816]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

glad to help!

hope it works for ya!


offline ducksucker from A Fiery Hell (United States) on 2002-02-07 22:55 [#00082821]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

oh yeah, Ceri JC:
when you click on print, it's gonna ask you what kind of cd
label paper you have.
it's ok. just pick one of them and it'll still print out the
right size on reg. paper.


offline Jarworski from The Grove (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-07 23:35 [#00082873]
Points: 10836 Status: Lurker

Either that or go to CD Covers CC


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