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Martial Arts Anyone?

offline Chri5py from my Solarbear (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-07 12:31 [#00082154]
Points: 2903 Status: Lurker

What Martial Arts are you CURRENTLY studying at the

Please give the origin, grade list, how long you've been
doing it, what the art is based on and what teqniques the
art mainly uses.

I'm really interested to know!!!
I'll post mine later.


offline nacmat on 2002-02-07 12:34 [#00082156]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

I am into tv watchin-yao tse
and also into Message tli -board zsu wou

in both I am a master... try not to encounter me cos I am a
killing machine
seriously: I know nothing about martial arts but I like
FLAMENCO and you would too


offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2002-02-07 13:02 [#00082172]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

I was until very recently doing Dragon Style Kung-fu. My
university decided to put lectures till 8.00pm on both
nights I do kung-fu. I could go to Wing-Chun on wednesday,
but I've tried that and don't think it's as good.

There wasn't a grading system (never has been for Dragon
style) until last year and for various reasons I missed the
one grading my club did. I'd describe myself as one stage up
from beginner.

The main techniques invlove punching, counter-attacks and
moving in a way that is dis-orientating for the opponent.

I'll probably take up a new martial art in July and come
back to Dragon kung-fu in my final year here.

Nacmat: Since learning martial art forms, my ability to pick
up pick up dance routines has improved, if you're good at
flamenco, I expect you'd learn the forms of a martial art
quite quickly.
My kung-fu syllabus includes Lion dancing (think of those
Chinese dragons at Chinese new year), but I haven't done any


offline Chri5py from my Solarbear (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-07 14:32 [#00082209]
Points: 2903 Status: Lurker | Followup to Ceri JC: #00082172

Cool man

I study Lau Gar style Kung Fu. Being a Southern Chinese
style of Kung fu, it's mainly hand techniques. Many Punches,
kicks, blocks with counter attacks, set movements, walking
techniques, sticking hands, knife defences, stick attacks
and hardly any sparing.

It's all about balance and weight distribution, speed and
quantity over strength and it uses many animal forms such as
leapord punches, dragon punches (not Ryu!), horse stances,
snake forms and tiger claws.

Grades from none, white, blue, orange, green, yellow,
purple, brown then Black. After black is a whole world of
options. I've been studying for 4 & 1/2 years now and I'm
only up to Green. It's a tough martial Art and has a high
drop out rate. People who have studied other arts cant stand
the constant practising and refining of techniques and
always want to fight and spar. They dont last long....

It's great fun and I really want to teach it some day!

Anyone else?


offline hevquip from megagram dusk sect (United States) on 2002-02-07 21:00 [#00082679]
Points: 3370 Status: Regular

i took tae kwon do for 9 years, but i quit 2 years ago. i'm
rather busy right now, but i'm going to find the time to
take 10 and 12 animal style kung fu and maybe some shaolin


offline GIR from Easton on 2002-02-07 21:03 [#00082682]
Points: 828 Status: Addict

i was in taw kwon do for about 2 years

and i think i stopped at purple or blue...i think blue was
the next one.


offline hevquip from megagram dusk sect (United States) on 2002-02-07 21:05 [#00082684]
Points: 3370 Status: Regular

i like southern kung fu styles, but because i'm so tall and
have long legs, i'd be really great at a northern one. i
really like jeet kune do. there's no classes around here for
it. i get books from the library and read up on it alot


offline aron from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-07 21:06 [#00082686]
Points: 3756 Status: Lurker

i used to be in tae kwon do.
i am the matial arts masta!


offline Limes from Huntington Beach (United States) on 2002-02-07 21:23 [#00082705]
Points: 9 Status: Lurker

Aikido and Aikijujitsu,. Since I was 20, now 28.

The system I have been studying for Aikido and Aikijujitsu
is traditional form from Hombu Dojo (The founder - Morehei
Ueshiba created it). I am currently Sankyu (3rd level of
12). This is a life long martial art, so it takes a very
long time to attain higher levels. Locks, throws, pins, and
other forms of grappling are involved. Considered a
soft-internal martial art. The manipulation of Ki (your own
and your opponents) is central. It is reffered to as the Art
of Peace - Way of Harmony.


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2002-02-07 21:26 [#00082707]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

I used to do Lau Gar Kung Fu and got a Yellow sash. But I
gave up because it didn't stop me getting beaten up, it just
made it more soul destroying knowing I had gone to classes
for five years.


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