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Analord 10 Released!

offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 08:26 [#01428551]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker | Followup to Vin3islih: #01428546

we don't know.


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2004-12-17 08:30 [#01428554]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular | Followup to Vin3islih: #01428546

that makes no sense whatsoever. what the fuck are you
talking about? i know theyre not fake as i leaked them


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2004-12-17 08:38 [#01428564]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

if those werent fake i wont even buy the cd


offline Quernstone from Padova (Italy) on 2004-12-17 08:52 [#01428584]
Points: 1826 Status: Regular

What about press promos etc. Leaks happen all the time like


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2004-12-17 08:54 [#01428586]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular

he's just got 24,000 pounds w/o any promotion, do you think
he will bother? i wouldn't


offline Fuckwagon from Dallas (United States) on 2004-12-17 09:10 [#01428635]
Points: 1304 Status: Lurker

an inside source that's been right before says:

"buy the new Aphex twin, I would if i was you. Why? [ well]
thaqts very somple. THe quyality of tha acid is [be]yound
anything you have heard yto date, itys a combination of 2
years back on teh completely analogue systems with no
cimp[puiter si invokved abnd its harder anbd better thant
this side of billingsgate market, ythat mucg ull telll you
for free. "

-philie t, manor boyz


offline Vin3islih from United Kingdom on 2004-12-17 09:15 [#01428644]
Points: 1066 Status: Regular

I think u answered my question, thanks. Noone's heard
Analord then.


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2004-12-17 09:16 [#01428649]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to Fuckwagon: #01428635

good old phillie t.

reading that text just gave me a headache.


offline virginpusher from County Clare on 2004-12-17 09:18 [#01428651]
Points: 27326 Status: Lurker | Followup to qrter: #01428649

I thought he typed better than that in the past.


offline Fuckwagon from Dallas (United States) on 2004-12-17 09:24 [#01428658]
Points: 1304 Status: Lurker

thaf was yme fat-fingering [the] quote soriy


offline dariusgriffin from cool on 2004-12-17 09:28 [#01428662]
Points: 12288 Status: Regular | Followup to Fuckwagon: #01428635

No cimp[puiter si invokved? I'm convinced, thank you so much
philie t.


offline PigeonSt from Detroit on 2004-12-17 10:47 [#01428796]
Points: 1780 Status: Regular

I must say. I've just read this entire thread. Very
entertaining, good job to you all.

as far as analord goes, most of the 800 some orders are
fakes, apparently


offline virginpusher from County Clare on 2004-12-17 11:42 [#01428884]
Points: 27326 Status: Lurker | Followup to PigeonSt: #01428796

:D!! hahaahh!

Are you serious?


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 11:43 [#01428886]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker


Attached picture


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-12-17 11:44 [#01428893]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator that burger real!!??


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 11:47 [#01428900]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker | Followup to tolstoyed: #01428893

yeah, that's pomme last week down at gribble's burger

he ate the whole thing, plus a bannana split.

Big ups pommey!


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-12-17 11:49 [#01428905]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator | Followup to epohs: #01428900

i take helmets are obligatory in that place?


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2004-12-17 11:51 [#01428912]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular

i take it being fat is obligatory in that place


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2004-12-17 11:52 [#01428914]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to tolstoyed: #01428905

it's to keep his brain in.


offline CS2x from London (United Kingdom) on 2004-12-17 11:56 [#01428921]
Points: 5079 Status: Lurker

I want to know someone's opinion on the music.

And the price is ridiculous for the amount of music on the
release; two acid tracks for £40? Give me a break.


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 11:58 [#01428924]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker | Followup to tolstoyed: #01428905

yeah, most people pass out when they're finished. in fact,
that's how you know they're done.


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2004-12-17 11:59 [#01428926]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular

if you can afford to live in london you can afford that


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-12-17 12:00 [#01428928]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator | Followup to epohs: #01428924

hahahaha...i was thinking in case you accidently get one of
those on your head. makes more sense what you say though :)


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-12-17 12:00 [#01428929]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator | Followup to earthleakage: #01428926

maybe that's the reason he can't afford it.


offline Fuckwagon from Dallas (United States) on 2004-12-17 12:26 [#01428980]
Points: 1304 Status: Lurker

goddam the pickles on top of that burger are cracking me up


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 12:37 [#01429004]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

I <3 my new desktop


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-12-17 12:39 [#01429009]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

i wonder why there's all that water on the table - to bath
after he's finished?


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 12:40 [#01429012]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker | Followup to tolstoyed: #01429009

it's drool from where he was waiting for his
scrumdillyumptious burger to arrive.


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-12-17 12:41 [#01429014]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

haha :)


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 12:41 [#01429017]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

it's gonna be awesome the first time one of my clients
notice the picture on my desktop.


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-12-17 12:43 [#01429022]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator | Followup to epohs: #01429017

are you going to lie to them ,that was you two years ago?


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 12:44 [#01429024]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker | Followup to tolstoyed: #01429022

i'm going to tell them to quit giggling at my first born.


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 12:45 [#01429027]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

"little tyke's got an apatite like his old man." *rubs


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-12-17 12:45 [#01429029]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

hahaha. naturally people will belive it.


offline virginpusher from County Clare on 2004-12-17 12:49 [#01429040]
Points: 27326 Status: Lurker | Followup to epohs: #01429004

ahahah! You are so vintage!


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2004-12-17 12:52 [#01429052]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to virginpusher: #01429040



offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2004-12-17 12:55 [#01429067]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular

he's really old


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2004-12-17 12:56 [#01429070]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular



offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2004-12-17 12:57 [#01429073]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

I guess so.

it would explain a couple of things.


offline dog_belch from Netherlands, The on 2004-12-17 13:03 [#01429098]
Points: 15098 Status: Addict | Show recordbag

i like the big bog roll on hand for the inevitable prolapse.


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-12-17 13:26 [#01429155]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator | Followup to : #01429153

you are at most welcome.

what's that to you?


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 13:28 [#01429163]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

oh man, doing a google image search on prolapse is even
worse than i thought it would be.



offline Fuckwagon from Dallas (United States) on 2004-12-17 13:39 [#01429200]
Points: 1304 Status: Lurker

best thread hijacking ever . . . that dude eating that
burger is now more important than analord


offline dog_belch from Netherlands, The on 2004-12-17 13:51 [#01429224]
Points: 15098 Status: Addict | Followup to Fuckwagon: #01429200 | Show recordbag

Nothing's more important than Analord, NOTHING! This is
the release that will resucitate music and make life
worth listening to again. I just KNOW these will be
the best bits of vinyl of the 21st Century.


offline Brisk from selling smack at the orphanage on 2004-12-17 14:23 [#01429304]
Points: 4667 Status: Lurker

I bought it. I also pre-ordered the new 7x7" Rhythm & Sound
boxset from Burial Mix. Its gonna be a very happy vinyl new
year I think.


offline weatheredstoner from same shit babes. (United States) on 2004-12-17 14:28 [#01429316]
Points: 12585 Status: Lurker



offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 14:30 [#01429324]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker | Followup to weatheredstoner: #01429316

ah yes, who could forget that old cliché


offline epohs from )C: on 2004-12-17 14:30 [#01429325]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker


I love ass burger.


online recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2004-12-17 19:57 [#01429585]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict


YEAH i got the emule like a week ago

40 dollars maybe but 40 gbh?
i dont know

i just dont know


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2004-12-17 21:19 [#01429610]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to dog_belch: #01429224

it will make life worth listening to?



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