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offline horsefactory from 💠 (United Kingdom) on 2004-10-28 09:37 [#01374950]
Points: 14867 Status: Regular

Is "Which one is your fav LP released by Plaid?"

This poll ends on November 03th.

Thak you!


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-10-28 09:38 [#01374954]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular

i do not like plaid music!! laptops rule!


offline horsefactory from 💠 (United Kingdom) on 2004-10-28 09:39 [#01374958]
Points: 14867 Status: Regular

Pich pone pis pour pav LP peleased by Plaip?


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-10-28 09:39 [#01374959]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

i was the 1st one to vote.


offline mappatazee from ¨y¨z¨| (Burkina Faso) on 2004-10-28 09:39 [#01374961]
Points: 14285 Status: Lurker

who the hell voted for spokes? nobody ever talks about it or
when they do they say they don't like it


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-10-28 09:39 [#01374962]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular | Followup to horsefactory: #01374958




offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-10-28 09:40 [#01374965]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular

JAroen *compilation*


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2004-10-28 09:41 [#01374966]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

prest proof plockworks


offline Dannn_ from United Kingdom on 2004-10-28 10:32 [#01375067]
Points: 7877 Status: Lurker

Why is the poll question always so horribly phrased?


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-10-28 10:33 [#01375070]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

it's called italian english.


offline stilaktive from a place on 2004-10-28 10:33 [#01375071]
Points: 3162 Status: Lurker

plaid rapes all, its the most visual music ive heard in a
while. and also i commented about it on my syneasthsia (?)

erm. it would be spokes for me


offline deepspace9mm from filth on 2004-10-28 10:39 [#01375073]
Points: 6846 Status: Addict

Which one is your fav LP released by Plaid?

1] - Not for Threes (1997) (7)
2] - Rest Proof Clockwork (1999) (7)
3] - Double Figure (2001) (7)
4] - Spokes (2004) (8)
5] - Trainer (2000) *compilation* (2)
6] - Parts in the Post (2003) *compilation* (2)
7] - I do not like Plaid music (6)
8] - Burgherking (1343534576)


offline evolume from seattle (United States) on 2004-10-28 10:54 [#01375084]
Points: 10965 Status: Regular | Followup to mappatazee: #01374961

i like spokes but it' ain't my favorite!


offline nacmat on 2004-10-28 11:13 [#01375111]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

spokes might be might less fav but I like it


offline Morton from out (Netherlands, The) on 2004-10-28 11:15 [#01375114]
Points: 10000 Status: Addict

spokes is the only interesting release imo


offline nacmat on 2004-10-28 11:34 [#01375125]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to Morton: #01375114

but your opinion means nothing as you are just a human
project inside an utero


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-10-28 11:35 [#01375127]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

haha oh man...


offline nacmat on 2004-10-28 11:36 [#01375129]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

anyway I d like to say that i love these las polls woofer is
doing... (squarepusher and plaid)


offline FlyAgaric from the discovery (Africa) on 2004-10-28 11:49 [#01375151]
Points: 5776 Status: Regular

yes, they are very thought provoking


offline uzim on 2004-10-28 12:10 [#01375179]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

i only have Double Figure, Spokes and Not For Threes... my
favourite being Not For Threes.

i have two tracks off Trainer and they're great, though


offline nacmat on 2004-10-28 12:11 [#01375180]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to FlyAgaric: #01375151

well, I like these polls, cos they make me wanna listen to
those artists


offline uzim on 2004-10-28 12:11 [#01375181]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

there should always be a "haven't heard them all" option on
this kind of polls!


offline FlyAgaric from the discovery (Africa) on 2004-10-28 12:19 [#01375186]
Points: 5776 Status: Regular | Followup to nacmat: #01375180

i have no beef with the polls. it's difficult to choose a
favorite. "double figure" should win this one.


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