Layed back piano jazz????? | xltronic messageboard
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Layed back piano jazz?????

Baron Von Picklefoot from From my "Special" place on 2002-01-15 08:57 [#00070111]

Anyone of any chilled piano jazz??????something for those
late night smoke filled rooms!!!!!!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!!!


titsworth_courier from washington, dc on 2002-01-16 04:35 [#00070512]

brad mehldau 'art of the trio' series


rF from inside a speaker column on 2002-01-16 05:54 [#00070530]

well i have a song thats kinda lounge-jazz-impro-ish..
click 'jazz'.. runs in winamp (xm)


Pusher of the Square from mars on 2002-01-16 06:00 [#00070532]

Hmmmm...... Try Alec Empires Destroyer, that should be
soothing. Or perhaps some polka. These I hear are very
soothing and relaxing



od from perth on 2002-01-16 07:17 [#00070539]

cell - zigzag


Aron? from Canada on 2002-01-16 07:25 [#00070540]

i second that.
wicked song.
super fucking catchy.


balthus from europe on 2002-01-16 10:22 [#00070593]

paul bley... the greatest living jazz pianist. for late
night smoke filled rooms the baron has to check out paul
bley's (& gary peacock's and paul motian's) 'not two, not
one'. one of the best albums.


balthus from europe on 2002-01-16 10:22 [#00070594]

paul bley... the greatest living jazz pianist. for late
night smoke filled rooms the baron has to check out paul
bley's (& gary peacock's and paul motian's) 'not two, not
one'. one of the best albums.


balthus from europe on 2002-01-16 10:29 [#00070596]

and there's a short but beautiful piano jazz track on tom
waits' 'swordfishtrombones'... 'rainbirds'.


The_Funkmaster from Newfoundland, Canada on 2002-01-16 12:04 [#00070653]

yeah I really would like some piano jazz... like say some
Thelenious Monk or something... Jazz piano is excellent!!!


chapman from uk on 2002-01-16 12:09 [#00070662]

jazz club.



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