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what is idm?

wht from europe on 2001-12-30 21:51 [#00065048]

i'm sorry i don't know your lingo...

so what does IDM mean?


The_Funkmaster from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-30 22:13 [#00065056]

Intelligent Dance Music... it's a stupid label though...


i don't know on 2001-12-30 22:15 [#00065057]

I is for intelligent.... D= dance... M is for muzak...in
other words... its pretentious elitist pseudo-house or
hip-hop music that people would never, ever actually dance
in a club if it was actually being played by the DJ. we are
better than you, whoever you are. most of the people here
still have their mommies cook them dinner and wash their
clothes. the typical listens to this genre through mp3s on
their computer, never actually even hearing the bass that
might attempt to shake your booty. most IDM-ers listen to
one mp3 from an album, then decide that it is the worse shit
they have ever heard, or the greatest thing since
microwaving food to death. most IDM-ers also have a porn


zetre on 2001-12-30 22:34 [#00065063]

that was fun


Rob.E. from London on 2001-12-30 22:59 [#00065065]

By god, your right about the porn addiction.....}:>


PornAddict on 2001-12-31 09:34 [#00065128]

right on target


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