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drukqs pronounciation

diego from belgium on 2001-11-23 11:26 [#00054877]

So how do you think Druqks is supposed to be pronounced?
I read in one article it's just like 'drugs', like I assumed
it to be, but I read in another magazine it's "druk-qs",
i.e. "drug use".


Chrispy from UK on 2001-11-23 11:29 [#00054878]

I'll try and be the first...

Drukqs = Druk Use


Netlon Sentinel from yurp on 2001-11-23 11:31 [#00054879]

nah, i just say drugs. easier in conversations ;)


Chrispy from UK on 2001-11-23 11:41 [#00054884]

same... Druk's/Drukqs sounds like drugs...

I told my boss I was going into town to get drugs... :)


phunqie from munich on 2001-11-23 13:13 [#00054922]

druk Q's


Xanatos from NYC on 2001-11-23 18:18 [#00055033]

There is no G anywhere in the pronunciation. I guess its
funny, but RDJ has said specifically it has nothing to do
with drugs. Explain how "Druq Ks" sounds like Drug Use?
There is no G and there is no Yu sound. If that's how you
are going to break it down it would sound liks Druk Kis. I
just pronounce it druks.


teapot / vi scose poise / the rubbber bandit on 2001-11-24 03:58 [#00055150]

i just say Dru-Cues


The_Funkmaster from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-24 04:02 [#00055152]

I think it's pronounced Dr. Ukqs... goodness, I find it
amazing that no one else has thought of that...


teapot / vi scose poise on 2001-11-24 04:04 [#00055154]

my god, the lad has a point


Aron? from Canada on 2001-11-24 04:08 [#00055158]

i say druks


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