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dont you just love work

offline i_x_ten from arsemuncher on 2003-09-22 16:07 [#00873869]
Points: 10031 Status: Regular | Followup to promo: #00873856

i never said i was talking about the 3rd world did i? a lot
of what i said is relevant to our so called "economically
developed" world.

take america for example. healthcare over there is all
private. it is a priviledge, not a right. therefore, you'd
have to work to ensure you get healthcare. are you saying
that someone who is not prepared to work has no right to
live? are you putting a value on human life? the point i'm
making is very relevant to western society. this is just one


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2003-09-22 16:11 [#00873874]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

come to Canada... we have free health care... I really love
Canada, it's the best plae to live! :)


offline Anus_Presley on 2003-09-22 16:13 [#00873878]
Points: 23472 Status: Lurker | Followup to The_Funkmaster: #00873874

yeah if you arre canadian and know no betterr.


offline i_x_ten from arsemuncher on 2003-09-22 16:15 [#00873884]
Points: 10031 Status: Regular | Followup to The_Funkmaster: #00873874

heh, canada is like one of the few countries that doesn't
seem fucked up. and michael moore seems to love you guys.


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2003-09-22 16:16 [#00873887]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

Canada is pretty great... lived here all my life...
obviously there's bad points, as there are in any place, but
I must say it's a pretty damn good place to live...


offline deepspace9mm from filth on 2003-09-22 16:17 [#00873892]
Points: 6846 Status: Addict

I'd guess that a lot of the "unheeding spirit" here comes
from a few slivers of conscience about working for people
who treat you (and many others domestically and in the 3rd
world) like shit to be wiped off their boot. I have no
problem with a work ethic when it's for a goal that doesn't
fuck a large proportion of the world over in pursuit of $$$.


offline Anus_Presley on 2003-09-22 16:19 [#00873899]
Points: 23472 Status: Lurker

yes actually Canada does seem like a prretty cool place to
live. i have rrelatives therre so they say, but I have
neverr met them. Funkmaster... uncle.


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2003-09-22 16:20 [#00873902]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker | Followup to Anus_Presley: #00873899

my long lost nephew!!! Give me a hug man!!


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2003-09-22 16:28 [#00873911]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

odd you two are related and dont share double r thing...


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2003-09-22 18:10 [#00874047]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker | Followup to tolstoyed: #00873911

yeah, weirrd!


offline TonyFish from the realm of our dreams on 2003-09-22 18:13 [#00874054]
Points: 3349 Status: Lurker | Followup to deepspace9mm: #00873864

quite take nike for instance - discusting


offline promo from United Kingdom on 2003-09-22 18:48 [#00874104]
Points: 4227 Status: Addict

Discusting? You dissing custard?


offline TonyFish from the realm of our dreams on 2003-09-23 02:32 [#00874401]
Points: 3349 Status: Lurker

clever promo.


offline Morton from out (Netherlands, The) on 2003-09-23 02:53 [#00874404]
Points: 10000 Status: Addict

it's so funny to see how promo always ruins nice discussions
with his righties opinions, it's not even the sillyness of
these thoughts but rather the offensive way in which they
are brought.

..wait: Lol.


offline TonyFish from the realm of our dreams on 2003-09-23 04:01 [#00874456]
Points: 3349 Status: Lurker | Followup to Morton: #00874404

lol indeed


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2003-09-23 06:39 [#00874574]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular | Followup to Morton: #00874404

ah leave him, he'll get over it

it only lasts till a certain age you know


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