from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-26 18:29 [#00837728]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker

i guess i must be thinking too much cause i've got a game for you. the award is satisfaction. i give you the text in my native language and you have to translate it. the technique is freestyle, you can even guess or use a dictionary (if you find it anyway) or even ask other polishman. here we go:
S¹dzê, ¿e xltronic jest naprawde dobrym pomys³em. I dalej ju¿ nie wiem co mam napisaæ bo jest póŸno i wyczerpa³y mi siê pomys³y. Jeœli czyta to jakiœ Polak to pozdrowienia ;)
End Waiting for texts in your not well known languages too...
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-26 18:30 [#00837731]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker

Rewritten without polish letters: Sadze, ze xltronic jest naprawde dobrym pomyslem. I dalej juz nie wiem co mam napisac bo jest pozno i wyczerpaly mi sie pomysly. Jesli czyta to jakis Polak to pozdrowienia ;)
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-26 18:36 [#00837734]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker

ok. i'm going to bed now. hoping silly topic will cause any answers.
from United Kingdom on 2003-08-26 18:50 [#00837741]
Points: 7877 Status: Lurker

"I suppose xltronic is not good for ??? Yet you have got what I have written down... It is not late and you and me have exhausted ??? Supposing somebody reads this, thank you."
Well I didnt really get the general meaning at all.
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-26 18:59 [#00837746]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker | Followup to Dannn_: #00837741

wow. you were really good! you have guessed few words but meanings of sentences are not exactly precise, although they are really close.
guessed words: write, late, it is, exhaust(ed), read, this
from United Kingdom on 2003-08-26 19:03 [#00837752]
Points: 7877 Status: Lurker

I dont know... it was the pomysly and pomyslem that lost me. I found one translation but it was 'coinage' and that doesnt seem to fit.
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-26 19:05 [#00837756]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker | Followup to Dannn_: #00837752

pomysly=pomyslem=POMYSL (just other inflections)
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-26 19:08 [#00837759]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker

aaah, maybe the text is too difficult
S M Pennyworth
from East Timor on 2003-08-26 19:09 [#00837761]
Points: 2196 Status: Lurker

kurrrak? who's in your avatar?
my guess is: "Yo, at Xltronic they do certain coinage, And they also provide the best porno in general plus coinage, Just because i'm polish i am also always asleep ;)"
S M Pennyworth
from East Timor on 2003-08-26 19:13 [#00837765]
Points: 2196 Status: Lurker

oh, and my submission: "Jag gillar inte Xltronic eller dom som hanger dar, dom pratar bara om musik och aldrig om strypsex eller jordnotsintolerans, vilket i och for sig ar bra for phobiazero, for da kan han vifta med sin flagga i 100 ar."
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-26 19:14 [#00837766]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker | Followup to S M Pennyworth: #00837761

far from it but interesting ;)
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-26 19:15 [#00837769]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker

after sleep i'm gonna solve this..zzzz now
broken phillip
on 2003-08-26 20:38 [#00837812]
Points: 828 Status: Lurker

"Sadze, ze xltronic jest naprawde dobrym pomyslem. I dalej juz nie wiem co mam napisac bo jest pozno i wyczerpaly mi sie pomysly. Jesli czyta to jakis Polak to pozdrowienia ;)
= "sorry to the xltronic jokers, but its nap time (time to have a sleep).
by dog speaks pommy-slang (english). i darlek (dr. who) juice no worms coz my mum says i gotta jump in my nap sack (sleeping-bag) because joker-pr0n is for sly englishmen.
jackies sister jessy drowned in powder. "
am i close : )
broken phillip
on 2003-08-26 20:40 [#00837816]
Points: 828 Status: Lurker

* my dog speaks pommy-slang (english).
* jackie's polish sister, jessy, drowned in powder.
w M w
from London (United Kingdom) on 2003-08-26 20:41 [#00837817]
Points: 21530 Status: Regular

there are online translators, but I'm too lazy to submit that text and click it because there are too many other competing memes trying to get my attention and most of them are retarded anyway.
from the dark side of the moon on 2003-08-27 04:13 [#00838142]
Points: 8670 Status: Lurker

i know it... hihi :)
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-27 04:56 [#00838208]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker | Followup to S M Pennyworth: #00837765

s m...what is your language?
from a blind nerves area (Switzerland) on 2003-08-27 04:59 [#00838217]
Points: 4904 Status: Regular

in french now : les filles sont courtisées par les démons et ne se font pas prier. Nues, insolentes et méchantes. Elles pourraient connaitre le secret de la vie, sans les paillettes, les plumes et la fourrure. sans les strings et les grosses voitures.
ce sont mes pensées du moment
from Melbourne (Australia) on 2003-08-27 05:01 [#00838219]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker

? ? xltronic ? ? ? ?. I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i ? ? ? ?. ? ? ? ? ? to ? ;) End
on 2003-08-27 05:03 [#00838224]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

the automatic translator gives:
"Saga, there is from (with) good xltronic naprawde pomyslem. And I do not know that mum further juz napisac because there is pozno and me wyczerpaly sie pomysly. It reads it greeting pole Jesli jakis; )"
yeaaahhhh... ^^
from Melbourne (Australia) on 2003-08-27 05:15 [#00838244]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker

this is an example of "labourer" speak, you often hear it coming form jobsites where brickies happily speak in their own native tongue, it supposodly has something to do with english, I can't see any resemblance
B = Bob, he's a bulder C = Charlie also a builder S = Shannon, The "skipper" or "boss"
B: "This fucking fucker's fucked" C: "Yeah mate, he's fucking lost the fucking plot" B: "did you hear about that fucking pauline hanson in fucking jail, that's fuckin politicians for ya"
C: "awwww they're playing some fucking aca daca on triple M!"
B: "well fucking turn it up mate" B+C+S: *singing "oooowwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhh thuuunnnnnddeeerrrsttrruucucckkk yeah yeah yeah thunnndddeeerrrsttuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkkk"
S: "time fer some tucker" B: "mate, me fucking chips are fucking cold"
C: "whoah, nice looking sheila" B: "mate" C: "maattteee!" S"listen mate, that there's my wife" B: "mate." S: "Nah Mate, I'was Just Fucking With Ya" B: "Mate!" S: "haha yeah,.. I wouldn't touch her with someone elses dick"
C: "Mate. If There's one thing I love more than pie's, it's the meat"
B: "Meat?" C: "Meat." B: "Maaaaate"
S: "Righto fuckers stop fucking about, there's fucking work and if we don't fucking do it we're fucked"
on 2003-08-27 05:16 [#00838246]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

glass_eater > "the girls are flattered by demons and doesn't require much persuading. naked, insolent and evil. they could know the secret of life, without the glitters, the feathers and the fur. without the strings and the big cars.
these are my thoughts at the moment."
> ne généralisons pas, non plus! toutes ne sont pas comme ça, loin s'en faut et heureusement; et moult mâles aussi se baignent dans la superficialité des biens matériels de ce bas monde, et obsédés par le sexe, le pouvoir, l'honneur, l'argent, la bière, le football et autres vanités du même acabit, n'atteignent pas plus la connaissance de ce "secret de la vie" dont vous parlez! mais, existe-t-il, ce secret, d'ailleurs? ne serait-ce point une sorte d'idéal dont beaucoup de gens parlent mais que personne n'a jamais vu ni ne peut prétendre être sûr de son existence? en effet, je crois, cher ami, que cette chose mystérieuse n'est que très subjective, floue (je n'irai pas jusqu'à dire totalement inexistante, mais presque), tel un spectre rassurant la population plutôt que la terrorisant... comme l'est peut-être (je dirais, probablement) aussi un hypothétique dieu. mais bien sûr, nul ne peut prétendre à la connaissance parfaite et totale, et je ne suis sûr de rien, c'est pourquoi je dirais que je n'ai jamais mangé d'ignames, est-ce que c'est bon pelé, saupoudré sucre de canne et arrosé coulis de framboises? non, certainement pas. pour en revenir à notre sujet, je dirais que les clichés associés aux hommes et aux femmes sont le plus souvent négatifs, et je préfère largement les personnes aux caractères individuels plus ou moins asexués voire hermaphrodites, d'ailleurs. ne nous conformons point aux vils clichés sexistes qui sévissent dans la médiocrité notoire notamment de certaines blagues empreintes de beauferie!! et mangeons des pêches, même si les ignames c'est peut-être bon, après tout.
on 2003-08-27 05:18 [#00838251]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

Refund > lol ^^
from Melbourne (Australia) on 2003-08-27 05:18 [#00838254]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker

I've actually heard someone say "time for tucker fucker"
why is this word so popular here?
on 2003-08-27 05:21 [#00838255]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

(oops... erratum: "arrosé de coulis de framboises", not "arrosé coulis de framboises". toutes mes excuses pour cet oubli verbial heurtant la grammaire de la phrase négligemment atteinte par cette omission de ma part.)
Dr Hab
from some place on 2003-08-27 05:24 [#00838261]
Points: 123 Status: Lurker

Hey Kurrrak!!! Read to translation, dudesky! "'Xltronic is a good thingy (with kind,good intentions)." and it`s goes like this, some stupid needless words of spam...
Dr Hab
from some place on 2003-08-27 05:27 [#00838264]
Points: 123 Status: Lurker

I understand Polish text.. But it`s so boring.. :(
from Melbourne (Australia) on 2003-08-27 05:28 [#00838265]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker

here's a rough translation
B: "look at that odd man" C: "I see, he is odd" B: "sis you see the news?" C: "ac/dc is on the radio" B: "I like that song" B+C+S: *singing along S: "Lunch time" B: "cold chips" C: "look at her, she is hot" B: "yep" C: "yeessssssss!" S: "excuse me, but that my wife" B: "sorry" S: "just kidding" B: "hahaha" S: "she's not my typa anyway" C: "I like the meat in the pie" B: "the meat in the pie?" C: "yes" B: "Agreed" S: "Righto, back to work, we have to get this done"
from a blind nerves area (Switzerland) on 2003-08-27 05:36 [#00838270]
Points: 4904 Status: Regular

loll nan c'était juste symbolique uzim, j'y crois pas vraiment, c'était pour voir si quelqu'un pourrait répondre en français !
hey on devrait communiquer en french plus souventm histoire de... :)
from a blind nerves area (Switzerland) on 2003-08-27 05:37 [#00838271]
Points: 4904 Status: Regular

les ignames c'est bon t'as raison
on 2003-08-27 05:44 [#00838277]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

j'ai jamais goûté... ^^ ça a quel goût?
(i never tasted yams... what does it taste like?)
from a blind nerves area (Switzerland) on 2003-08-27 05:55 [#00838290]
Points: 4904 Status: Regular

hey everyone wnats to make me feel bad about my avatar hey ?
pfff c'est assez sucré, un goût étonnant, pas loin des lichies..¨
ou as tu appris a parler français? a l'école? ou alors tu es français mais je crois pas me souvenir de ça... en tout cas c'est imptressionant, bravo mister !
from a blind nerves area (Switzerland) on 2003-08-27 06:01 [#00838297]
Points: 4904 Status: Regular

pour reparler de ce que j'ai dit, tu as raison, ce n'est pas le cas de toutes les miss je pense, mais j'ai été amoureux 3 fois dans ma vie, et les trois fois j'ai été vraiment surpris de découvrir à quelle point elles aimaient les situatons torturées... je crois pas que je donnerai ma confiance a quiconque avant un bon moment... un conseil : ne jamais dire ce qu'on ressent, les filles n'aiment pas entendre qu'on les aime, même si elles recherchent que ça... c'est étrange, mais la seule façon d'obtenir ce que l'on veut c'est faire semblant de rien rien rien rien de plus excitant...
je crois pas que les filles possèdent le savoir inné, la conscience absolue des choses, je pense qu'on possède tous ça o fond de nous, mais qu'en 2003 ça se remarque pas tellement :D
on 2003-08-27 06:12 [#00838311]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

si, je suis français en fait... =)
from a blind nerves area (Switzerland) on 2003-08-27 06:17 [#00838314]
Points: 4904 Status: Regular

lolllll ahahah bon alors je retie toutes mes louanges :D bhuahahaha cool uzim est français uzim is french haha ça laisse présager de bons moments de fun :)
from a blind nerves area (Switzerland) on 2003-08-27 06:18 [#00838315]
Points: 4904 Status: Regular

voulais dire, je retire toutes mes louanges lol
from a blind nerves area (Switzerland) on 2003-08-27 07:03 [#00838353]
Points: 4904 Status: Regular

et tu es d'où en France ? t'aimes bien Chirac et Rafarin ?
broken phillip
on 2003-08-27 08:17 [#00838493]
Points: 828 Status: Lurker | Followup to Refund: #00838254

lol i work in a warehouse.. get some very funny truckdrivers in.
and boy can they swear.. ------------------------------------
g'day mate how ya going..
see that cunt there, thats my new semi fucking trailer.. took the speed limita out the cunt the day i got it.. fuck she flies now mate.. ---------------------------------------- etxc etc....
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-27 09:43 [#00838570]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker | Followup to glass_eater: #00838353

glass i got sth like that: to speak again of what I said, you have reason, it is not the case of
all the misses I think, but I have été in love 3 times in my life,
and the three times I have été really surprised to découvrir Ã
which point they liked situatons them torturées... I do not believe
that I will give my confidence has whoever before a good moment... a
council: never not to say what one feels, the girls like to hear that
they are liked, même if they seek that ça... it is étrange, but
the façon to only obtain what one wants is to make pretence of
nothing nothing nothing nothing more exciting... I do not believe that
the girls possèdent the knowledge inné, the absolute conscience of
the things, I think that one possède all ça O melts of us, but
that in 2003 ça is not noticed so much
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-27 09:57 [#00838595]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker

uzim. i got this:
sprinkle raspberry purée all my excuses for this lapse of memory
verbial running up against the grammar of the sentence negligemment
reached by this omission of my leaves
which would mean: "Forgive me my exposed grammar weakness. it' because of my poor memory so take it into consideration."
Am i right?
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-27 10:01 [#00838600]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker

it was for the : ''toutes mes excuses pour cet oubli verbial heurtant la grammaire de la phrase négligemment atteinte par cette omission de ma part'' of course
on 2003-08-27 10:07 [#00838605]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

glass_eater > 1. en Alsace 2. pas vraiment, non... (pas du tout en fait.)
kurrak > erm, not exactly but yeah i guess ^^; "all apologies for this verbal omission, hurting the grammar of this sentence negligently affected by this omission i've comitted"
(it's not good english but it wasn't good french either. ^^)
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-08-27 10:09 [#00838608]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker

hah. i give up:)
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