from NYC on 2001-10-22 22:35 [#00044489]

Yea, Yea, I know, its a newbie program. But it seems to have pretty deep capabilities. I was wondering, if anyone really knows the limit to its power, could something like Aphex Twin - 4, really be created with fruityloops, it seems as though it would be possible with a lot of work, maybe not. If not, what are its limitations?
Secondly does anyone know where I can get a good tutorial for FL, online or otherwise, or if I really shouldn't shouldn't shouldn't be using Fruityloops, what other program should I be getting (that I can learn fast)?
from moon on 2001-10-22 22:38 [#00044490]

when you get good at that try reason. its a more profesional prog with better capabilities. if you have the know-how and patience you can do just about anything with it.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-22 22:39 [#00044492]

You couldn't make "Susudio" on it, that's for damn sure.
from moon on 2001-10-22 22:41 [#00044493]

yeah phill. you couldnt write 'i cant dance' and other hits on it either.
you child molesting, grammy winning fruit-boy!
from cornwall, ie: TTU on 2001-10-22 22:43 [#00044497]

oh no fruityloops isn't so much a newbie program... ok I guess it is. but really it kicks the ass of any hardware groove box, and it makes drum programming super easy. and yes technically it would be possible to do ... er what was it... aphex twin thing... yeah, it's really quite possible. I still use it, occasionally, and combined with acid it's really super. so go right ahead and loop your fruit!
from NYC on 2001-10-22 22:44 [#00044498]

Phil Collins: Susudio?
Helx: Do you think that FruityLoops experience will in any way prepare me to work with Reason?
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-22 22:45 [#00044500]

Fuck you, you cancer patient, they were 12 years old, that's almost 20.
from NYC on 2001-10-22 22:46 [#00044501]

if you want to say random shit try to be funny
from moon on 2001-10-22 22:46 [#00044502]

i dont prefer loop programs because there isnt much room for orriginality.
on reason you can build your own beats from scratch. i comes with drum machines synths and samplers. tons of effects.
delay. envolope. reverb. flanger. tons of mod wheels! and the step time system on it is super easy to use. i recomend it to anyone!
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-22 22:48 [#00044503]

It's too difficult to be funny, give me some tips.
from moon on 2001-10-22 22:49 [#00044505]

well i started out on acid. i used to brag so much, thinking i was making top shit. i used the 'i zoom in and chop up the beats to make them my own' excuse.
then my friend showed me reason. its more hands on and complicated, but i like the music ive made on reason better than anything i ever made on acid by 110%.
from usa on 2001-10-23 00:02 [#00044522]

ive heard amazing shit done on fruityloops but both that and reason are toys...be a real man and get buzz(its freeware too)
rediv i der
on 2001-10-23 00:32 [#00044524]

where can you download buzz?
on 2001-10-23 00:38 [#00044525]

use ur loaf
on 2001-10-23 00:51 [#00044526]

check buzz out at www.maz-sound.com...dont let its no so friendly interface fool you...learn to use the prog and thou shall be rewarded 10fold...its fucking amazing...about as experimental as it gets when it comes to music progs
from moon on 2001-10-23 03:49 [#00044546]

there is nothing on actual equipment that cant be duplicated on reason.
i will check out that prog you mentioned though!
from perth on 2001-10-23 03:50 [#00044547]

DblHeLX : just coz its loop based doesnt mean you cant write songs without things repeating.
on FL you can also build your own beats and you can download the samples of drum machines and use them (it used to come with an 808 pack, dunno if it still does)
there are tons of effects you can use on FL too. easily. VST plugins, sir.
if you BUY the program you get soem real nice ones free. and the recording system is a piece of piss to use aswell. you can edit it real easy and since its pattern based you can shift the tweaks to wherever you want em (ie if you wanna add an intro to the song after youve already done the tweaks) or repeat them when you want.
from moon on 2001-10-23 04:06 [#00044555]

wow, od, lets guess what you use! hehe just kidding, i know you use fruity loops, i still think your shit is tops. i use fruity loops to make breakbeats of drumloops i already made, its definately a great prog for that stuff.
from moon on 2001-10-23 04:08 [#00044556]

oh and that 'you want to cum grease on afx' line was funny as hell, od!
stay clever.
from NYC on 2001-10-23 05:23 [#00044590]

oD thanks for the tip, never knew you used FL for your tracks, did you use FL for your Start As You Mean to Go On remix?
I need to start figuring out how to do a lot of the stuff you are talking about...
I wrote a real nice ambient drum and bass loop today and then I realized the tune was a total rip off of a boards of canada song I heard once, wierd how it sticks in the back of your subconscious like that...
from usa on 2001-10-23 07:03 [#00044605]

seriously..you are all puussies for using fruityloops...sure it is instant gratifacation but if you are a true artist youll discontinue your use of "fruity"loops...you fruits...yes i challenge you to use buzz...expand yo muthafuckin minds...all for the best tho...yaknowwhatimean????...contact my drunkin stoned out ass...peaceinthamiddleeast
from usa on 2001-10-23 07:04 [#00044607]

ps...gangstarr is cool
from moon on 2001-10-23 07:05 [#00044608]

wow, that was like, the most offensive post....ever
from moon on 2001-10-23 07:06 [#00044609]

i must say loop programs dont leave much room for creative listence though.
and yes i have used them! i just like reason better, its like having a whole studio on your computer.
Barrett, Syd
from T dot. on 2001-10-23 07:39 [#00044614]

i think hardware + software together is the best option. but i don't have any hardware. so send me your fucking hardware now. all of you.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-23 09:47 [#00044641]

I wonder if the people who say fruity loops is shit are the people who have not discovered it's full potential.
I am not a big fan of reason, cos I do not have time to find out all of it's hidden little nuances.
Does anyone know where I can get fruity loops 3 for free at ?
Many thanks Teeth
Pusher of the Square
from Mars on 2001-10-23 10:24 [#00044652]

I make music by raping my cat, and throwing it in the air, then.......watch robot porn
Sounds Like Hawaii !!!!!!
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-23 10:44 [#00044657]

Do you wear condoms when you rape a cat ?
Scary Bear
on 2001-10-23 11:23 [#00044665]

Wizards Teeth: I just posted you some places to go to to get Fruity Loops free. But your address at geocities/wizards_teeth doesn't work anymore. (Well Postmaster gave it back to me)
Have you got an email I can send stuff to you with?
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-23 11:31 [#00044666]

You can send me e-mails here :
from perth on 2001-10-23 14:56 [#00044727]

hehe yair. i'm not really DEFENDING it, just making sure everyones aware that you can do lots of stuff with it that doesnt seem obvious straight away.
yair i used fruity for the afx remixes. one of them has like 2 or three drum samples, thats it, the rest was a bunch of bits n pieces soudns i has lying around etc....
the drum samples are pretty fuckgin obvious, too :)
from moon on 2001-10-23 15:53 [#00044740]

pusher DOES watch robot porn. he also immitates jackie chan while listening to lounge music and screaming that he is 'The Master Robot'!
hes effin' crazy man! DONT MESS!! he'll KILL you, maffuga,, ye!
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-23 16:06 [#00044741]

how do robots have sex ?
from Netherlands... on 2001-10-23 18:13 [#00044750]

and does anyone know where i can get reason 4 free? i wanna try it...
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-10-23 18:36 [#00044756]

PLEASE SEND THOSE ADDRESES TO ME 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanx a million...
Wizard MaC
from Amersfoort on 2001-10-23 18:52 [#00044763]

Fruity Loops looks a bit like a newbie program, but I must admit this program
is a semi-pro one. It's just fun to work with and don't forget you can make your songs sound like almost anything with the right FX (VST & FL FX).
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-23 20:14 [#00044775]

i am surprised that the hardware vs. software debate has not come up yet. anyway, i like software more, suckas.
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-23 22:29 [#00044827]

Hey Xantos.
Fruity can be the most god awful peice of shit, I hated it for two years. Eventually I started using it, and now after 2 or 3 more years I can make some amazing stuff with it [especially version 3.x]
Fruityloops is great, if you have the creativity to whip the thing into shape...
Grab my email or aim name [off my site] and I'll answer all yo fruity questions- and hook you up with a free copy, heh.
Oh, and to the people talking about buzz... I used buzz, yeah, You can get some really neat sounds out of it, but it's really cumbersome and has an awful note input wangdang.
I've only used reason a few times, and couldn't stand the thing...
If you wanna get really hardcore, use Reaktor, but that'll take a hefty time to learn how to use.
Okay, cya :D
Again, email or aim me.
from usa on 2001-10-23 23:27 [#00044856]

i forgot about reaktor...if anyone knows where to find a manual online that would be cool if you could post it
from Netherlands... on 2001-10-24 10:26 [#00045002]

Reason 1.0 anyone????
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-24 11:53 [#00045015]

anyone know a warez site where i can get reason?
on 2001-10-24 13:04 [#00045030]

Exactly...Searched a whole evening...and can't find it...
from moon on 2001-10-24 15:59 [#00045076]

i got reason off hotline. you can download it at hotline.com. then go to tracker-tracker.com to use the hotline search engine.
from Netherlands... on 2001-10-24 17:29 [#00045094]

I downloaded Hotline about 5 times, tried to install it 5 fucking times...And it keeps on giving an error...Shit man. No REASON :(:(:(
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-24 19:55 [#00045125]

Transmission, I could look around for reason for you, send me an im or email...
Also, try looking on KaZaa.
from seattle wa usa on 2001-10-24 21:22 [#00045140]

so far, i have been most effective using this combination of programs:
fruity loops 3 with all the synth progs. acid soundforge t-racks
i write basic loops and synths with fruity loops because i don't have any keyboards.
i plug em into soundforge to tweak em i edit and arrange in acid and add more effects. frequently dump stuff back into soundforge from acid to add more effects.
master using t-racks to give that warm organic sound.
any program... even the "techno in a can" programs can be awsome depending on how you use it.
i find that my composing is usually helped rather than hindered when i limit myself in some way i.e. shit programs, lack of keyboards, holding my breath etc...
its like haiku or something
from moon on 2001-10-24 21:37 [#00045141]

you should try using step time progs for syth replacement. those are by far the most accurate.
from seattle wa usa on 2001-10-25 00:13 [#00045175]

can you recomend any? i do everything by sampling wav so i don't need any midi or anything like that.
from moon on 2001-10-25 00:23 [#00045176]

as i said earlier reason has a great step time interface. in case you dont know. step time is a system were you choose the length (whole half quarter etc..) of the note and place it on the scale shown on your computer moniter using the mouse.
its accurate as f*ck but is more time consuming than live playing, but equally rewarding.
im sure you can buy reason at guitar center or you could download it off the net if youre lucky.
the prog's price is steep (300+dollars). but it is pretty much like having a whole studio on your computer, so its way worth it. it has drum machines, samplers, synthesizers, mixers, tons of mods and sounds included, and these neat little matrix devises that you can plug into everything from volume to mod.
what really makes it stand out though is that you can flip the syths around and rearange the wiring , just like a real mixing board, and make some cool affects.
from BG on 2001-10-25 07:43 [#00045257]

There is not term like newbie program, if you know what you want to do in music you can do it with anythin' especially Experimental
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