/]{-/](LL) EXCERPT | xltronic messageboard
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/]{-/](LL) EXCERPT

offline blrr from the block on 2003-05-27 06:47 [#00716447]
Points: 585 Status: Lurker

/]{-/](LL) EXCERPT

does anyone know where I can get this trac? (off the ATP 3
cd). doesn't seem to appear on Slsk.



offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2003-05-27 06:54 [#00716453]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

well, I have the cd.

if you give me a minute, I'll share it on slsk. username:


offline Bob Mcbob on 2003-05-27 06:56 [#00716454]
Points: 9939 Status: Regular

i like that track, its a bit dark but otherwise typical
ae...sorry i cant help


offline blrr from the block on 2003-05-27 06:57 [#00716455]
Points: 585 Status: Lurker

thanks qrter.

slsk doesn't seem to let me view other users file lists very
often (firewall perhaps... can't seem to fix it though) but
i'll try.


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2003-05-27 07:00 [#00716458]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

you should also keep in mind that you can't rename the track
with foreign characters, in other words, people probably
share it but with a different title.

mine is titled: ATP 3.0 - 05. Autechre - excerpt.mp3


offline blrr from the block on 2003-05-27 07:02 [#00716459]
Points: 585 Status: Lurker

i'll try. thanks.


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2003-05-27 07:20 [#00716472]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

mm. are you having trouble finding it?


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2003-05-27 08:37 [#00716566]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

this is the first autechre track i really enjoyed - and
played it again when it finished!


offline blrr from the block on 2003-05-27 09:58 [#00716640]
Points: 585 Status: Lurker

got it. thanks very much for your help qrter.


offline evolume from seattle (United States) on 2003-05-27 10:38 [#00716661]
Points: 10965 Status: Regular

for a second i thought "/]{-/](LL)"
was l337 5p34k for Kill BIll.

i was hoping this was a thread about the tarantino movie.



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