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Star Trek

bling bling from there on 2001-10-05 08:01 [#00039015]

Anyone ever notice that the production designer on the Star
Trek Next Generation is: Richard D. James ?

Not that Star Trek is not fawking lame...


)WmWWww...wMw...wwWWmW( on 2001-10-05 08:10 [#00039016]

I just saw an episode with some female general of the
seaweed head people, apparently. In this species, the ear
lobes are connected to the cheeks and there is a purple
medallion organ in the forhead, which I believe serves some
sort of homonal function during sexual activity. Apparently,
all the aliens in space have the same type of body, but just
have unique mutated heads, foreheads mostly. And they all
speak english, which is rather convenient. Did he write the
main introduction song?


Duke on 2001-10-05 08:25 [#00039019]

This may seem stupid bt I just noticed Reflex hasn't posted
in over an hour, and I have this feeling that maybe he
killed himself.


Chrispy from UK on 2001-10-05 08:27 [#00039020]

I noticed that too


Duke on 2001-10-05 08:30 [#00039021]

This messageboard is all he really had, he probably thought
it'd never come back up so he killed himself.


Duke on 2001-10-05 08:32 [#00039022]

He wanted Des'ree's "Kissing You" to be played at his
funeral and he also wanted to be buried with his Commodore
64 with internet connection.


Duke on 2001-10-05 08:34 [#00039023]

He wanted his skin dried and packed together to make disks
for computers.


)WmWWww...wMw...wwWWmW( on 2001-10-05 08:50 [#00039027]

This is his habitat, he's adapted to survive here like a
polar bear is adapted to survive in the snow. Probably
90/100 of the emails requesting the message board back were
from him, poor guy. He probably ended up in some weird forum
dedicated to WWF or something, shocked and unable to type
anything more than brief meaningless characters, gasping for
breath like a fish out of water. We have to start a search
party or something, then slowly return him back here, like
keep him in bed and feed him chicken soup and briefly flash
him some messages and nicknames from this messageboard on
flash cards. When he can handle that and start breathing
normally again, we can let him back in and he should be
normal again.


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