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RDJ Album Face

Maytag from Durham,NH USA on 2001-10-03 11:46 [#00038793]

If you look at the cd of the RDJ album you see three of the
Aphex Twin symbols arrainged. Now look at the cover for the
cd, Richards demonish smile. Now look at the symbols on the
cd again. If you look at the way the Aphex symbols are
arrainged it looks very similar to Richards face on the
cover. The bend in one symbol is his nose, another symbols
bend is the smile and the dots in the symbols are his eyes.
I don't think I'm stretching this am I?


matt from computer on 2001-10-03 11:58 [#00038795]

No, i have noticed the same thing but no one wants to listen
to me.
I once sprayed a displaced aphex symbol on a wall and i
noticed it looked like an evil eye, so i painted another on
mirrored to the left, and, there he was.


Chrispy from UK on 2001-10-03 12:45 [#00038816]

I always thought that everyone else had notived that! I was
all up for putting it up on the board when I first bought it
but I thought someone would've already said it... ah well :(


Chrispy from UK on 2001-10-03 12:49 [#00038818]

dya think that the window licker CD supposed to be a big
boobie coz its pink? Like the boobie on the CD for
Bloodhound Gangs "Hooray for Boobies" album?


doofus on 2001-10-03 13:43 [#00038826]

get some money, go down to the shops, and then purchase
yourself a life.
i've got one, why don't you?


Maytag on 2001-10-03 14:03 [#00038831]

I don't think the Windowlicker cd is supposed to be a boob
because it's pink. I've seen the other cd, the one where
he's on a motorcycle looking over his shoulder, and that cd
is blue. I think it's a boy/girl motif thing. You know blue
for baby boy and pink for a baby girl.


Chrispy from UK on 2001-10-03 14:26 [#00038840]

You paid money for life? shame you spent it on being shitty
to people int it?


Chrispy from UK on 2001-10-03 14:32 [#00038841]

Maytag: Yep... that makes more sense!


Baron Von picklefoot from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-03 16:42 [#00038866]

The better the artist the harder they bite !I never chew
with my mouth open I'm hoping you can read between the lines
of ours and someones else!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!


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