from Berlin on 2001-09-17 02:39 [#00032616]

-29% Literacy rate -90% Ruled by the Taliban -Gross National Income Per Capita for Afghanastan = $800 usd
-Gross National Income Per Capita for the United States = $33,000
-women have no political, educational, social impact. they're looked at as possesions, such as one man's wife could be ranked lower than the man's collection of kleenex's
-The leader of the opposing force to take back power from the Taliban was assinated on Monday before the terrorist acts towards the United States
-The Taliban - group of male university scholars who seized control of Kabul, the capitol of Afghanastan in 1993 or 1994 (can't remember all of this info)
-NATO doesn't accept the Taliban as a political power, NATO does however, accept it as a terrorist foundation though
-American's are dealing with a bunch of dumbfucks who treat women with no respect
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-17 03:06 [#00032644]

It's going to be a fun few months while we destroy them.
Ok I will.
on 2001-09-17 03:11 [#00032648]

You guys are coxuckers
Boris The Dog
on 2001-09-17 03:20 [#00032653]

It's not going to be as simple as you think, do you remember when (i'm pretty sure it was russia) Russia attempted to take over that shit for the Soviet or something. I don't remember but they were talking about it on the news and those dirty arabs fucking killed Russia and all their tanks and shit.
Boris The Dog
on 2001-09-17 03:23 [#00032654]

I'm not saying Afghanastan is going to beat you but they will fuck you up.
from Berlin on 2001-09-17 03:40 [#00032656]

well, it's interesting in the fact that during the time of the Vietnam war... Vietnam had those kinds of numbers... and destroyed American soldiers. America lost that war because they've never known how to fight guerilla warfare. I'm sadly predicting that if war were called on Afghanastan, they'd lose again. From what I've read and such, it sounds like they're going to implement bio-logical warfare as well as cut-off all roads (considering Afghanastan is surrounded by earth and not water). Afghanastan has no sea harbours. It would necessary then, to attack the roads and the borders. Palestine becomes crucial as well as Russia allowing the United States to place posts there as well.
The "I concur" Man.
from I concur. on 2001-09-17 03:42 [#00032660]

I concur.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-09-17 04:27 [#00032722]

on 2001-09-17 04:35 [#00032735]

or shouted, rather
Captian Slipknot
on 2001-09-17 05:29 [#00032829]

kill them all. fucking nuke the place.
Boris The Dog
on 2001-09-17 17:34 [#00033030]

Afghanastan will still fuck you up.
João Evangelista
from Portugal on 2001-09-17 17:58 [#00033036]

Besides having defeated the USSR, Afghanistan has also defeated Britain 3 times.
Sean Penn
on 2001-09-17 18:12 [#00033039]

American citizens are confident that they can easily defeat Afghanastan, Afghanastan is the greatest country in the world, they will kill America.
from over yonder on 2001-09-17 18:29 [#00033049]

The following article was published on Salon.com, and I think it provides the greatest insight into the situation we're currently facing.
AN AFGHAN-AMERICAN SPEAKS You can't bomb us back into the Stone Age. We're already there. But you can start a new world war, and that's exactly what Osama bin Laden wants.
- - - - - - - - - - - - By Tamim Ansary
Sept. 14, 2001 | I've been hearing a lot of talk about "bombing Afghanistan back to the Stone Age." Ronn Owens, on San Francisco's KGO Talk Radio, conceded today that this would mean killing innocent people, people who had nothing to do with this atrocity, but "we're at war, we have to accept collateral damage. What else can we do?" Minutes later I heard some TV pundit discussing whether we "have the belly to do what must be done."
And I thought about the issues being raised especially hard because I am from Afghanistan, and even though I've lived in the United States for 35 years I've never lost track of what's going on there. So I want to tell anyone who will listen how it all looks from where I'm standing.
I speak as one who hates the Taliban and Osama bin Laden. There is no doubt in my mind that these people were responsible for the atrocity in New York. I agree that something must be done about those monsters.
But the Taliban and bin Laden are not Afghanistan. They're not even the government of Afghanistan. The Taliban are a cult of ignorant psychotics who took over Afghanistan in 1997. Bin Laden is a political criminal with a plan. When you think Taliban, think Nazis. When you think bin Laden, think Hitler. And when you think "the people of Afghanistan" think "the Jews in the concentration camps." It's not only that the Afghan people had nothing to do with this atrocity. They were the first victims of the perpetrators. They would exult if someone would come in there, take out the Taliban and clear out the rats' nest of international thugs holed up in their country.
Some say, why don't the Afghans rise up and overthrow the Taliban? The answer is, they're starved, exhausted, hurt, incapacitated, suffering. A few years ago, the United Nations estimated that there are 500,000 disabled orphans in Afghanistan -- a country with no economy, no food. There are millions of widows. And the Taliban has been burying these widows alive in mass graves. The soil is littered with land mines, the farms were all destroyed by the Soviets. These are a few of the reasons why the Afghan people have not overthrown the Taliban.
We come now to the question of bombing Afghanistan back to the Stone Age. Trouble is, that's been done. The Soviets took care of it already. Make the Afghans suffer? They're already suffering. Level their houses? Done. Turn their schools into piles of rubble? Done. Eradicate their hospitals? Done. Destroy their infrastructure? Cut them off from medicine and healthcare? Too late. Someone already did all that. New bombs would only stir the rubble of earlier bombs. Would they at least get the Taliban? Not likely. In today's Afghanistan, only the Taliban eat, only they have the means to move around. They'd slip away and hide. Maybe the bombs would get some of those disabled orphans; they don't move too fast, they don't even have wheelchairs. But flying over Kabul and dropping bombs wouldn't really be a strike against the criminals who did this horrific thing. Actually it would only be making common cause with the Taliban -- by raping once again the people they've been raping all this time.
So what else is there? What can be done, then? Let me now speak with true fear and trembling. The only way to get Bin Laden is to go in there with ground troops. When people speak of "having the belly to do what needs to be done" they're thinking in terms of having the belly to kill as many as needed. Having the belly to overcome any moral qualms about killing innocent people. Let's pull our heads out of the sand. What's actually on the table is Americans dying. And not just because some Americans would die fighting their way through Afghanistan to Bin Laden's hideout. It's much bigger than that, folks. Because to get any troops to Afghanistan, we'd have to go through Pakistan. Would they let us? Not likely. The conquest of Pakistan would have to be first. Will other Muslim nations just stand by? You see where I'm going. We're flirting with a world war between Islam and the West.
And guess what: That's bin Laden's program. That's exactly what he wants. That's why he did this. Read his speeches and statements. It's all right there. He really believes Islam would beat the West. It might seem ridiculous, but he figures if he can polarize the world into Islam and the West, he's got a billion soldiers. If the West wreaks a holocaust in those lands, that's a billion people with nothing left to lose; that's even better from Bin Laden's point of view. He's probably wrong -- in the end the West would win, whatever that would mean -- but the war would last for years and millions would die, not just theirs but ours.
Who has the belly for that? Bin Laden does. Anyone else?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
About the writer Tamim Ansary is a writer in San Francisco, and the son of a former Afghani politician.
Mounhi Boobeye
from Afghanastan on 2001-09-17 18:35 [#00033053]

Will Smith has been confirmed to play Osama Bin Laden in the upcoming feature America Under Attack.
from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 22:02 [#00033149]

You can do it put your ass into it.
Sido Dyas
from An Imperial Cruiser on 2001-09-17 22:10 [#00033163]

You didn't read it did you?
from stockholm on 2001-09-17 22:15 [#00033171]

thankssomuch, thanks for posting that... .PEACE
on 2001-09-17 22:23 [#00033181]

Yes, Reflex, but unlike your opinion, it's not LAUGHABLY ILL-INFORMED.
on 2001-09-17 22:29 [#00033190]

Reflex: you've resisted the bait. CONGRATULATIONS!
A Polar Bear
from Alaska on 2001-09-17 22:31 [#00033194]

GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! *snicker* GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 2001-09-17 22:31 [#00033195]

What are you talking about, loose facts?! That was a good article written by someone in the know. It´s nice to see something intelligent being said to weigh up all the bullshit.
Michael Jordan
on 2001-09-17 22:42 [#00033206]

Why can't you ball like me?
from NZ on 2001-09-17 22:52 [#00033215]

some of the genital warts sprouting here need to get your facts straight here...at least get the spelling of the name of the country right before you launch into jackoff masterbatory sessions fascinating about the blood baths about to occur...it's spelt AFGHANISTAN...the capital Kabul used to be the Paris of the east..the disrespect of the women is entirely misconstrued..It's TALIBAN not Afghans that are putting on these restrictions..there's a big difference..a lot of the original families have a by partisan partriachal/matriachal structure..women rule the house hold and practically every decision thereof..and you better beilieve me when I say the status of the Kleenex is not akin to a woman..or vice versa..TALIBAN rules 90% of the country but TALIBAN is not Afghanistan...and the people that you are so willing to see destroyed are going to include a lot of these women that you are all riled up about the status of..are you restoring their human rights as you rape them with your humungous phallic missile shafts? TALIBAN are not going to be slaughtered! Russians truied and failed with the Mujahiden..all they manged to do was slaughter millions of innocents..which is about to occur...these women, children, wounded and old are going to be the ones..I hope you enjoy the thrill of watching a one legged wretched innocent bastard (his leg blown off by a russian mine) trying to outrun a meat seeking missile, hobbling on one legs..no wait a minute..you ignorant fucks are not going to get to watch that because you will get to see is what your media will let you..how do I know most of this...Afghanistan is where my ancestors come from!!
on 2001-09-17 22:54 [#00033216]

Yeah, I´ve read a couple of those articles to. But to me, what gets boring is that some people still don´t get it.
I think it´s good that you let people know that most people in Afghanistan aren´t talibans and that bombing Afghanistan would probably just kill innocent people rather than hurting the guilty ones. I think it´s going to be an extremely difficult task for the U.S to do this in a good way..
I can understand if you get bored of reading tons of articles like that though, I just think it´s important that you inform yourself about the situation before you form an opinion..
on 2001-09-17 22:55 [#00033218]

YOU spelt "masturbatory" INCORRECTLY.
Netlon Sentinel
from the Tantive IV on 2001-09-17 22:56 [#00033220]

hey we all know there's 2 million aghans(?) living in iran and thousands fleeing the country as we speak. it would be ignorant to assume all aghans (again; correct spelling?) back the taliban. the majority of the muslims over the world are on america's side.
on 2001-09-17 23:00 [#00033224]

I ment YOU as in people not YOU as in Reflex. Just to straighten things out :).
from NZ on 2001-09-17 23:34 [#00033255]

to godot: I spelt half the damn message wrong but it was due to my being furious at misinfo going on..my point was to at least know a bit more about a country like how to spell it's name before settling into your couch with a Bud and a bucket of buttered popcorn at hand waiting for the fireworks...it's not a movie..there's real people blownup everytime you see a flash and a blip...I know CNN managed to transform the horrors of war into a video game..but here in the west you have every kind info about anything,any subject you want at a tip of your finger tips...tons and tons of alternative sources of news available on the web..even BBC has a bit more to offer at news.bbc.co.uk than most of the mainstream media...just do your research, don't believe the first article you read and form an opinion before spouting it...
to [REFLEX]..thanks so much for the support means a lot to me...
personally I am still horrified by the depth and layers of the horror and tragedy unfolding at the crash site...there were commentators mentioning heavy lossess the insurance companies are going to suffer and how much property and equipment the busineses and firms at the world trade center suffered....WHO GIVES A FUCK? not a single one of these mentioned..the manpower..the human loss to the business world..creme de la creme..the biggest and brightest of the financial brains lost to the tragedy..it's easy to get all riled up in the politicking and start pumping fists...me I get destroyed everytime I same the poor relatives of the missing at the wall with all the photos and posters..it's a scene all too familiar..I have seen hundreds of makeshift walls like this in refugee camps in Pakistan...
from bologna on 2001-09-17 23:43 [#00033258]

na Vietnam was totally dif.. the russians backed them... the hid in china and that was forbidden country for Us troops.. and plus we had about 20 generals running the war.. about 20-30 small battles going on at different times, and one general didnt know that the other was doing at any time.. AFGANNy (as I like to call it) will be a simple one general calling the shots war and it will be descisive and swift and deadly for the AFGANNIES..
ok.. there is it settled ok.. good besides afganny is scared to death they talk big but you grab them by the balls and they fall to there knees like we have been seeing them do all this week.. there scaredy cats.. boo hoo..
from NZ on 2001-09-17 23:51 [#00033260]

to [REFLEX]..I know..it's not even such a clearcut situation...I mean I was convinced that the hijackers were suicidal fanatics with the only brain left after religous brainwashing being all they needed to steer the planes..but the more I read the more perplexed I get..I mean I have expereinced fanatics first hand..and from the stories I am reading about these people..drinking..having girlfriends..frequenting stripclubs...these people actually sound more like someone a fanatic would brand as a heretic and try and a weild god's just wrath on than being fanatics themselves..
I know I have done most of these things and have been called a heretic..a sinner..and everything else..the fact that my spiritual beliefs are more in tune with nature worshipping pagans than any formalized religion doesn't help matters much either..in short I know fanatics..and these people were no fucking fanatics..so what the fuck were they....what if not fanaticaly blind devotion would lead so many at the same instant take their own lives as well as thousands others?...did we just witness a dozen and a half..Lee Harvey Oswalds??..MKULTRA anyone?
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-17 23:54 [#00033264]

if we bomb the afghans a lot, which is something i'm sure we'll do, it's going to get all of the innocents and people who want nothing to do with this pissed off enough to go hunt down bin laden themselves and kill or turn him over. i wouldn't want my country harboring an ass like him because we'd get beat to shit by whoever's looking for him until they got what they wanted.
on 2001-09-17 23:56 [#00033265]

flea: the point you make about the hijackers acting un-Muslim makes it seem suspicious that the FBI claim to have found a Quran in that car.
from NZ on 2001-09-17 23:57 [#00033266]

correction hevquip...if you bomb Afghanistan a lot a lot of the innocents would either have fled or be dead..little cahnce of the fled bit now with both the borders around them closed..so it will a whole lot of the bloody blown to bits later..
from fooby on 2001-09-17 23:57 [#00033267]

well thepoint is, some arabs with screws loose took over planes with knives and planted them into the TWC and the pentagon, and Bin Laden is behind it peroid. Just the fact that he feels the need to go deeper into hiding and have his gov make rash statments like, any country that hlpe the Us find out who was really behind this tragedy will be punished by us.. derrr.. why you fretting if you didnt do it.. GUILTY...and why do they now agree to hand over bin laden, I have heard rumors that he did all this to get rich off the huge stock market crash, wich would upturn the exchange rate and hopefull make him richer, this is what I heard. What a hippo if he had his people die not for religiuos reason but to make him rich, its like out of James Bond.
on 2001-09-17 23:58 [#00033268]

hevquip: nice name, shame about your stupidity.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-18 00:00 [#00033270]

from Heaven on 2001-09-18 00:01 [#00033271]

"if we bomb the afghans a lot, which is something i'm sure we'll do, it's going to get all of the innocents and people who want nothing to do with this pissed off enough to go hunt down bin laden themselves and kill or turn him over."
Don't you think that'll make the "innocents" resent America and therfore be against it and fight back? I mean your idea/conlcusion is stupid, mine is not. If Person B hated my dog but not my cat, and he accidently shot my cat to death when attempting to kill my dog, I would hate Person B and not the dog, then I would try to kill Person B rather then turn my dog in.
from fooby on 2001-09-18 00:02 [#00033274]

if the cat was helping hide dog then thats why it got in the way and got shot..
on 2001-09-18 00:03 [#00033275]

Ignant: The Taliban is not really a government, and itcertainly isn't bin Laden's.
from fooby on 2001-09-18 00:05 [#00033279]

well it was put into power around the 93 or so I think and usually steps forward with statments for the people of Afganny, and seems to like Bin Laden a lot or maybe not anymore after what I heard today... I am sure they are linked somehow..
from Heaven on 2001-09-18 00:08 [#00033280]

if the cat was helping hide dog then thats why it got in the way and got shot..>
No the cat was just living in the same area as the dog that Person B wanted to kill. The cat was shot for doing nothing.
from Heaven on 2001-09-18 00:09 [#00033281]

Th cat was just an innocent civilian.
on 2001-09-18 00:09 [#00033282]

Yeah, he reckons that Afghanistan under the Taliban's regime is the only true present-day Islamic state.
from NZ on 2001-09-18 00:11 [#00033284]

TOWUNOPTIMISTC..most of the Fantaics I know are what is called a "HAAFIZ"..which means that they dedicate a large portion of their lives to memorizing the Quran by heart..they become virtual encyclopedias and can quote any section of the Quran at any time and situation..complete with chapter and verse reference..for them to carry a Quran about is about as ludicrous as a trained fighter pilot carrying flight manuals in a dog fight..If carrying a Quran isn't strange enough...leaving it behind in a rental definetly is...the relationship between a Quaran and a muslim is a lot different from that and a Christian..i.e you will never see a Quran in a bedside table in a cheap motel as you do with a Bible...If you are a Muslim it's ultra mega wrong to handle a Quaran and anything with any writing from Quran if you say just shitted, farted, pissed etc and haven't performed proper ablutions..If you just jacked off or had sex you have to take a shower..or cleaning equivalnet (in the desert..hot sand is used) before even taking the name of god let alone handle a quran...just me mentioning the name of Quran in the same paragraph as bodily functions can get me lynched..so in short..yes I am very dubious about FBI finding Qurans strewn all across the country as if they were so many cheap motel bibles
on 2001-09-18 00:11 [#00033285]

Usama bin Laden, not the cat!
from fooby on 2001-09-18 00:11 [#00033287]

so... they know he is guilty, maybe this is going to be great for our nation and for the world they will get him bring him to trial and that will be it.. over and done with no WAR.. yippeee
from fooby on 2001-09-18 00:14 [#00033288]

FLEa.. well obviously, they not only bent the rule of do not kill along with the rule of dont leave your quaran lying around in your car.. they probably wanted it to be found so we would know...
from Heaven on 2001-09-18 00:15 [#00033290]

THISWUNSOPTIMISTIC, there's no need for you to take your anger out on the cat.
from Heaven on 2001-09-18 00:16 [#00033291]

The cat was just an innocent.
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