from earth on 2001-09-13 03:59 [#00031250]

here is a quote from biblical scriputre that may shed light on the evernts yesterday
revelation 18:9- 9 "When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her.
10 Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: "`Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!'
11 "The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more--
12 cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble;
13 cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies and souls of men.
14 "They will say, `The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your riches and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.'
15 The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn
16 and cry out: "`Woe! Woe, O great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!
17 In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!' "Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off.
18 When they see the smoke of her burning, they will exclaim, `Was there ever a city like this great city?'
19 They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out: "`Woe! Woe, O great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!
20 Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets! God has judged her for the way she treated you.'"
21 Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said: "With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again.
22 The music of harpists and musicians, flute players and trumpeters, will never be heard in you again. No workman of any trade will ever be found in you again. The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again.
23 The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's great men. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints, and of all who have been killed on the earth."
Chirstians do not hate homosexuals, muslims, or any other human being, its the other way around, why do you hate us christians, I love you all, homosexuals, muslims, africans, jewish, handicapped, all of you.. why do you hate us and label us?? I feel your hate and it is sad, that you think it is justifed, you are the the type who indulge in terrorist activities.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:00 [#00031252]

oh jesus christ. get that shit the fuck out of here.
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:01 [#00031253]

read it dont be afraid.. you are scared of the truth
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:02 [#00031254]

you're just joking right?
i hope so.
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:03 [#00031255]

no read it.. are you scared
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:04 [#00031256]

i did read it. what's your point? this book of fables dosen't impress me. this is the reason people hate you. pushing you fucking shit on me. people are justified in hating people like you, cause you don't know when to FUCK OFF.
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:06 [#00031257]

no anger is justified, especially anger that leads to violence, you need to go to anger managment, do you kill people?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:07 [#00031258]

and how do i take part in terrorist activities? cause i don't read the 'good book' i can't swallow that much shit. i'm sorry man. i tried, i can't. i have this curse that i call 'independant thought' that helps me, you know, think for myself and not have a fucking book do it for me.
you people treat your god like a burden.
how the fuck am i a terrorist?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:08 [#00031259]

no i don't kill people. tho i'm starting to reconsider.
from nyc on 2001-09-13 04:09 [#00031260]

I hear stuff from people everyday I dont agree with, I dont hate them....or want to hurt them though.. what up with that the anger little man
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:12 [#00031262]

i can't stand bible thumpers pushing their religion on others. he basically called me a terrorist.......
i have problems with organized religion. i don't mind if someone likes to go to church, but when they start pushing it on others, or accusing me of something, then i'm not going to take that..... sorry, but i can't just let that go
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:12 [#00031263]

your silly and mixed up, we all have independent thought, who questioned that you sound like someone who likes tohurt people... do you hate everyone that doesnt agree with you??
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:14 [#00031264]

you read it on your own accord how did I force anything on you, is everything you read forced upon you? then why do you come to this board, to get anger at everyting you read?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:14 [#00031265]

don't take things so litterally people. i don't litterally mean i want to kill people.
uhhhhh.......... yeah.
"you are the the type who indulge in terrorist activities"
you said this.
you are an idiot.
that is all.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:15 [#00031267]

i get annoyed when you give your "answer" and then start accusing me of being a terrorist and making you sound like you're a victim.
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:16 [#00031268]

"i did read it. what's your point? this book of fables dosen't impress me. this is the reason people hate you. pushing you fucking shit on me. people are justified in hating people like you, cause you don't know when to FUCK OFF. "
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:19 [#00031270]

your point being? i'm being over dramatic there. obviously.
please explain how i'm a terrorist? how? i don't get it. just tell me that.
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:21 [#00031272]

but you hate me... hate leads to violence..
I didnt say you were terrorist, I said I feel your hatred, referrring to people who hate christians.. thats exactly what the people resopnsible for these atttacks feel about AMERICA, they hate us... I was talking about hatred in general then you went on ranting and raving about justyfied hatred of christians, which leads me to beleive, you are against freedom of speech and all american stands for..
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:24 [#00031273]

why is it justified to mock the christian beliefs, why do you not mock the muslims, or budists? do you hate them also? If a musilme quoted a piece of the Karan (SP) would you respond to him in hatred.. I am just curios I am not trying to piss you off.. just curious is all..
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:24 [#00031274]

are you retarded?
at one point i said "that's why people hate you, because you push this shit on others."
and i said that "if someone wants to go to church, fine, i have no problem with that, but when it's pushed on me, that's when i get annoyed."
you're making it looks like everyone hates christians. where the hell do you get this from? what world are you from? i don't see alot of oppression against christians here in north america.
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:26 [#00031275]

"i did read it. what's your point? this book of fables dosen't impress me. this is the reason people hate you. pushing you fucking shit on me. people are justified in hating people like you, cause you don't know when to FUCK OFF. "
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:27 [#00031276]

you are all swearing and angery.. do you love me??
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:27 [#00031277]

i don't agree with muslim philosphies, no. that's why i'm not muslim. that's why i'm not christian. cause i don't agree with that.
humans do not have all the answers. christians are not right. muslims are not right.
gods are fragile things. they can be kill with a wiff of science or a dose of common sense.
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:28 [#00031278]

were does right and wrong come from?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:30 [#00031279]

no i don't love you.
why do you keep quoting that? i know what i said. i wrote the fuckin thing.
alot of it wasn't well thought out i know, and may seem silly.......
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:30 [#00031280]

why are you asking me where right and wrong comes from? it's kinda obvious.
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:33 [#00031282]

ok.. do you believe everyone chooses in there own minds what is right or wrong? or is it taught to them? or learned, do you beleive everyone has the right to do as he or shes wishes regardless of the consequences?
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:35 [#00031284]

im not trying to piss you off, I just am a debater is all... its cool if you dont want to talk, or you hate me or whatever..
i am a human just like you, who beleives obviuosly totally differently than you, I am just trying to understand you is all...
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:38 [#00031285]

well thanks to human and societys evolutions thought the past thousands and thousands of years, we've made up our basic laws from common sense. killing someone is obviously wrong. stealing is obviously wrong. society needs basic rules for it to function. if you're allowed to kill and steal as you want, there is no order. no order = chaos.
from earth on 2001-09-13 04:46 [#00031286]

well in some countries they would disagree with you, when did people figure out, killing, stealing, rape and what not was wrong? did it happn one time, and everyone was like.. hmm what was that, or was it known immedialty it was wrong.. or maybe things you know before hand are wrong but do anyways are the real wrongs... my point being, in my beliefs that God gave us the basic laws of right and wrong, he had to of, or there would be total chaos... if ever one did as he or she thought was right or wrong total choas would definetly come into play. if as you say we evolved into these beliefs then why is there sitll evil in this world why havent we evloved past it? especially if we have been here for billions of years.. why?? well because of sin thats why.. we are all evil and without God as far as im concerend we can do nothing but wrong... not that im perfect, I still fall into sin a lot I am not perfect, but I wish I could be.. though I never will be...
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 04:53 [#00031288]

well like i said, without order you have chaos. how do you have order? you have laws. it's that simple. sure there's still evil i suppose. stealing is wrong. that never stopped me before. people steal because getting shit for free rocks. and people fly airplanes into buildings because their religious beleifs are different, and the perceptions are skewed from the media around them and the people around them.
how could humans possibly even being to pretend that they know the biggest secret in the world? and why are christians right and muslims or hindus or buddists wrong?
fuck! where are my smokes.
from NYC on 2001-09-13 07:10 [#00031307]

"You need to go to anger management classes, do you kill people?" - Classic!
from NYC on 2001-09-13 07:13 [#00031310]

Oh, person, is it possible to consider that 'doing harm unto others' is wrong? That's fairly clear cut, how do you know if I was told that by god, or by lawmakers? I don't think you do... I think right and wrong is a universal standard be it religious or moral or whatever...
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 07:21 [#00031320]

i couldn't read the entire thing to tell you the truth. it's boring and stupid.
from NYC on 2001-09-13 07:22 [#00031323]

I didn't read it either.
from NYC on 2001-09-13 07:22 [#00031325]

Its always us 3 up this late.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 07:24 [#00031327]

that's cause we're troopers!!!!!!!!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 07:32 [#00031340]

i'm on dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HANG TEN!
"i know what i beleive. i will continue to articulate what i beleive and what i beleive - i beleive what i beleive is right."
- george w. bush
from NYC on 2001-09-13 07:35 [#00031345]

Ya I was actually on joyrex way before I even found out about this site. When he had the old black interface...at that point I was really into getting aphex info though, now I'm somewhat more into this board. I kinda like this board better thatn joyrex's...more relaxed and more like an instant message between people...can't explain it. I haven't been on ICQ just because I haven't really been doing that whole chat thing, which is Ironic because I'm talking on a message board right now. I'll come on soon, I'll use trillian which combines AIM and ICQ.
Mylanta Jones
on 2001-09-13 08:01 [#00031353]

Ummm since when do all muslim and jews hate christians?? I wouyld like to know so i can put it in my calandar....haa..i funny like dolphin....
anyway...If you are going to judge people based on their religious preferences....you are ignorant..what do you think when I tell you that I am a jehovahs witness?? do you consider me christian??? do you hate me? do you want me to die??? do you like cheesecake???
the muslim belief is one of peace...their laws say not to harm another person or any personal propety that is not your own..the people who commit suchs act as the lattest stuff...are not muslim..if they claim to be...they are wrong....99.9% of all muslims are peace ful....
what about in N Ireland..are not the christians killing innocent people becaue of religous differences...????
i thought so...so...shut up if you are gonna say something that you know nothing about..person....you irritate me to the core of my spleen
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 08:09 [#00031357]

aren't the irish cathloic?
Mylanta Jones
on 2001-09-13 08:11 [#00031358]

ist the catholic vs protestant...both christians...both killin each other....both..ieeee...
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 08:29 [#00031370]

i'm getting specific.
call a cathloic a christian. they'll be quick to correct you.
on 2001-09-13 09:48 [#00031402]

religion is for the weak
from the uk (school) on 2001-09-13 09:55 [#00031410]

dont make me read that crap... jeesh, its like brainwashing
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 10:00 [#00031415]

I prefer Aesops fables, Billy goat gruff an all that - wicked tripz! Fuk religion it's what starts war in the first place. I knew this stoopid woman once who went over to Africa to build a church....for fuks sake build a water well or something useful, religion won't save their lives, provide them with clean water to drink!
from perth on 2001-09-13 15:00 [#00031469]

im with barrett, syd on this one, hehehe.
just coz he hates this shit (and maybe overacts) doesnt mean he needs anger treatment, or wants to kill anyone.
my sister went on a field trip at night with a local youth group and she was quite scared coz a bunch of people went a bit god mad, they were moaning and throwing their hands about and looking "like they were on heroin or somehting" to quote my sister. she prolly freaked a bit also coz i, in jest, told her that christianity is known for paedophiles and child sex etc....
(cmon i was only mucking around when i said that shit)
just goes to show ya that ANYONE can be sick, religious or no.
from over yonder on 2001-09-13 18:06 [#00031527]

my mother is a born again christain... she kept saying to me while i was on the phone with her long distance to Russia, that it si good to think about these things now, and "know where you are going if any thing should happen..."
look, i know it is some people's answer to go to the lord, but it is not mine. i am sorry, i am agnostic and all, but you can't try to force feed me your bible scripture, it will just turn me off all them more.
from midwest you ess on 2001-09-13 18:37 [#00031533]

is a christian someone who bombs an abortion clinic? or murders an obstetrician who performs some abortions? or throws a bomb into a jewish temple? or murders a homosexual? or burns a cross on the lawn of people of minority race? or tortures and murders an individual who will not convert? you say of course not, a "true" christian would not do any of these things. yet historically they all have been done in the name of christianity. indeed, christians cannot even agree on what is a "true" christian, and they argue persistently about what it is that god wants of them. but have you noticed that christians are only forgiven, they are not made better people or made less hypocritical because of their faith. have you noticed that many many christians have embraced capitalism and the systematic accumulation of wealth? seems to me that christianity represents a near infinite capacity for rationalization of unchristian acts. maybe this sheds some light on why i am not interested in becoming a christian. i simply don't believe in christian mythology. even though jesus is one of my heroes (i'm not joking), christianity was created by humans for humans. your faith is yours, keep it to yourself if you need it. strive to make yourself a better person, but don't lie to yourself and think that you are a better person simply because you have embraced these beliefs. lastly, what are the limits of your belief?
from midwest you ess on 2001-09-13 18:40 [#00031535]

and for gods' sakes give up the ridiculous persecution complex! no one ever nailed YOU to a cross. "everyone hates us poor christians, and all we want to do is impose our beliefs on everyone else...for their own good!" can you comprehend the source of resentment?
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