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chirstian answer

Your clasic american from America, USA on 2001-09-13 19:02 [#00031536]

I think the true christian answer is to bomb the fuck out of
everyone and let JHVH sort it out.


Your clasic american from America, USA on 2001-09-13 19:02 [#00031537]

I think the true christian answer is to bomb the fuck out of
everyone and let JHVH sort it out.


Barrett, Syd from Toronto on 2001-09-13 19:31 [#00031539]

like i said, chiristians treat thei religion like a burden.


Barrett, Syd from Toronto on 2001-09-13 20:54 [#00031558]

i read a bit of that. i couldn't get into it. however, the
satanic bible is a good read. quite funny at parts. that
anton lavey... what a joker!


Quadrapelegicrobotikev from ardmore on 2001-09-13 22:39 [#00031602]

too bad its virtually impossible to get a hold of the truely
origian real Necro and not some fake paperback bull shit!


Barrett, Syd from Toronto on 2001-09-13 23:05 [#00031611]

and i'm sure, just as boring.


twotalljones from det on 2001-09-14 02:16 [#00031642]

wow.. its funny to see such an overwhealming response to
this post..
Mylanta Jones..
arent chirstians killing in Ireland?? what christians are
you talking about, do you knows these people, who told you
they where christians? do you live there does that make all
chritians killers, no, just like not all arabs are killers
either. What christians do you know killed homosexuals, or
killed abortion doctors? you dont no anything you just post
what you hear.. which is BS.. you dont no shiiiaaat... does
non-christian who kills kids in a school and was listening
to marylin mason make all people who listen to marylin mason
killers.. does one curropt police offer make all police
officers corrupt, does one psyco path who claims to be a
christans and kill a doctor who preforms abortion make all
christians the same type of person boviusly those people
have a few screws loose just like those who get the wrong
message from music and go and kill same thing , why dont you
pull your head out and stop stereotyping the "christian"
your message was the must retarted thing I have ever read on
this board, obviuosly by reading the posts no one read the
first post... how can you then evern post a reply.. I read
it all is did was show a bit on how the attacks tues were
kind of forshadowed in the Bible.. so what.. nostredamus
made predictions, I don't hear a huge back lash on stupid
suppose prophets...
its hillarous to see how angry people get when the word
chrsitian is mentioned.. and you get.. then ramble on about
chrsitans kill this and that and hate them and those
people.. what christians are you referring too.. you sound
like a grade schooler trying to be politically correct...
its quite funny...


twotalljones from det on 2001-09-14 02:17 [#00031643]

the above post was too plaidzebra
and mylanta jones..


aav from Sweden on 2001-09-14 02:22 [#00031644]

Um heh, the Necronomicon doesn't exist. It was invented by
HP Lovecraft and has since existed in various forms of


twotalljones from det on 2001-09-14 02:22 [#00031645]

"and for gods' sakes give up the ridiculous persecution
complex! no one ever nailed YOU to a cross. "everyone hates
us poor christians, and all we want to do is impose our
beliefs on everyone else...for their own good!" can you
comprehend the source of resentment?"

You are doing the same thing imposeing your stupid misguided
beliefs on us.. idiot think before you post.. you sound like
a freaking idiot...


newby from !! on 2001-09-14 02:29 [#00031646]

I came here surfing around..
and was reading these posts..

all who tell people that they are being forced and presuaded
by the chrsitan message and in turn retaliate with hatred
and anger or in turn doing the same by impressing and
forcing there anger back.. what gives you the right??
you have no right to judge all christians just like I have
no right in judging atheists or eveolutionist.. that to me
is a fable.. evolution has more holes in it than my socks...
its never been proven its BS.... but hey.. see thats my
opinion and I am going to express it regardless how angry
you get...


Chilled on 2001-09-14 02:38 [#00031647]

can you both please shutup,jesus christ syd you are an


person from earth on 2001-09-14 02:47 [#00031649]

I beleive that Jesus died on the cross for all of us, who
says I am perfect or better than anyone, I am lower than all
of you.
The Christianity I practice is one that strives to follow
Gods plan in my life, which is one of love and compassion
and sharing God's word with others, but! but !I dont do it,
I struggle constently to do this.
I am way way way far ways from being the type of chrsitians
Jesus wants us all to be.
But that doesnt mean I dont keep going and let him work in
my life. Jesus doesn't strive to make us perfect, he knows
we aren't thats why we need him, he is perfect in all ways!
Thanks to him I was forgiven for my sins and I ask for
forgivness for sins I still commit, daily.
who said Chrisitans want or think they are better, than
anyone else??? then I doubt there faith, dont put a
christian up on a pedistal, they screw up all the time.
There just like you!

Why do you think some of you have that void in you lives??
like something is missing, so you try to fill it with,
drugs, sex, music, anything to try to fill that void and
entertain yourself. But it always leaves you let down in the
end. I know it does, I was there, I used to do drugs, try to
pick of girls for sex, all of that.
I have no desire to now, I am fullfilled thanks to Jesus in
my life.
Now do I sometimes fall and want to go back? sure I am still
me, human but with prayer I can overcome those urges and do
other things..
God didny call all christians to be great leaders and lead
perfect lives, we cant, I am still just me, with a trust in
Jesus is all. I have a normal job and eat nrmal food and
drive a crap car. Some go over seas and become missionaries,
not all go there and build chrurches I know many that go and
build villages and give there lives to help people that are
in poverty!
so thats a litte more about the christian I am! and my


Quoth from Berlin on 2001-09-14 02:55 [#00031653]

do you believe these acts were to try and get a 'religious
war' going on? couldn't this be a possibility? i don't mean
to judge, but from the likes of it, you sound like a
lutheran... please correct me if i'm wrong. anyways, i have
no belief in any god... yet. i respect ALL religions and do
not wish to get rid of any religion. human beings have the
right to believe in what they believe in and i'm one who
supports this greatly. don't you think it would be terrible
if everyone believed in what everyone else believes in?
nothing would be accomplished... nothing. talking about
problems such as these, respecting them. this is the key to
human survival. respect your neighbors. if i'm correct, the
ten commandments have something like this... respect your
father, mother, neighbor, and neighbors property, etc. also
stated; do not kill. why then should any country consider
WAR... what a stupid thing to even try to do. humans need to
learn how to get along. could it be that hard?


person from earth on 2001-09-14 03:07 [#00031657]

no im not Lutheran..
Im just christian...
maybe they were, but what a strange way to show your beielfs
by terrosim attacks, I do not think that it is there only
purpose, I think the stand against freedom and all american
stands for. basically they are jeleuos in my opinion. they
blame us for there poverty and situation in this world. and
hate us for supporting Iseral. they hate jews. But think
about this, we allow them to come hear and live and teach
there beleifs. and if you were to do that in there contries,
you get killed, I think there are 8 people on trial over
there for sharing about there God. that to me is ridiculous.

they dont have freedom there, but we do, and they hate it.
why do you think there are so many muslims in this country?
Why dont they just open up more churches over here or
Mosques if they wish to teach there beliefs, we would let
them, dont crash planes into buildings....


person from earth on 2001-09-14 03:12 [#00031658]

and yes war is bad no matter what its for... land, religion,
money what ever no reason for it, but sometimes its all you
can do, like that bully in school that would pick on you,
you take it, take it, take, it then one day just beat his
arse.. then you become best friends, at least thats what
always happened to me..


Quoth from Berlin on 2001-09-14 03:21 [#00031661]

you know what you do to the bully in your school? egg him on
and then he threatens to blow the place up or kill all of
you. you know what happens if we don't respect others first?
they will end up killing us. RESPECT, NOT CONDONNING...


Quoth from Berlin on 2001-09-14 03:25 [#00031662]

egging people on or showing how big our country to others
is, is not showing respect. helping other countries out, in
times of poverty or war is respect. NATO has set a wonderful
example. the terrorists did not respect our beliefs in the
first place, but i do not feel it is right that we wish to
retaliate. it would just show how big our government is to
the rest of the world and so comes on the stereotyping of
how so arrogant and ignorant americans really are. why flex
your muscle, when it will end up withering away in the end?


Barrett, Syd from Toronto on 2001-09-14 03:47 [#00031663]

well terrorists destroyed the pentagon, and so far have
caused 3 entire buildings to collapse, with 2 more likely to
follow. you can NOT let that just slide. i don't know how
anyone would think that we should just let it go and be
'bigger' than the terrorists. no, i think they should be
killed. they're fucking terrorists man.


person from earth on 2001-09-14 03:57 [#00031666]

but you cant allow people like that to exsist, they need to
be stopped there is not any way at all to be restraint,
thats it final straw they broke the camels back it could not
be worse than it was sept 11.
we have been egging them on by just exsisting, they dont
respect us we have respected them, we allow them to live in
our country..the terrosits lived here.. we let them.. then
they attacked us. is that respect?? do you think americans
would be able to do the same thing over there?
they hate us, but we still allow them to live here thats
trying to understand in my book, then what.. they kill us
rediculous, there is no getting through to them they want to
fight, and they are going to get it.

If a bully in school, picks fights with you and you egg him
on, he will strike you, and if you egg him on again he will
strike you again, if then you give him your lunch and some
money and say, ok man, its cool lets talk, and hit hits you
again, then you need to retaliate or you will live with that
through the whole school year. and he would love it trust
How do you respect something that kills your family? its too
late for respect, respect wopuld of been easier beofre they
killed us.. I am sorry its too late.
Dont worry, it will be a very well planned out attack and
those responsible will be the ones who pay, not just anyone
of diferrent beleifs.


person from earth on 2001-09-14 04:00 [#00031667]

the above was for Quoth
and I agree with Barrett, restraint doesn't show you are
bigger when they are trying to take over your freedom, it
shows you are stupid and want to live in another culture,
they would try to take over this nation or kill us all,
trust me.


Barrett, Syd from Toronto on 2001-09-14 04:03 [#00031668]

at least we agree on something.


Octipull from onaboat on 2001-09-14 04:03 [#00031669]

if we showed restraint and that we were bigger during WW2 we
would all being speaking japanses or German right now,
remember we were not going to get into the war but they
attacked us, just like sept 11, they attacked US!! its war


person from earth on 2001-09-14 04:04 [#00031670]

hey thats good..
very improtant thing to agree on also.


Quoth from Berlin on 2001-09-14 05:53 [#00031683]

all i'm saying is that i'm anti-war... resolve people's
differences by learning about them. it's a two-sided
effort... they must comply and both sides NEED TO BE
PATIENT... or i could say, "fuck it. let's blow the fucking
indies to pieces with all of our nuclear weapons! yay"


person from early on 2001-09-14 06:02 [#00031689]

yeah well ,america has been trying to deal with it, what do
you do when they start flying planes into your population?
and killing them? try to understand them more, they already
said F* you america when they did this, they have started
blowing us up.. so what doy ou do??


kwirtie on 2001-09-14 06:03 [#00031690]

"'i know what i beleive. i will continue to articulate what
i beleive and what i beleive - i beleive what i beleive is
- george w. bush"

- syd barrett

it's spelled "believe".


Barrett, Syd from Toronto on 2001-09-14 06:07 [#00031692]

i did a copy/paste. didn't care to correct it.


white american male on 2001-09-14 06:21 [#00031697]

whoever attacked new york was "retaliating" against some act
commited by the US which they considered an injustice, and
they believed this just as strongly and passionately as all
the americans who are yelling "Kick their asses!!". it's a
meaningless rat race, don't you guys see that? people care
for their own kind, and they have a remarkable inability to
quell the animal response of anger and empathize with all
human beings, regardless of nationality. if america chose
to become a pacifist or neutral nation, it would surely be
overtaken by others. violence is necessary in order to
maintain a very precarious balance. i just wish that people
could view it rationally as such without becoming overtaken
and intellectually incapacitated by their anger. when i saw
the images on tv, my initial reaction was anger, but i
quickly realized it had no basis in common sense whatsoever.


plaidzebra from midwest you ess on 2001-09-14 15:43 [#00031957]

anyone who feels that what i said was "shit" should brush up
on their history. unfortunately the individuals who have
attempted to defend their christian faith here are severely
intellectually compromised. nothing we can do about that.
some christians are smart, some stupid. but the fact
remains that *the majority of individuals who call
themselves christians do not agree on what god wants from
them*. saying you are a christian could mean hundreds of
different beliefs, centered around the belief that jesus was
a spiritual savior of divine origin. yes, some individuals
believe that the bible contains verses that justify the
murder of homosexuals. also, some individuals believe that
abortion represents a war on the unborn, and they have used
the bible to justify bombing abortion clinics and murdering
obstetricians who perform any abortions. this is fact, do
your research. obtain some radical anti-abortionist
literature, it's all there in black and white. but my point
is *not* to attack christianity or christians, but to point
out that the statement "i am a christian" leads to the
question "what is a christian?" and then observe that this
question has nearly infinite responses. "christianity" is
not an integrated, well defined belief system, though many
individuals who identify themselves as christians would have
you believe so. "christianity" has been cobbled together by
humans. everything that we *believe* about jesus was
created by us, human beings. lastly, expressing one's
opinion is not the same as proselytizing. people expect you
to express your opinion here. they don't expect you to
recruit for your belief system. yes, we know you believe
that you have found the "truth," but i'm here to tell you
that we don't believe your "truth." and i speak only for
those who are annoyed by your obnoxious proselytizing, and
your weak-minded attempts to defend your beliefs. that
said, i want to make it perfectly clear that i have
absolutely nothing against any individual who simply
identifies themselves as christian, and i respect their
right to believe what they will. we are criticizing ideas
that have been brought into public on this messageboard, not
attacking people.


plaidzebra from midwest you ess on 2001-09-14 15:46 [#00031958]

"If a bully in school, picks fights with you and you egg him
on, he will strike you, and if you egg him on again he will
strike you again, if then you give him your lunch and some
money and say, ok man, its cool lets talk, and hit hits you
again, then you need to retaliate or you will live with that
through the whole school year. and he would love it trust
me." -person

does anyone else get the feeling that person was picked on
in school frequently? don't worry person, i'll share my
lunch with you.


person from earth on 2001-09-18 03:00 [#00033419]

thanks God plaidzebra isnt speaking for all non-christians
and there beleifes.. or is that an oxy mororn , clearly you
have now clue what you are stating or commenting on or you
would not have made them !
your entire stament is an oxy-moron.


person from earth on 2001-09-18 03:00 [#00033420]

thanks for sharing but I am going to crash my plane into
anyways.. hardy har har..


anotherperson from anotherearth on 2001-09-18 03:06 [#00033422]

so.. plaidzebra,, uh you don't attack anyone or any of there
beliefs but get angry at someone describing there beliefs,
which I take you are offended by but say you are not but
feel it necessary to mention that, after saying you don't
like the posting of a Christian saying what and who, and why
or how he believes.. duh are you competent in any way?? me
thinks not


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