from @ see on 2001-09-12 17:46 [#00031058]

what to do... you love a girl, she loves you. but then you are horny on a day that she's on vacation... you have a great fuck with one of your other "girl-friends"...
Once your girlfriend is back you tell her and she's so pissed she dumpz you.
Stupid me...
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-12 17:50 [#00031060]

chop your length off so it does not happen again
thats what i did
on 2001-09-12 17:56 [#00031064]

Why did you tell her???
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-12 18:02 [#00031066]

well, you're a peice of shit, so you're not gonna get her back. you deserve it.
from UK on 2001-09-12 18:07 [#00031067]

The last comment was harsh, but come on man, that is a) dumb because YOU DO NOT CHEAT ON YOUR GIRLFRIEND and b) why on earth did you tell your girlfriend.
I slap you on the face with a trout.
The Stupid Raver Topic
on 2001-09-12 18:08 [#00031068]

or even a haddock
from @ see on 2001-09-12 18:09 [#00031069]

Well, I don't know... I just told it. All ov it. It's ok that she's mad, and it's ok she dumped me. It's just stupid...
bwaaarrghhh ! I'll get over it
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-12 18:11 [#00031070]

ah, girlyfriends. i need one.
from @ the pits of hell on 2001-09-12 18:12 [#00031071]

I think that I did not do something wrong. I donno why it's "bad to cheat"... It was only sex, it's her that I would die for... and now I will (he he he)
No it's not funny, I'm depressed, it's just to stupid to be true
blub, blub, blub...
from @ see on 2001-09-12 18:13 [#00031072]

I need one to :(
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-12 18:15 [#00031073]

i had copious amounts of sex with her while she was on vacation with me.
from @ mothers on 2001-09-12 18:16 [#00031074]

ha ha ha you wish man.
on 2001-09-12 18:27 [#00031076]

dude, if you really loved her you wouldnt have hurt her like that.......
from @ nowhere but here on 2001-09-12 18:30 [#00031077]

Hurt her ??? I did not hurt her. I just have a fuck, that's all ! And I L_O_V_E my girlfriend. People get horny sometimes don't day ?
And the girl "I did it with" wass cool about the fact that it was just a "one night only"...
I think my girlfriend over reactz.
so ???
on 2001-09-12 18:39 [#00031078]

hello.girls are very important i reckon.fucks too. you should love that one you really love.love is more important than fucks. it depends,of course. i mean you can fuck and feel love at the same time. oh no.dont be cunt. thats it. be cool.
from @ home on 2001-09-12 18:57 [#00031079]

from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-12 21:15 [#00031121]

at least you had the decency to tell her what you did.
honestly though, we had lots of passions. i'll send you the photos.
from over yonder on 2001-09-12 21:46 [#00031135]

moogly, i would have ripped your spleen out, tossed it in a blender on "rough chop" and made you eat at room temp with a spork. that was not a nice thing to do (or not do..) to her! last boyfriend i had that cheeted on me got two broken ribs. poor thing was too ashamed to admit it and told every one he feel off one of the families prize quater horses (this is when i lived in VT..) you should be so lucky.
i am not even going to say "if you loved her blah blah blah, becasue i know how BOYS are. i tell you what,. it is not fair to us gals.....
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-09-12 22:55 [#00031152]

My Girlfriend and I love each other but we feel people wont take us seriously. Neither of us believe in cheating. It's a bit wrong, sharing something with someone who is not you partner. Sex can be sex and sex can be like opening up all of your defenses and inner feelings to someone.
Mooglestar... Its good you were honest {she can then do what she chooses with the information as opposed to being lied to} but you shouldnt force your oppinon of sex on someone like that. Thats how she felt and should've respected it, not dissmissed it as something that was alright. You obviously never talked to her about your feelings on the subject other wise you would've known that it would deeply hurt her. Kinda selfish in every aspect.... Find someone else who feels the same way as you.
Bottom line is you obviously wernt in love with her due to the lack of communication, but that doesnt mean you didnt care for her and you arnt upset.
{whoa... Montel Williams}
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-09-12 23:19 [#00031161]

True, alot of women will probably do the same!
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-12 23:27 [#00031165]

women are vacuums financially and emotionally. they drain you and suck you dry until you can't take it anymore. they should be physical vacuums more often.
hey guys, let's go start a Men's Liberation Front.
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-09-12 23:32 [#00031166]

All joking aside though. We are all still people arent we?! Life needs Men and Women {I hope :)}. There are many good men and good women out there.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-12 23:40 [#00031167]

yes. many good people out there, but you can't find them. they're smart. they hid and they stuck with each other. then you have the few remaining good people. i figure the ratio is 10 odd people to 1 normal person. normal person meets odd person, odd person converts normal person to another odd person throughout relationship. newly converted odd person returns to where the good, normal people are and messes them up. now we are left looking for people less messed up/odd than us.
from Minnapolis on 2001-09-12 23:54 [#00031172]

I enjoy love thuroughly; and so I cherish it when it it around me.
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-09-12 23:59 [#00031176]

It does but it is also so good. Gemma is my best mate. We do everything together. Being apart would be stupid and wouldnt help anyone.
She makes me smile.
It is, most of the time, all I need.
from Minnapolis on 2001-09-13 00:35 [#00031197]

All I know is that I haven't encountered anything better than pleasure and nothing brings me more pleasure than love. It's not a deep philosophical subject here.
from Minnapolis on 2001-09-13 00:40 [#00031199]

Oh yes... fate very well may exist, but it doesn't mean anything to anybody except for God almighty. I make choices consciously and unconsciously and the future seems to reflect them. I think the way your life is going has a lot to do with your attitude, but by no means is completely dependent on attitude, for all those who passed away because of this recent tragedy surely did not have a death wish. Bless all those who suffered and are suffering.
from Minnapolis on 2001-09-13 00:40 [#00031200]

Oh yes... fate very well may exist, but it doesn't mean anything to anybody except for God almighty. I make choices consciously and unconsciously and the future seems to reflect them. I think the way your life is going has a lot to do with your attitude, but by no means is completely dependent on attitude, for all those who passed away because of this recent tragedy surely did not have a death wish. Bless all those who suffered and are suffering.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 02:59 [#00031237]

God almighty! God almighty!
on 2001-09-13 06:16 [#00031296]

If my girfriend cheated on me I'd forgive her more easily if she came and told me right away rather than not telling me about it until i found out. or hiding it for too long.
Mylanta Jones
on 2001-09-13 07:55 [#00031351]

My personal oppinon...cheating is really sucky..haa haa hhaa....
yeah...my ex told me that she deplores people who cheat..as do I...so it came as quire a shock when I found out she had cheated on me...then lied to me about it...I was sad..so I cried...then I talked to her..she said she was sorry..as she cried... i said I was sorry to...for having to break our year and one half relationship off....I am not going to give my all to be cheated on... I am now extremely jaded..havent dated in a almost a year....haa haa haa..i am pitiful..and to make it even better...my ex has been cheated on by her new boy...twice is the story i have been told..and she too him back....
women are wacky... can some one tell me where the normal ones are??? liking aphex is an added bonus...
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 07:58 [#00031352]

right on. there's no excuse for cheating on someone. it happened to me once, even tho we were really young, i wouldn't take it. we broke up. she's a crack whore now. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
karma's a bitch.
Mylanta Jones
on 2001-09-13 08:03 [#00031354]

Dooode..how odd.. my ex aint a crack whore ....but just about everything else whore..haa haa haa...stupid female..she had nice ass though :)
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-09-13 09:39 [#00031395]

Women are a lot of fun.THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!! MY NICKNAME IS HORSE !!!
from Oz on 2001-09-13 15:51 [#00031480]

if you were horney then have a wank. it's no where hear as great as fucking, but at least you wouldn't have cheated on her and fucked your shit.
from UK on 2001-09-13 15:53 [#00031481]

Good GOD thats a good point.
And it makes you last longer in the sack!!!
They always say "Practise, Practise, Practise"
from over yonder on 2001-09-13 17:46 [#00031518]

this is the biggest male pitty party i have ever seen! "boo-hoo! girls are mean!".
look, i have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half, and BEFORE we started to date we were BEST freinds for four years. never once i have considered cheating on him, and nor has he considered cheating on me. you people need to commit to one person, and if you feel you can't, don't fuck up that person emotionally by screwing around! sure sure, girl are pretty damn cold hearted, i know that for a fact because i am one, but guys seem to go about it in such a blind fashion. at least we have intentions of brutally hurting you guys, instead if going around mindlessly fucking. but then again, there are girls who go around blindly too.
point being, i don't care what any of you shit heads say, cheating is bad no matter what. i don't care if a girl does it, i don't care if a guy does it, i don't care if a man with breasts does it, i don't care if a chic with a dick does it. again, if you feel you can not stick ot one person, it is better to dump them then to put them through the emotional trama of you telling them you've cheated, or them finding out another way...
on 2001-09-13 18:09 [#00031529]

I have been fucked over by way too many females. I have stopped getting into relationships period becuase the pros do not outway the cons.
So what if sex is nice. People aren't.
from over yonder on 2001-09-13 18:12 [#00031530]

stuff, at least you realize you don't want to be in a real relationship. you are a bigger man then most, i respect that... most of my guy friends are that way...
from @ planet earth on 2001-09-13 20:35 [#00031552]

happy to read what you guyz have to say !
from @ the pits of hell on 2001-09-13 20:55 [#00031560]

guess what...
The girl I love, dumped me ok... NOT coz I f##ked someone else, but coz she knowz now that she never loved me in the first place :(
So I'm "doooooomed"
But the good thing is that now I can go back to the girl I F.... coz she does "love" me. (he he he, I'm a bitch)
I just can't stand beeing all alone... (sorry for himself)
I need a girlfriend. I need to give love to someone. If not, I just stay in bed all day dooi'n nothing.
Love is what makez me gooi'n. It's stupid that it all turned out this way, but hey, I'm young, I still have a lot to lurn right ?
P.S. In real life I'm not really like this... Only on AFX-twin forumz I act like a stuck up bitch :)
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 20:57 [#00031561]

should have cheated on her. you got what you deserved man.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 20:58 [#00031562]

ACK! i mean shouldn't have.
from @ see on 2001-09-15 16:10 [#00032197]

hey rephlex you have serious mental problemz my friend...
from over yonder on 2001-09-15 18:06 [#00032220]

reflex, look, hun, i have lived. i have seen. and if i have some thing to say that i think has to do with the damn topic, i'll fucking say it. you do the same, do you not? all that shit about not really liking girls, and just wanting them around for a fuck? give me a break.. your inexperience with LIFE in general shows.
what my point was in all this was : if you want to be the kind of person that has maeningful relationships, good fer you, but stick to them, and don't fuck the other person up. if you are the kind of person who just wants a fuck now and then, stick to people of a like mind. and of you want to have more then one meaningful relationship, find some pollyamorus types. i wasn't trying to start a riot with any one.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-15 19:17 [#00032225]

and don't cheat on her.
the gurl with the stupid raver gurl site
from where the grass is always greener on 2001-09-15 22:40 [#00032294]

reflex: who is she?
on 2001-09-16 00:21 [#00032310]

you got girl problems? bitch pressin' charges? i get that alot....
from uk on 2001-09-16 02:06 [#00032342]

hay Jay just tell him the place to get girls
from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-16 02:29 [#00032346]

Motherfuckin' abortion clinic.
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