from uk on 2001-09-16 02:30 [#00032347]

from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-16 03:18 [#00032361]

I HAVE LIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HAVE SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from uk on 2001-09-16 03:22 [#00032364]

you no master, there can only be one master, girl love it
on 2001-09-16 03:57 [#00032369]

It sounds like rephlex is trying to make himself seem like a player to cover up for the fact that he has no real social skills.
I mean, he spends all his time in the aphextwin.nu message board.
from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-16 04:24 [#00032374]

I'm packin a 19 inch penis. and i'll FUCKING BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH IT
on 2001-09-16 04:36 [#00032378]

"My dicks bigger than your dick!!" "No its not. Here!!! Look at the size of mine. Bigger." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!!" "FUCK!!! Why did you just run over my dick with that steam roller" "Its called a virus. And it deleted half of your dick files when I installed it." -Etc etc etc. (enter new character) "Come on you guys. This is taking up valuable webspace. Children in asia don't even have a website!!! Greedy greedy greedy." "Fuck you. I just got my dick run over by a steam-roller!!" "Well its your own damn fault" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "No its not" Yes it is!" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "You is wrong" "No its not" "Yes it is!" "Hahahahah. I caught you!!" "You stupid fucker-head"
from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-16 04:44 [#00032381]

if anyone wants to come over and make out with me or sleep with me, i'm up for it. just let me know....
from Berlin on 2001-09-16 04:45 [#00032382]

lol... monkey rules. he's trying to act like poe.
from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-16 04:49 [#00032384]

Hey quoth.... what's up?..... slut.....
on 2001-09-16 04:50 [#00032385]

Sorry, I meant |REFLEX|.
I am comfortable with the fact that I choose to disasiciate myself with people. At least right now. I don't plan to hole myself up in my apartment all my life. But I do now. Oh well.
U seem to be ashamed of that fact. I don't blame you that you don't talk to people. You are in Edmonton after all. And everyone who has lived there knows what the city is like.
from Berlin on 2001-09-16 04:57 [#00032391]

Jay: the sky is up. [slut...] NO
from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-16 05:13 [#00032392]

from uk on 2001-09-16 11:13 [#00032464]

I pull some bird last night at an outdoor raver I played at, I love being a dj.
on 2001-09-16 11:34 [#00032471]

|Reflex| U R a Shithead. Both males and females are to blame. Not one or the other. You just don\'t understand that. I won\'t hold it against you. You are just... poorly developed.
on 2001-09-16 13:06 [#00032480]

I am not posting as different people because I am afriad of being \'caught\' or anything like that. I am doing it because I think it is fun to use a different name every once in a while.
Wow. You really take this shit seriously. I was only saying those things to get a rise out of you, but you seem to get really defensive about the whole thing. Kudos to you.
from Cold Rush City on 2001-09-16 13:41 [#00032483]

Yeez. Go grab a girl and have fun or something. :)
Ok I will.
on 2001-09-16 13:58 [#00032485]

I will take your advice into advisement, and will see what happens. Girls are so cruel. I look forward to having my naive dreams crushed once again.
With a crooked smile, and a pathetic, hopefull gleam in my eye, I bid adieu.
from over yonder on 2001-09-16 15:57 [#00032491]

i am gald you don't care reflex, i just wish you'd shut up.
from Cold Rush City on 2001-09-16 17:36 [#00032511]

Let's hope you will succeed. hehe
from a hawks colon on 2001-09-16 18:03 [#00032517]

how about you all go jump in a deep pit.
Beef Washington
on 2001-09-16 18:34 [#00032524]

Everyone appears to hate Reflex so much, but why hate when you can sodomise your enemy to death?
from Berlin on 2001-09-16 18:36 [#00032525]

direct your hate towards yourself. why hate supposed members such as reflex... when supposedely he exists and he supposedely writes words that don't really mean anything. nothing means nothing. text is nothing. text is text.
from Cold Rush City on 2001-09-16 18:36 [#00032526]

Cool. You jump first and tell us how deep it is.
Beef Washington
on 2001-09-16 18:45 [#00032533]

Yes, I understand. The computer, the computer is in my head. Yes, and the keyboard is my soul wanted to speak..... but is silenced. But by what? It has no speakers, why no,sa.sadop;asjp idh dfgd hif gfd gfd dfg fggffdgg ddfd f gfd fdg g gfdgffdfdyrt rt re 564 6565466 4654634dfsf fds f gsgdfdfas g ffdghjkghjj hgjhj ttytrdfgdm dlS sfdn kl asflkfk fdklaklfjasirdfklsngkdlngsdfgfsdfgm gskl;'jdfgsk;lkfd ldfkdg l;al; skdflakfg;ktljgkamgl dlg k'l;dgaadl d kl;'g kadg l;gm ,dam,dgal;dagk'adg m, l;tekte;kkldsg g.,dsdggl;e ';seg'l sdgl;' dds /m,sad., ;aslflklas fuckl f/,asd kfasd' l 'fds;lsa l s ht isdddfll;fs '' l cum sal;'d sl's as moutn vcdsf/sa;lk, s spo opsaodpmm noo psdl;saf gum mmasdosl;k d;lkasd sdam.. fhirlsjad dsa;l ks ldf, m/sdmfs .sdf; gsl;kdfl fsd;mgdk fdskl dsf's ;lsdfkkf; dk;dfk;fdkl dfkskm,.g m;glfsdk d? g gdjkl klsfajkl afsdklsjakdnmdd,. nfm rewpwtij f.fgfg,. sdn reqoiwfn fdsklfsadf; akfl dsa./ f l;ads gdkkj dl aj;l agkkdgldgkll;a kt;ojtjkgaljd;fagklf; kkaflksflsf;kfksla; kk k;flaropariopr ikfsddjkdajjsdklj fjkfsjkl fsljkjfsdkllksdfjksfjk jskldjldsjdsjkla jkdasjk sdjkldjaskl jkj sdklakdsaj jkjkdasjkdjskksdjal
gurl with stupid raver gurl site
from from the planet zerp on 2001-09-16 21:07 [#00032558]

this message board is screwing up my e-mail account... fuck!
from Cold Rush City on 2001-09-16 21:32 [#00032560]

I wish some girl screwed me up. ;)
from Cold Rush City on 2001-09-16 23:03 [#00032572]

All in all, the conclusion is, when you have a girlfriend and you are cheating on her, you are nothing more than a stuuupid asshole.
First you do all the trouble to get a girl and then fuck it up by doing something stupid. Damn, people can be wankers sometimes.
www>>>world wide wankers.
Think with your head not with your dick!!!
from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 02:35 [#00032612]

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from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 02:36 [#00032613]

Woah. I fucked this shit up.
from @ see on 2001-09-18 11:23 [#00033747]

ok, now read the new message pls...
"girlfriends (part two)"
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