alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-29 12:57 [#00001881]

I am conduting a survey on the average age of a AFX fan, please leave you age.
Thankyou in advance. Remember, your input makes all the difference. I will post the report when I compile the results.
yes, i am very very bored.
Netlon Sentinel
from beyond on 2001-03-29 14:15 [#00001885]

i'm 21. next thing you're gonna ask my dna code, right? well you're not getting it!!!! har!
from Miami, Florida on 2001-03-29 15:22 [#00001892]

18 here, you can have my dna ~ I wan't to be cloned 4 or 5 times. Muhahahaha!
wizards teeth
from Inside a space ship destined for brazil on 2001-03-29 15:55 [#00001896]

Age - 23
race - british
septum width - 5mm
inside leg length - (left 42inch) (right 35inch)
favourite word - built-up-shoe
species - man
favourite food - gravy (so versatile
from New Zealand on 2001-03-29 17:31 [#00001898]

9 x 2 = 18
from Manchester, England. on 2001-03-29 19:43 [#00001909]

i am 16. I would also like to be cloned if that is ok. Could you try and make a super intelligent clone so that i don't have to bother with school any more?
from somewhere between europe and canada on 2001-03-29 20:38 [#00001912]

and you can remain stupid? Goood idea :-) I am 29 and I dont want a clone because he could take my girl, and music stuff away and I dont want that. :)
from NEW YORK on 2001-03-29 21:35 [#00001915]

19 and im wearing no pants :(
from somewhere in the u.s. on 2001-03-29 21:52 [#00001917]

i am 18. i do not wish to be cloned. i am relying on an intelligent version of me to contact me from possibly a parallel universe or the future. this version of me will have built a time machine so that we may go back to points in time and invest in the likes of microsoft and the invention of velcro, or found those companies. therefore, the present day me will be wealthy beyond comprehension and never have to do anything
Id Lab
from Preston, UK on 2001-03-29 21:55 [#00001918]

22, both of me.
from Canada on 2001-03-30 01:26 [#00001925]

from Australia on 2001-03-30 01:40 [#00001932]

syeavurnteauyn (-1)
from home on 2001-03-30 01:42 [#00001934]

mike b -djfony-
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-30 02:02 [#00001939]

from Australia on 2001-03-30 02:22 [#00001942]

If I had a clone, I'd play mind games with it and do stuff to it for no reason just to put it in it's place, but then again, if it was an exact clone,.. it would try to do that to me as well, we would end up fighting, I think a mind induced buddy (ala fight club) is a much better solution, and also I hate needles
from canada on 2001-03-30 03:13 [#00001953]

Serj\\\'n Slice
from Nowhereth Carolina, USA on 2001-03-30 03:26 [#00001956]

i'm 19, but i think you should also check out when people began listening to aphex twin as well. i began listening when i was really heavy into acid...that would be the 10th grade. so that means i became a fan at 16. and no, i wouldnt wanna be cloned so the other me doesnt have to live the shitty life i have.
Rob Curulli
from Australia on 2001-03-30 03:48 [#00001959]

17 . . 10001 . . 11 dec bin hex
from NEW YORK on 2001-03-30 07:15 [#00002021]

i bet aphex twin is nuts on acid. i havent gotten a chance to do acid yet but i bet its insane.
Serj'n Slice
from Nowhereth Carolina, USA on 2001-03-30 07:20 [#00002024]

acid used to be one of my favorite drugs. i spent a whole summer on acid back after the 10th grade. aphex twin is defintely baddass on acid. but dont do acid too much, it fucks with your joints and head.
from Canada on 2001-03-30 08:35 [#00002028]

24 ... so far I seem to be the oldest, but I bet I play with more toys, and watch more cartoons then the whole lot of ya!
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-30 08:48 [#00002033]

nah, tune fx is 29, old geezer or what!, sheesh...mind you im 29 this year!, bollocks
from canada on 2001-03-30 09:14 [#00002038]

I used to dose like 4 tabs of good clean lsd and throw on VENTOLIN nice and loud at 4am... I don't do acid at all anymore... those trips scared the shit outta me! It was fun though. Really paranoid and disturbing fun.
wizard mac
on 2001-03-30 09:36 [#00002040]

zevuntien I mean seventeen is my age. I think we should create a clone with all our DNA combined, so whe get "an- average-Aphex-Twin-fan-clone".
wizard mac
from yeah sure on 2001-03-30 09:39 [#00002041]

by the way, if I had a clone of myself I would let him work all day and buy some hardware synths & sampler to jam with him all day!
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-30 09:42 [#00002042]

s'jonge jonge
from malmö/sweden on 2001-03-30 09:50 [#00002043]

the voice in my head says that im 19. but dont trust him!! he is evil!! ouch, got to go bang my head in the wall now.
wizard mac
from left of ya on 2001-03-30 09:59 [#00002046]

What the? Are you from Holland or something, Alan Flifton? I would call "Sjonge jonge" some kind of old dutch language. (old becuse I nerver use it)
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-30 10:00 [#00002047]

yeah, i live in holland, i say s'jonge jonge all the time cos its the only phrase i know! :)
wizard mac
from right of ya on 2001-03-30 10:03 [#00002049]

are you an immigrant or something and where do you live?
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-30 10:24 [#00002052]

ilegal immigrant yes, cant tell you where i live cos you will send the police round, and they will send me back to mongolia......cant go back.....cant go back....nooooooooooooo
wizard mac
from paling on 2001-03-30 10:28 [#00002054]

Are you serious?! If you are: woooow if you aren't: hahaha
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-30 12:41 [#00002071]

I'm DEADLY serious!!!!! :O
from Australia on 2001-03-30 13:00 [#00002075]

hedtwin and i would have to be the youngest ones here (im 16 aswell)
i'd love to be able to paste my DNA code onto this messageboard, like ATGCTACG.... etc, so somebody on the other side of the world could clone me and get to know me.
from Australia on 2001-03-30 13:01 [#00002076]

it'd be a few million lines of data, but nevertheless
from san jose, ca on 2001-03-30 13:06 [#00002080]

i'm 20. Yah yeah, acid is a trip with twin. just like in willy wonka... me and my friend like to drive up into the woods, find a place to hike, and listen to aphex twin. smoke some weed, and you're set.
from manchester on 2001-03-30 20:32 [#00002123]

wow, we are the yongest here!! How long have u been into it hexane? And what got u into it, if anything.
from Melbourne on 2001-03-31 13:24 [#00002176]

probably about 2 years listening to AFX - unfortunately i got into it thru the common "come to daddy" way like a lot of people, but its nothing to be too ashamed of. how about you?
from manchester on 2001-03-31 18:41 [#00002191]

about the same amount of time. First thing i heard was the girl/boy EP. Which is ace. I heard windowlicker before i heard come to daddy.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-01 03:29 [#00002222]

yeah, it's all good d00ds. the first album i got was come to daddy. i was at tower records with my friend, and I was lookin to try out some techno. i asked my friend for advice... he saw the aphex twin, and he told me he had seen the video the other night on mtv. i got the cd, and it was all over for me then. pure love. but in a way, i have to owe it all to mtv, but oh well.. i'm here now!
Aron Z.
from Canada on 2001-04-01 07:37 [#00002226]

I'm pretty sure i'm the youngest here, i'm only 13.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-01 13:04 [#00002238]

cool, but i know that whenever my son/daughter is born, the first thing he or she will hear will be some aphex twin
from lincoln,ne on 2001-04-01 16:04 [#00002257]

i must be teh grandpa of the bunch.....an exciting twenty-six years of age i have lived....many more to all...thanks yoda :0)
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-01 17:38 [#00002268]

hey gramps... okay... since you're the oldest.. give us a bit of perspective: what do your contemporaries think you put on some beautiful aphex twin?
from Sweden on 2001-04-01 18:09 [#00002269]

I'm 25+1/2
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-04-02 09:45 [#00002337]

OK, the results are in,
The average age of an aphex fan is 274.(dont ask me how I worked that out, it was very complicated and I was using a new formula that I dont understand).
Regarding the cloning issue that came up (god knows where it came from!), anyone who wants to be cloned should request a form from me, fill it out and send to the usual address, within a week if possible. I know a guy in Africa whos experimenting in this field, clever man.
I also saw this thing on TV yesterday where they got this dead bloke and froze him, cut him into four bits then proceded to cut him into thousands of wafer thin slices, then they built a virtual body from the data for med students to practice on, groovey huh.
If anybody wants to submit themselves for this let me know, cos they want to do it on a live person too.
Thanks for you input.
on 2001-04-02 11:29 [#00002340]

... here Woofy... latecomer...
I'm 28 yrs old, 6mth... are not 274 but
are enough...
Scary Bear
on 2001-04-02 13:52 [#00002345]

I am 16.
If it helps your survey friends say:
"He has very mature ideologies and stuff , but he always acts dazed and confused like a kid".
from Sweden on 2001-04-02 13:55 [#00002346]

Im 16.
from Glasgow, Scotland on 2001-04-02 14:00 [#00002348]

I am 26 and have been avidly listening to RDJ since 1992 when I purchased the Digeredoo EP (I was a budding techno DJ and did'nt really know what I was buying!) A few months and a few microdots later, I was hooked!
PS am I the only one who feels that his stuff lost its edge after I Care/Ventolin?
Sure the programming is good, but the animal prescence is gone.
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