from geoworld on 2001-08-18 17:02 [#00022982]

finally found a song scarier and nastier than 'come to daddy'. it's by venitian snares... recommended to me a few days ago on this forum, the song is called 'befriend a child killer' and it's fucking extreme.
Dan Schneider
on 2001-08-18 17:06 [#00022983]

You found 'Come To Daddy' scary? I think it's quite funny.
from geoworld on 2001-08-18 17:16 [#00022987]

Well, not scary in a "makes me tremble" way but in an uplifting, mental way.
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
on 2001-08-18 19:01 [#00022998]

Is this from their album"printf"? I ask because they don't list the track titles at cdnow.com for this album. Is it scarier than download's "eyes of stanley pain"?
from geoworld on 2001-08-18 19:02 [#00022999]

I've never heard the eyes of something or other. I might download it later...
from scotland on 2001-08-18 20:00 [#00023004]

Download are,were scary guys.Check the soundtrack to "Charlies family"
Eek.Very intense,phycotic data errors.
from over there on 2001-08-18 21:10 [#00023014]

Dan, it is rather funny isn't it..... i love how M.Manson ripped off the "a-sexual pale man-thing" from Aphex. the bastard.
from geoworld on 2001-08-18 21:45 [#00023015]

i was scared when i first saw the video for come to daddy. that THING just freaked me out but I was 15.
on 2001-08-18 22:51 [#00023018]

What was that thing? Haven\'t seen it -_-
on 2001-08-18 22:51 [#00023019]

What was that thing? Haven\'t seen it -_-
from geoworld on 2001-08-18 23:28 [#00023021]

The big grey thing which screams at that old woman.
on 2001-08-19 00:08 [#00023028]

i am special i have come to daddy poster, it hangs over my bed - sorta like a dream catcher
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-19 00:19 [#00023034]

I found a whole goddamn album scarier than Come TO Daddy. The Silent Hill Soundtrack. Fucking rights... I cant even listen to that in the dark. Seriously.
on 2001-08-19 00:31 [#00023037]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-19 00:33 [#00023038]

Fuck - You listen to that soundtrack. all 42 songs after playing that game, even months later. Its hard to do.
on 2001-08-19 00:35 [#00023041]

uh ok, gimp
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-19 00:37 [#00023042]

gimp - lame. you haven't done it, so how can you know? only once you had tried it can you knock it.
on 2001-08-19 00:41 [#00023044]

heh, well im not really sure what you're talking about or trying to prove, but have fun whatever you're doing :)
-"gimp - lame"
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-19 00:49 [#00023047]

on 2001-08-19 00:55 [#00023052]

-"gimp - lame"
from NZ on 2001-08-19 01:47 [#00023061]

I am new to this site and this board so I am not too clued up on the etiquette, but this top I just couldn't resist...would it be considered rude and spammy if I recommended some of my own music..for the scary music category...download are one of my major influence not to mention aphex's scarier stuff..I would like some opinions on this and won't post a url until I know that I am not pissing people off....let me know
from kenya on 2001-08-19 02:31 [#00023065]

go on .. give us the goods .. come on .. come on then aye ...
on 2001-08-19 02:37 [#00023067]

:) :) :) thank you zebra...but I will wait for a few more replies or I could email the urls to you too....
on 2001-08-19 02:41 [#00023069]

why are you acting like a pussy? :P i know you are being polite, but isn't one reply enough.. even then..
from NZ on 2001-08-19 02:54 [#00023071]

I shall be a pussy no more LOL here goes nothing on my primary site http://www.mp3.com/gsr try anything from the album "mettle"...junksucker, lavaspitter, leadpumper etc
from"cuboid" try hexahedral from"manmalade" try manmalade, sem pel, drowned numbers from "plastique" try spitteroon on my second site http://www.mp3.com/waxploder try "toothache"
on my third site http://www.mp3.com/f_l_e_a try "lambda feed"
there's plenty more...I guess the running theme in my stuff is pitchblack humour...
there can't say I didn't warn you ;) feedback would be appreciated cheers
Hemi kacidal
from nz on 2001-08-19 12:43 [#00023114]

Hey Flea dude .. I've listened to a couple of your songs .. The flea stuff is sounding quite cool ..
The GSR (of which I haven't listened much of) hexihemical or sumthing .. is quite cool .. but was expecting something different, from listening to the opening bit .. especially coming from an Aphex site. I reckon that track would be worth DrillnBass remixing .. in my humble opinion.
But I might have to buy one of them Flea Albums.. cause it's quite hard to tell some of the subtle stuff - and it's always good to support local talent .. !!
where you based ?
Hemi kacidal
from nz on 2001-08-19 12:45 [#00023115]

nah .. the flea stuff i am quite liking aye ..
Have you submitted any stuff to like radio stations and the like ??? Mind you there aint too much of a market in the good old long white cloud eh boy !
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-19 13:07 [#00023117]

....I listen to video game soundtracks in the dark... I'm in my mid thirties....
on 2001-08-19 13:45 [#00023118]

That Addams Family track by Mc Hammer is pretty scary..
from Florida on 2001-08-19 13:57 [#00023119]

Howsa bout my site? *insert shameless plug for site here*
I have "sound for intelligent people" my first cd, up for download. enjoy!?! (please?) and respond!
Henry Lee Lucas
from http://communities.msn.com/TheHarmonyKorineCommunity/_whatsnew.msnw on 2001-08-19 14:08 [#00023120]

Fuck that, join my community. It's been available for two days now and only twelve people have joined. There are 32 messages posted on the board, 31 of which were made by me. I think people are signing up but never returning.
http://communities.msn.com/TheHarmonyKorineCommunity/_whats new.msnw
It's the only Harmony Korine community available. Join.
from Florida on 2001-08-19 14:11 [#00023121]

ohyeah? well gummo, yeah it SUCKED hardcore. I am digusted with harmony korine. What a loser. I mean, if he made cool movies, then OK, but movies about kids and rape, and animal abuse, killing old people and crossdressing...lame lame lame.....
on 2001-08-19 14:14 [#00023122]

I like the flea and waxploder stuff.
The gsr stuff sounds like cevin key (of Skinny Puppy, Download, Plateau) testing out his equipment before a show :)
I\'m sure it\'s fun to make but it\'s hard for me to actually listen too.
By the way: If you haven\'t ever heard Plateau or Download you should check it out.
from over there on 2001-08-19 16:05 [#00023129]

Reflex, the silent hill sounds track is pretty damn creepy.... first time i played that game was also the last.. gave me the fucking willies.....
from NZ on 2001-08-19 21:43 [#00023161]

sorry I was off the net and in the bed :) thanks for all the kind responses I will try answer a few of the questions here
Dentaku you hit it on the head with the Cevin Key testing his gear bit:) yeah I am a huge fan and own most of download and plateau, but I felt the later download stuff was lacking the rawness and grit which is what you heard on GSR, cranking it up is a blast LOL and GSR's got the anything goes ethic..while for waxploder and f.l.e.a I actually try and strap myself down :)
Hemi Kacidal you are right...hexahedral does need something else..it's my spoof of the Exorcist theme, hexahedral, six headed monster,666 ah I know it's cheesy I was laughing my head off, I am kinda proud of the middle section but most of the people snooze off before they get to that(it is nearly 11.00 minutes long (hehehe...
f.l.e.a CD "fleepy the E.P" should be available soon, I might post another post about that...yeah f.le.a is kinda my pride and joy of the moment hence the handle...I am based in Auckland and if you knew the kinda grip KOG's dub houstastic trance has over radio here you wont be suggesting putting my stuff on the radio ;) send me an email...I would love a chat..noone to talk aphex or I.D.M to around here....
to every one else..sorry if tis seemed like an exercise in wasted bandwidth..I plan not to make a habit of it..I think you have a great community going here and am looking forward to discussing many a things...
Hemi kacidal
from nz on 2001-08-19 22:08 [#00023162]

Totally agree with that kog stuff .. almost criminal I would say - counter creative even.
Did you go to the Avant Music festival at the start of the year - with the likes of Florian Hecker and Pan Sonic Featuring ?? [i've gone on about this a little much .. but one should really have been there].
But yeah .. sweet. And keep the good stuff coming ... have yet to listen through your whole stack of tunes.
from NZ on 2001-08-19 22:18 [#00023165]

nah missed the Avant music festival..criminal on my part missing Pan Sonic;( just the same bollix house playing (now garage) in every bleeding club totally lost touch with the scene...don't let that last bit about gSR put you off...there's some slightly more polished stuff as well you just have to dig for it... most of "plastique" is pretty restrained with cutting loose sessions here and there...listen to me plugging on and on..shameless..could you try and email me mate on habala_p_kabala@hotmail.com
my outlook is disabled cheers
from uk on 2001-08-20 00:38 [#00023194]

HELLRAISER by COIL is pretty scary and ANYTHING by the SCLUB!
from NZ on 2001-08-20 00:50 [#00023195]

damn staright!!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 00:57 [#00023196]

thanksomuch: no shit.. I passed that game.. but it was difficult...... damn difficult with all dem sounds and songs and the scenery.
on 2001-08-20 02:33 [#00023206]

I've been listening to Skinny Puppy, Severed Heads, Cabaret Voltaire, OLD Ministry etc... (and other stuff that in it's day was considered to be creepy) since I was little so I really never think of any music as "scary".
Puppy was some of the most glorious electronic music ever made, until the last album where Ogre made them move to L.A. and use guitars.
Stupid American Guitars :)
on 2001-08-20 03:02 [#00023215]

same here Dentaku..been listening to all the bands you mentioned...If you ask me nothing is creepier than "Hamburger Lady" though..to me scary music = good music, but not in the cheesy gothic, doom metal categories..that stuff is just plain funny..
Ogre and key keep getting worse, piling on guitars and other juvenile cockrock paraphenilia ..on the other extreme Phil Western is injecting all the bad house and d'n'b cliches into download..just dont know how low that boats gonna sink ;(
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 03:05 [#00023217]

OhGr is pretty cool.. not ogre though.. I never heard them.
from NZ on 2001-08-20 03:13 [#00023220]

OhGr ogre sam thing...too much rock for my taste :(
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 03:20 [#00023222]

f.l.e.a: you think? I dont mind OhGr.. i think they are pretty good. All that Skinny Puppy, Download and Ohgr stuff is good in my books. Do you enjoy any of that other stuff by them?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-20 09:55 [#00023256]

From David Violence: I have "sound for intelligent people" my first cd, up for download. enjoy!?! (please?) and respond!
that's one awful name for an album. jesus.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 09:56 [#00023258]

from NZ on 2001-08-20 21:48 [#00023483]

Sorry R3PHL3X went to sleep again :) it's this southern hemisphere thang we sleep when you wake LOL
Yeah I dig most of the puppyload side projects...you might wanna check out the "Paradigm Shift" compilation off the Subconscious label..some pretty twisty electro madness happening there Dwayne Goettell (R.I.P) was a huge aphex fan and it shows on his aDUCK tunes..the next compilation "Wild Planet" was a bit of a disappointmentt for me though I really like the Key solo track and the Lustmord song on there...the rest is a bit wishy washy..a bit like Download "iii" and "Effector"
from NZ on 2001-08-20 21:56 [#00023484]

addendum to the previous... I was and still am a huge Ogre (Kevin Ogilvie) fan..he is the most original vocalist..a style that spawned a billion imitator..heck even I tried it for a few years ;) but my throat couldn't keep up...his words,lyrics, poetry etc were also the most brilliant stream of conscious head rushes the popular music (so to speak) has ever had to offer..but now it's such a shame to see him struggle with cheap Les Claypool Imitations and bad rhymy rapping...If you want to have a ounce of respect for him please don't try his "Bedside Toxicology" project with Martin Aitken on Invisible...I know I did and I know I won't be able to think of Ogre in that misty eyed way ever again :(
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 22:03 [#00023489]

flea: ill do so and check that stuff out... definitly!'
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