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Soft Sequencers

mapher from CH - Mulligan on 2001-08-15 09:03 [#00022003]

hey kids.....

i know i don't write much in this mb, but i think it's
intrested to talk about making music and what d'you guys use
to make the shit.
so the most of you (i rode it) use frutyloops for only
software equip. so what d'you use if you've got hardware
samplers and synths ? what d'you prefer ? i've got cubase
but i dunno, is that goof for live sessions, it's a big soft
seq with many functions, so it can be suck at live jams, i
think it's better to use little step sequencers or something
like that, i dunno...


mapher from CH - Mulligan on 2001-08-15 09:10 [#00022005]

sorry for the kids.....i mean pplz


Wizards Teeth from Parsnip Land on 2001-08-15 10:07 [#00022012]

reason is good for live manipulation

it is easy to programme live automatic modifications of the
sounds and unlimited effects can be added in series


map[warp/rephlex-aholic] from CH - Mulligan on 2001-08-15 10:10 [#00022014]

but whats about remoting, it would be useful, if i can
start/stop, go to definated points on the track etc. via de
masterkeyboard or drummachine, that would be cool


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