It is a lot harder to write a beatiful melody than to make noise | xltronic messageboard
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It is a lot harder to write a beatiful melody than to make noise

offline Zeus from San Francisco (United States) on 2002-08-17 00:44 [#00353243]
Points: 14042 Status: Lurker

vltermx21 (or whatever its spelling is)

is so intense and great

so emotional


offline kluizenaar from Netherlands Antilles on 2002-08-17 00:44 [#00353246]
Points: 506 Status: Regular

yo Phiz,..:

"kluizenaar, i could send you individual tracks, melodies,
basslines, samples..."

this would be the best way for me to REMIX a chosen track.

".........set out how i'd like them in the tune, maybe 3.30
minutes long and you could add the drum track?"

This wouldn't work for me ,in a way that I rather have you
mix my, to be made, drumtrack in your tune. So you are in

mail me your emailadres ,mine =

so we can get specific , personally I'd like to do a remix
as my creativity is at a low at the moment. Preferably
wavefiles for every seperate track (bass,beat etc)

But if all you can manage is a "mp3/wave file conversion of
a full audiotrack" then I'll work with that.

lemme know ,aicht?

(I'm off to bed right now,,...goodnight)


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-17 00:48 [#00353255]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to CS2x: #00353237

just play the appropriate chords to harmonize...

it's simple text book stuff...

there's tons of text books dating back to medieval times
about music, scales, chords harmonies..etc..

noise on the other hand is exciting because there are no
rules, no text books, no formulas, no do's and dont'
experiment, you trial and's equal parts
science and art...its uncharted territory..

and all this stuff..about sitting on a piano, and or with an
acoustic guitar..and pounding out your tunes is such a
cliche..I have known tons of people who can do that
brillinatly..doesnt make ME want to rush out and buy their

I think you just chose the wrong venue to try and convince
people of your theories....old worn out theories I might will get plenty of yay sayers on one of the boards
dedicated to more traditional music...


offline CS2x from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 00:54 [#00353267]
Points: 5079 Status: Lurker

Look, I'm not trying to convince anyone what is better ok?
It all really depends on how the composer thought about
about anyway!
In retrospective, my initial post was a little badly
written and harsh, and I apologize for any offence caused.
And for the unmpteenth time, I do respect a lot of
Autechre's music...:D


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 01:04 [#00353285]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker


did you see that, i become a wizzard and didnt even feel the
receiving of my special powers, feelin giddy.

............................ ../\
IIIIIIIIIIIII \............11
.........(_____ WIZZARD!!!!


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-17 01:07 [#00353288]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

ASCII art is a Wizard power?..why am I so crap at it then?



offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-08-17 01:08 [#00353289]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

it all depends on how IMPORTANT a 'beautiful melody' is to

music is strictly about the arranging of sounds. to the
people who use dissonant sounds there are bad sounds, good
sounds and VERY good sounds. if you really get into it, you
will hear the depth and also the difference between good
stuff and bad stuff.

it is very hard to make good dissonant stuff.


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 01:10 [#00353297]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

dissonant isn't noise though really, thers that thin line
again, when noise becomes recognisable melody, maybe not
melody but a loop which feels melodic, i dunno, tough


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-17 01:11 [#00353298]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to qrter: #00353289

hear hear..


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-08-17 01:12 [#00353300]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

yeah well, I use 'dissonant' as a general term for
'non-melodic elements'..


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-17 01:14 [#00353302]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

I think a word we are looking for here is


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-08-17 01:15 [#00353304]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to flea: #00353302

thank you, yes, thats the little bugger.. :)


offline Mickey Mouse from The Moon on 2002-08-17 01:24 [#00353316]
Points: 4130 Status: Addict

I found this comment:

"I can make
those kinds of tracks in a quarter of the time it takes to
produce and memorable "piece of music"

and this one:

"I can hear
everything they's justy some clever use of
effects, and lots of mangled drum sounds heavily cut up,
reversed, repeated, ect"

very arogant....presumptous, and closed minded. I know you
didnt say one style was better then another CS2x but you
were sure implying it... not only in those quotes above....
but in a lot of your comments. A big part of appreciating
art..... is having an open mind.


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-17 01:24 [#00353317]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular



offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-17 01:26 [#00353319]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to Mickey Mouse: #00353316

iT takes me a lot less time to write a melodic piece than to
build a listenable noise/atonal/dischordant piece..

listenable is the keyword here..


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 01:26 [#00353320]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

haha, Atonal, what a fuckin horrid word, imagine sayin to
someone, listen to this, this is my favourite tune in the
world, and then gettin the reply, oh thats very atonal that,
i'd be insulted


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 01:27 [#00353322]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

but maybe them melodic tunes which are so easy to make are
the tunes that are straight from the heart.


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-17 01:29 [#00353324]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to phiz: #00353322

good point

i take atonality as a compliment..some times


offline rarndaraki from from from from (United States) on 2002-08-17 01:31 [#00353329]
Points: 1833 Status: Regular

eh, bad comment there. your bringing back the melodic is
more emotional thing. refer to the above posts to think
about why you should take back that last comment. and you
may say easy to make is the keyphrase, but one could say the
same about noise. stupid thing to say. maybe "whatever
types of music your into" should replace "melodic tunes"


offline Mickey Mouse from The Moon on 2002-08-17 01:35 [#00353332]
Points: 4130 Status: Addict

CS2x not trying to dis you here or anything....

but do you have a link to some of your tracks... I am
interested to hear what they sound like.

And also.... which label are you being signed to


offline CS2x from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 01:36 [#00353335]
Points: 5079 Status: Lurker

Mickey mouse, the reason I said those things, was, because
from my experience, it was true....however, I was probably
wrong about Ep7...after all, I really enjoy Miphive 6.1...a
great track...

It's all about opinion one can define what is
great art and what isn't imo...and I have already apologized
about my first post.


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 01:37 [#00353338]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

i dunno, i do have a strong beleif in spontenaity(sp?),
things that come straight out of me, instead of getting too
analytical about things.
i know what you mean about easy to make too, it can be an
'easy' way out of actually applying yourself to a project
instead of creating 'on the fly' so to speak, i dunno, my
creativity has allways been very spontanious and direct, i
find if i overcomplicate things i lose something from my


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 01:40 [#00353341]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

"It's all about opinion really"

there it is right there!!!!
each to his own, every single one of us has totally
different tastes when it comes down to it, nothing anyone
can do about it.
hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!nothing i tells yer


offline rarndaraki from from from from (United States) on 2002-08-17 01:41 [#00353344]
Points: 1833 Status: Regular

yea so keep your opinions to yourself muthafuckaz, don't
come here saying something is better or harder (which seems
to make things better in many peoples eyes) or im gonna
ghetto stomp you.


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-17 01:42 [#00353348]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to phiz: #00353338

I work on a lot of spontaneous impulses when I create the
sounds, textures, etc..I keep in accidents misstakes
etc..and then when it comes to putting a song together..I
juxtapose those spontaneously created sounds, loops etc..I
do have have to think and plan a certain randomness into the
reoccurence of these things because generally instinct
dictates order, and repetition...


offline Mickey Mouse from The Moon on 2002-08-17 01:44 [#00353351]
Points: 4130 Status: Addict

Damn skippy..... that IS what makes art great.... its soo
subjective to opinion..... whats horrible to one
person...... is beautiful to another

none the less..... those two particular comments.... were
VERY arrogant, egotistical, and closed minded IMHO

do you have any of you tracks online? what label are you
being signed to...... I am very intrested


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-08-17 01:48 [#00353361]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

right now i make noise tracks cos i'm too scared to make the
music i want to make. i've set a really high bar for myself
cos of all the music i listen to. for years i've been
writing down ideas for songs and lyrics but i've made just
about nothing cos i want it to be just how it is in my head.


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 01:52 [#00353370]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

kluitzenaar, mail your way.

accidents, misstakes etc. usually produce the best results


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-08-17 01:53 [#00353372]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker | Followup to phiz: #00353370



offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-17 01:54 [#00353376]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to phiz: #00353370

Word..with every mistake and accident you are opening
another door..another possibilty you didn't plan on..


offline rarndaraki from from from from (United States) on 2002-08-17 01:56 [#00353382]
Points: 1833 Status: Regular

yea like that time i accidently killed all my neighbors in
this huge mix up i got myself into, it all worked out cause
now im in prison and the world doesn't have to be bothered
by me, except on the internet.


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 01:56 [#00353383]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

titsworth, i know what you mean, i've took in a hell of alot
of music over the years that now i'm starting to get out my
tunes its hard to realise my tune are unique, instead of
being rehashed.
the ammount of input for tunes and ideas for all sorts of
things i've got stored it's hard to get going because of the
overload of ideas when you do actually start creating.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 02:13 [#00353411]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

Most music creators probably evolved a relatively unique
ability at doing a particular thing. Difficulty in creating
melodies or realizing any other concept or idea varies from
case to case. Some of the best melodies I've heard are these
simple bleepy ones at "merry
cannibals" "our world is orange" etc. That guy can make them
easy. He must have some underlying creation concept or maybe
his software/equipment allows him to make them easy.

I once thought the "autechreish" camp was sort of
scientific, trying to understand and re-create nature... for
this reason, it could be almost as interesting to listen to
REAL natural things, like the gurgle of the bathtub drain
(you just don't normally think about it) But they definately
create stuff that nature doesn't make too. I don't see
nature suddenly accidently creating much of a melody though.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 02:14 [#00353415]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

"Music should be about emotion, not the newest 'sound'."

comments like that are subjective too... it simply varies
case to case... people's purpose of making music, people's
purpose of listening to music etc. There's not a single


offline electro from detroit on 2002-08-17 03:02 [#00353457]
Points: 2880 Status: Regular | Followup to CS2x: #00353099

i guess the music of now and the future are more of effects
and techniques applied to simple melodies to make something
you can hit one note and apply all sorts of effects and get
great stuff
i may be worng but i guess plasticman made a song out of
three notes only


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 03:04 [#00353462]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

i think daft punk got the commercial praise and money out of
the minimal side of minimal beats that richie hawtin should
have got the credit for, he really got some kind of feeling
and emotion out of minimal beats long before Homework got
the praise it did for daft punk.


offline electro from detroit on 2002-08-17 03:06 [#00353463]
Points: 2880 Status: Regular | Followup to phiz: #00353462

well daft punks homework was a housey and not as electronic
as PM


offline phiz from Liverpool (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-17 03:09 [#00353465]
Points: 2622 Status: Lurker

but i think the whole praise given to Homework was to do
with it's minimalist use of beats and the space it had,
Plasticman really used it well, live he was too much, when
it was just a kick and snare pounding out, more feeling than
any of these IDM people we listen to.


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-08-17 06:35 [#00353728]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

I have some nice melodies in my head constantly, that I'm
too lazy to put into actual music, whether on the computer
or on the guitar. Too hard and time consuming to figure out.

Melodies are the main thing that I love in music... gotta be
combined with some creativity... Beatles and Autechre are
just so good at that. Beatles with their catchy songs that
still manage to be innovative, and Autechre with their
''noise'' that still manages to be melodic. I'm listening to
Eidetic Casein right now, and FUCK the melodies make my head


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