Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-04 02:02 [#00019608]

i dont want to be the one saying this... but, there remains a strong possibility that 'drukqs' is not going to live up to all this hype. this album may not even acheive an above average score once the critics begin evaluating. this may be another marginal release to toss in the heap. i know this must sound unfair, but i am simply stating the possibility. afterall, rdj has not necessarily been consistent. he has released 2 unsorted eps (but excellent nonetheless) most recently, with tracks resembling no coherent statement.
...or maybe it'll be fucking genius. i dont know. i guess, all im saying is that i was fortunate enough to have heard a lot of great music these past couple of years and rdj has a lot to consider now. im sure there are many people out there now who have an inkling that rdj is losing his grip on his music and mad programming.
idont know. ill let you discuss. i apologize in advance.
on 2001-08-04 04:22 [#00019611]

i fucking hate (all) you people, just wanted to get that out
on 2001-08-04 04:27 [#00019612]

well, mainly just you Aphex Only-Child
James King
on 2001-08-04 04:31 [#00019613]

I fucking hate her too
from KC Missouri on 2001-08-04 05:37 [#00019622]

Yes, maybe it will suck, maybe it will be great. Of course it will be one of the two, so what was the point in stating that? Anyways, its gonna be great.
Hampster fur coat
on 2001-08-04 06:29 [#00019628]

I've never actually heard of people as retarded enough to guess what an album sounds like. You know those people that form a personal opinion on a film they haven't seen; i hate them to.
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-04 06:46 [#00019631]

I don't think it's stupid to specualte what an album may sound like, though i do this this post it quite silly.
how does one man break up? you need 2 or more people to break up. and on top of that, the title of this post has nothing to do with the actual message.
i don't like stupid people. that's why i can't stand 99.999999999999999999999999% of the message boards out there. i like this one. that's about it. buddyhead.com.... wow are the people there stupid.
i gotta check out a staind message board. i don't think it could get worse than that.
from KC Missouri on 2001-08-04 08:04 [#00019637]

good call on the staind message board. Their fans think they have stumbled upon some great, emotional band and little do they know that the really good stuff is NOT on mtv.
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-04 09:35 [#00019644]

that's cause to be a fan of staind, you have to be a fuckin idiot.
there's bands that i can let go. or deal with. i don't care if someone likes Robbie Williams or 'Nsync. that's fine, because it's pop music. it's not supposed to be smart or clever. it's made so you can dance badly to at a dance club to it. cause no one will try to argue with you that those people have more talent than Trent Reznor or whomever, because everyone knows, they don't write their own songs, or only have a part in it, where as trent does it himself. It's when someone is arguing with me that the lastest Stained album is better than the lastest NIN or the latest Radiohead that i can't take it.
and is it just me, or is Stained the ugliest group of guys you've ever seen?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-04 09:37 [#00019645]

My opinion here. But I think that trying to guess what the album sounds like, EVEN from the NME stuff people have read is ridiculous. Who knows what it sounds like??? I read the NME.com stuff and it leaves out like 90% of what the album is going to sound like. So what, it says kinda dark sometime, and old AFX styles sometimes and even some piano stuff. But what can fit inbetween all that, or what could all this mean? If you said that Digeridoo had a Digeridoo in it, could you guess it would sound JUST like the song does, without hearing it. Hell no.
Aphex Twin has had so much diversity in his tunes over his whole career - Its too hard to figure this all out, with just rumors and speculation. I really think that its pointless to think this over too much. I can't wait for the new album to come out, I really can't. But Im not thinking about what its going to sound like. Just wait.
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-04 09:37 [#00019646]

that's alot of typos. fuck i'm tired.
from Germany on 2001-08-04 10:13 [#00019648]

This is kind of a lame post. Well, maybe this bowl of soup is just gonna be like the last 12 bowls of soup Ive had here. Julio, the cook, he is very inconsistent, though his meatloaf collaboration with Flo, the waitress was brilliant.
Or maybe it will be wicked.Maybe I will just stop and say to myself,"Goddamn FLo, that Julio, that motherfucker can COOK!". I dunno, guess I will just have to wait and see
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-04 10:58 [#00019662]

whoa. simmer down people. i havent passed any judgment just yet. i am simply stating the possiblity of 'drukqs' being a marginal release. dont be closed minded to the chance that this album is not going to rock you the way you thought it would. that is just fucking ignorant. we're all into progressive music in here, right? i mean, there are 16 year old kids out ther making music that is equally, if not better, than aphex twin right at this moment. of course, they were fortunate enough to have heard the twin beforehand and have been inspired to create something. but, that is just part of the cycle of music and imagination. afterall, in this business, it is very easy to have your art tainted by the market music has created for itself. imagine releasing albums of music consistently year after year, trying to live up to the expectations that the fans have built up for you. this is the point in rdj's timeline where he must make some serious decisions on what he will release. will he become predictable and stereotypical electronica, or will he continue to break barriers in the wake of others. personally, i hope for the latter. my topic is asking you your opinion on the path that you believe rdj is on and to discuss what is needed in progressive music today.
...and for all you with nothing but bullsh*t to say, you can go bump your lousy beastie boyz and kate bush cds to death because you are all fucking burnt up anyway. so go suck off!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-04 10:59 [#00019663]

I like Kate Bush and Beastie Boys. What are you trying to say?????
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-04 11:07 [#00019668]

you might as well listen to fucking aerosmith.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-04 11:13 [#00019670]

Hahah look at him with his "online" temper. Great fun it is talking to you. I hate aerosmith, and you need to realize that these are opinions, just as your musical taste if your opinion. Not everyone agrees with you. Or me. It doesn't even matter. And thats not the point.
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-04 11:18 [#00019671]

what? what are you trying to say to me? dont talk to me, reflex. how old are you? you have thoughts like a fucking 4 year old. i dont care what you think. fucking canadians. go listen to your fucking barenaked ladies singles and go fuck your mother. you're probably a big dork anyway.
from canada on 2001-08-04 11:27 [#00019673]

an american is only your friend if he's winning
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-04 19:56 [#00019726]

aphex only child needs to learn to shut the fuck up.
you sound retarded man. with each and every post you make, i'm sure everyone here can agree you only look dumber. so just stop.
from SAN JUAN,PUERTO RICO on 2001-08-04 20:31 [#00019733]

Men,are you an Aphex phan,or just a fucking believer on that shitty empire called,Recording Industry.If you like AFX,and if you beleive you can do whatever the fuck you want,then you must have some hope that my man,Richard D James is going to fuck the whole world with his new Druqks...Still,personally,I don't give a fuck what a fucked up music critic can say about it.He is such a genious,since childhood.I bet those music critics don't even know how to do programming on a simple crappy keyboard or a child's learning computer.So what the fuck the know about,Fucking sell and money,that's what they have in those fucked up empty/shitty brains.Come on everybody--Say with me "Fuck the critics and lets stand together for our Richard D James,he shall live forever in music,never ever gonna broke up".He got better things to do than to listen to shithead critics,thanx.Just had to say this.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-08-04 21:04 [#00019735]

you people need to calm yourselves.
Drukqs will be Drukqs, and that is that. EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion whether you like it or not, so don't get bent out of shape.
An opinion is an opinion and that is that. So respect it whether it goes along with yours or against or you'll just go ape.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-04 21:57 [#00019753]

Hey I never got angry once. Just thought it was funny that since Iam a canadian iam automaticly calssified as a dork, a barenaked ladies fan {music group} and I suck. Now thats just unfair and quite weird.
on 2001-08-04 22:08 [#00019757]

Hey its happened.
APHEX has split with TWIN first Bros and now APHEX.
Phobiazero time to close down the site and start with something new.
How about the Venga Boys I here they are very good.
from SAN JUAN,PUERTO RICO on 2001-08-04 22:21 [#00019764]

I am not angry at anyone,really.I just don't belive in boneheaded critics.They don't really speak what they feel,even though some do,but most of them speak businesswise,and I have to disagree on that.As an amateur synth player,I play everything from my heart and soul.Don't listen to anyone but myself.Anyway,the guy from Canada,don't worry,I,personally,don't think you suck because you listen to Barenaked Ladies,actually I think they are original in their own way,and the type of music that they play,ok my friend.I am more into electronica/idm/experimental electronic music with a little of ambient/jungle/trance.Viva Druqks,el mejor..............
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-04 22:25 [#00019766]

VAMPIRE ANGEL: thanks. but I don't even listen to the barenaked ladies in the first place! never have, they suck! but you are right, they are their own style, but they suck in my opinion. Its just that he is calling me all these things, and naming me with all this stuff because iam canadian, thats ignorant. Anyone could do that to anyone else, whatever country they are from. That was just REALLY REALLY stupid. And quite immature.
from SAN JUAN,PUERTO RICO on 2001-08-04 22:34 [#00019769]

You are very welcome R3FL3X.And you are so right.There should be respect withing us.We are supposed to be a peaceful community,with respect to everyone's opinion.So fucking what if you are from Canada,you are my friend and so a human beign.At least i found a lot of people that think like us in such a mature ways.Hey man,I am from Puerto Rico,so what,because i am from here that means we dont listen to electronica/idm,or have to talk to such an immature way that have to disrespect someone,come one guys......Viva Richard D james,por siempre..........
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-04 22:41 [#00019772]

...this is retarded...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-04 22:47 [#00019776]

Aphex Only Child: why? because you made some stupid little comment about how me being Canadian automaticly puts me in some sub-class of people that do certain things, and listen to certain pre-set things that you hate? Great thinking there.
VAMpIRE ANGEL: Totally, I hope that you stick around on this site. We need more like you!
The Grey Gentleman
from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-08-04 22:52 [#00019779]

Err, who cares about the hype? If the album comes out, great I'll look forward to it. If it doesn't, I'll live and continue doing my own thing as I've done.
I think another issue I see on here a lot is the whole competition thing. "Artist A's gonna release Record 3, but he'd better hope it's better than Artist's B Record 2". I think this is a reoccuring worthless topic.
Now, I don't speak for Richard or anything, but I reckon he doesn't give a fuck about it. It isn't a wrestling match, it's fuckin' music. When I make tracks, I don't much care if so and so is better than me.
And I reckon it doesn't matter to most people who make music. I mean, if it did they'd all give up and only Kenny Rogers would be left, coz as we know, he is the supreme god of music and none can match him.
Seriously though, get out and ride your bike, jesus :-)
on 2001-08-04 22:58 [#00019780]

Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-05 02:39 [#00019786]

whatever. i'll admit that was a low blow calling you canadian and everything, but chill the fuck out. it's not your fault.
...and by the way, if it isn't obvious, i hold a lot of animosity towards reflex. he is such a kiss ass little kid with nothing interesting (nor coherent) to say. and, i would appreciate if you would just stay the fuck off my post. thank you.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-05 03:01 [#00019788]

Oh wow. Kiss ass and all that shit. What is that supposed to mean? Where do you get this from? Another low, immature, ignorant attempt to somehow insult me or something along those lines, grow up, or atleast stop being such an ass.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-05 03:06 [#00019789]

looks like more people agree with me on this one, you need to chill out and seriously back off on this one. your crossing the line, of coherent ignorant babble to childish, nonsense behaviour. lash out all you want, i don't care, i think your funny, considering you think that your somehow better than me or others, iam canadian yes i know that, iam proud. as well, I made a clear and open judgement stating at the start it that it was my opinion, then once that was done, you clearly came out first and made some comment about my nationality, and being nieve as you are somehow managed to sum me up as an individual with less than 4 things kept in mind. Wow. Great job! Your so smart.
from japan on 2001-08-05 03:37 [#00019792]

Aphex Twin will never "lose his grip on his music..."
from --- on 2001-08-05 03:39 [#00019793]

"i fucking hate (all) you people, just wanted to get that out" <--- excellent
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-05 03:40 [#00019794]

huh? stop talking. *busts his nose*
i told you to shut the fuck up. my problem is with you, not canadians you fucking moron. by the way, keep typing those long messages. someday you'll get it right. what are you? half retarded? "nieve", perhaps? i dont like you. i know this already. just shut the fuck up already!
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-05 03:41 [#00019795]

aphex twin rulez!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-05 03:51 [#00019796]

Explain to me rationally how am I retarded? How am I not getting it right? Explain to me why you think you can just insult people. You know you really haven't answered anything - I keep asking you why its ok for someone to make all this fuss about my opinions? You never said anything about that. When I write these "long" messages, its because I infact actually have something good to say, and retort. You however, do not. You write stuff like "shut the fuck up already" and "fuck you, i dont like you" I used to do that when I was in grade 6. Its really annoying and doesn't help your image any.
I think if you read more, you will realize that mostly everyone does not agree with your statements, and that you are making yourself look like a fool. Please stop. Do you see me actually insulting you?? Do you see me retaliating in any way shape or form, besides these "long" messages? I think not.
anotonio banderas
from nowhere on 2001-08-05 05:19 [#00019813]

Reflex: He's right. You do need to shut up already. im sure there a lot of people here who are tired of your crap.
from San Juan,Puerto Rico on 2001-08-05 08:21 [#00019830]

I am definately 100% with you r3fl3x.That only-child is just that,an immature child.But dont you worry,we got better things to do in life,other than insulting people with no reason at all,just because he thinks so,fuck that attitude,will not write in this specific topic anymore,and if writing in another topic,my mind will completely ingnore him.Richard D James is RDJ,no more questions asked.Fortunately,he got real fans like us,who does't give a shit about critics,recording industry and all that crap,he just records whatever he feels like,just the way is supposed to be.Arriba AFX!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-05 11:06 [#00019847]

VAMPIRE ANGEL: yes indeed. some of these people {its a small number} are actually quite stupid and go around logging in as more than 1 person and try to make it sound like so many wish me to leave or something a long those lines. They just can't handle losing a battle that never existed in the first place.
on 2001-08-05 11:29 [#00019855]

Take that, dead horse.
from just left of the fuck knuckle on 2001-08-05 17:58 [#00019895]

R3FL3X: (however beyond the point this is) I thought you were an American living in Canada anyway?
Only-Child: How can you, as a US citizen, call anyone else stupid after being part of a nation that has voted the most moronic, most self-indulged, most out of touch, most DANGEROUS, right-wing motherfucker into the presidency? You should never attack people for their nationality, especially when the representatives of your own are so damn fucking despicable.
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-05 18:27 [#00019898]

when is this argument going to end? only child, just admit you have no idea what you're talking about and that will be that.
from Texas on 2001-08-05 18:50 [#00019902]

AMEN, Earface, I'm American, AND NOT PROUD OF IT! Yay!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-05 20:29 [#00019918]

Earface: thanks you so much. Really. Can you please keep that up. I have a few people , I think its like 1 person impersonating more than 1 person on this board trying to put me down constantly, and ruin all this great stuff.
BADboy T
from London on 2001-08-06 02:58 [#00019953]

I think you are all taking this slightly too seriously. And saying that this is an \'intelligent\' form of music is a load of condesending shite. And thinking that you are intelligent because you listen to AFX is bollocks, because all it is MUSIC. It\'s like me saying that i like N\'Sync, ie I like stupid music. In fact I like the sound of that. (I LIKE STUPID MUSIC). The bottom line is, music is netiher \'intelligent \' or \'stupid\'. It is either good or bad. And that is down to personal preference. AMEN
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-06 03:10 [#00019954]

what areyou talking about now?
there is intelligent music. and there is dumbed down music.
or maybe a better way to say it would be clever music.
there's more to music than just good and bad.
on 2001-08-06 03:12 [#00019956]

i [really] fucking hate (all) you people, just wanted to get that out
from NYC on 2001-08-06 04:00 [#00019964]

I don't believe that listening to Aphex makes you a smarter person than someone who listens to N'Sync, but I do agree with Syd.
N'Sync is mainstream music, dumbed down on purpose to appeal to the masses of teenage girls (and boys) in Middle America and all across the world.
To me, the idea behind the saying IDM, although it is pretentious, is that it is coming straight out of the artist, not changed to sell copies, it is designed to a specific audience, and not to make the artist rich and or famous. And we all know that pop music today is about look, glamour, and sex. Not, in 99% of the cases, about the music. Hence, not "Intelligent".
On a side note, you guys need to chill about this nationality contest...I'm fairly ashamed to come from America when in comparison with most of Europe and Canada, especially when it comes to music. America has consistently cranked out the worst music this planet has ever seen...at least I live in New York where there is some sort of culture...
The point is, him making the stupid crack about you (Reflex) being Canadian was no different than anyone making fun of American's because of GWB. If someone makes a dumb crack just ignore it, being really defensive about it and trying to be politically correct about it will just provoke...that's just my opinion. When Only-Child says "You sound like your four years old", when you sound perfectly intelligent, he's just making himself look like an idiot. So you don't need to do anything!
About this post, I have a really bad feeling about drukqs (read my post -Drukqs Predictions-, but who knows, we'll see. I'm just glad that RDJ is still making music, what I'm REALLY worried about is one day he'll say, fuckit, "I own a huge house, a helicoptor, and a tank, I don't need to sell/publish any more records". It's not that unlikely, from what I've seen so far...he doesn't care so much about the fans.
I'm Kent Brockman, and that's my two sense.
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