from park ridge on 2001-08-06 04:08 [#00019967]

oh my god. you guys need to shut the fuck up, get out and get laid. most especially you r3fl3x. turn the computer off.
from NYC on 2001-08-06 04:51 [#00019973]

Funny how you are online, on the forum, typing that in, because you don't have a girlfriend...or anything good to say.
from NYC on 2001-08-06 04:54 [#00019974]

Although you are right...in a way, this forum is rediculously addictive. There are times I've been like 15 minutes late to meet my girl (and anyone else) because I am sitting here, talking to crazy European and Canadian people I will (probably) never meet in my life, just because we both like aphex twin.
I have to say though, that there are a lot of people on this forum more interesting than the ones in "real life".
from park ridge on 2001-08-06 05:10 [#00019975]

Who the fuck are you? You don't know me. I've got a life outside this godforsaken chat room, unlike you. You dont have any friends (or girlfriends), and this is apparent to me. Your name is all over the goddam message boards. You and that r3fl3x dick.
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-06 05:31 [#00019976]

hi. hahaha. are you guyz still bitching and moaning? why dont you grow the fuck up and move on. and for what it is worh, i must apologize to reflex for making that crack the other day. i still fucking HATE you, but i am sorry nonetheless. i was just feeling confrontational then. and, thanx to all those who posted an actual opinion to the topic at hand. i appreciate the input and had fun reading them. but, i am officially done with these message boards. im out. adieu adieu.
from park ridge on 2001-08-06 05:43 [#00019977]

We'll miss ya Aphex Only. Well, at least I will. Kinda...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 05:49 [#00019979]

Aphex Only Child: I don't care. I made stated my opinion first. Then you went crazy on me.
And to you Artificial whatever, do you know me? do you know what I do, or who I hang out with, or what my social life is like? Its fine. Id have to admit I don't go out and get "laid" all the time, but I do actually. Just recently as well, I go to the clubs, to the bar, to parties, and all sorts of things. What do you know?
from park ridge on 2001-08-06 05:57 [#00019982]

Reflex: no you dont. Dont lie. You're here every minute of everyday aren't you? I don't believe you have a life outside of these message boards one bit. I don't know you and that's fine. I don't want to know you. I want to read about richard and that's all. In my opinion, I thought Aphex Only had a good thing going here, and you ruined it.
The bobble twin
from Newyork,NY on 2001-08-06 06:01 [#00019985]

Well i could careless what the critics say about the new album,it all depends on how you feel screw anyone coming on here trying to say any rdj is gonna suck..
from America on 2001-08-06 06:20 [#00019986]

I dont know what all of this fuss is about. I think Aphex Only-Child is making a lot of sense here. Even AFX himself said that he has a very loose sense of the concept of quality control. I have a lot of faith in "Drukqs" because he has never let me down before. However, it may not be his best release to date. I tend not to like double albums as much.
ps: Aphex Only-Child rocks my world!!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 06:21 [#00019987]

Artificial ass; yeah ok. Aphex Only Child had a good thing going here. Where were you before? What name? Its you, Where did he go all of a sudden. Even if its not. Look, you posted RIGHT after I did. What does that say? Sure I did. Im home, I work tomorrow morning. Thats fine with me. Wheres your big life? Waiting for me to post to respond?
from park ridge on 2001-08-06 06:31 [#00019988]

Dude. You are a f**king neurotic mess.
"Where were you before? What name? Its you, Where did he go all of a sudden. Even if its not. Look, you posted RIGHT after I did. What does that say? Sure I did."
WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!?! Paranoid motherf**ker. Im done with you. You sound like a big dummy!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 06:51 [#00019990]

Yeah ok. I was asking you questions you know? Do you know what those are? It seems to me that you don't understand english very well, at all really. You still haven't told us why you are here every time I post? I told you why, I work tomorrow morning. And you call my a hypocrite, you are here just as much as Iam. The only difference is your doing it despite me and my posts, which is funny. Iam actually posting on other topics.
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-06 06:56 [#00019993]

Where did all this name calling come from? I mean, arguing that someone has no idea what the hell he's talking about (as aphex only child clearly didn't) is one thing, but now people are calling eachother things like "Big Dummy".
This is going way to far. W're all strangers on a Aphex Twin chatboard. I couldn't care less what any of you people thought of me. I'm not your friend. and you people aren't mine, nor anyone elses. look where everybody lives. no one knows anyone here. or it's a small amount of people if at all.
We are anonymous Aphex fans. That's it. so stop taking shit so fucking seriously.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 07:00 [#00019995]

Barrett, Syd: youve seen me around. If you look im a nice guy, and rational. I came on this post, absolutly NOT looking for some arguments to be thrown around. I stated my opinion, and made it clear it was my opinion the first time. And even, I didn't insult him or his opinions. Just made my statement. He came out and started being an ass, and impersonating me and others to try and make himself look better. Its weird. I don't personally care all too much, its just annoying. Iam sure you can agree.
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-06 07:02 [#00019998]

No i see your point. i remember an argument with a guy i had at the buddyhead boards over tool. i couldn't let it go cause
1. he was an idiot 2. i'm stubborn
i'll stop when i'm proved wrong. i won't if i know i'm not.
that guy was an idiot. but then the name calling was just sad.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 07:04 [#00020000]

yeah thanks. exaclty. Iam the same way I think. Stubborn indeed. Well whatever. its fuct now. who cares. I don't. one question. How cold Aphex Twin break up?? Its one person
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-06 07:05 [#00020002]

i asked that in my first post in this thread. his title has nothing to do with his actual message as well.
btw, beastie boys rock. best album is the aglio e olio ep. 11 minutes, 8 songs, best punk i've ever heard.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 07:07 [#00020004]

Barrett, Syd: YEAH! Beastie Boys are pretty cool. Egg raid On mojo!? thats a funny song. Its odd to think that they used to be punk rock, for a long time before they turned into what they are now. My fav alnbum at the time is Check your head.
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-06 07:09 [#00020006]

ill communication as well. but yeah. the aglio e olio album is from 96 i think.......... download it at least. it's superfly tnt if you haven't heard it.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 07:11 [#00020009]

I think ive heard that before. One of my good friends is hardcore into the Beastie Boys, claims to have everything I shall check it out next time iam at his apartment. thanks.
Dona Naty
from Purgatory on 2001-08-06 08:46 [#00020035]

You boys sound real sweeet. You should go suck on each others balls...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 09:07 [#00020036]

Yeah thats original.
from Canada on 2001-08-06 09:11 [#00020038]

Beastie Boys kick ass! they're one of my favorite bands! Paul's boutique is awesome!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 09:17 [#00020040]

Heh. yeahz.
on 2001-08-07 00:34 [#00020182]

Xanatos: In my view, BOLLOCKS MATE. I never "made fun" out of Only-Child because of GWfuckingBush. I simply attacked his anti-Canadian attitude (which is, frankly, characteristically American) under the light that NO-ONE, with exceptional emphasis on himself, should attack people on grounds of their nationality.
I am sick of seing self-gratifying American's attack people because of their nationality.
This may seem contradictory in that I seem to be attacking American's; but it is, however an attempt to attack an attitude that I have only ever seen coming from Americans.
Of course one person, of one nationality, does not share the same opinions and responsibilities of another person, of the same nationality. But to insult a Canadian by suggesting that they listen to Bare Naked Ladies begs the response that I gave.
from NYC on 2001-08-07 03:14 [#00020199]

Yeah, no on this point I see what you are saying, its hard for me to understand people who make fun of Canadians because I have more respect for Canadians then almost ANYWHERE in america, New York, California, and a few others are exceptions.
If I was on your side of the spectrum though I would just shrug it off, because I know that, like I said before, especially when it comes to music, Canada is way superior. I guess the constant American bullshit you (Canadians) have to put up with puts you (Canadians) over the edge.
Hopefully one day it will stop, as all prejudices (eventually) do.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-07 03:28 [#00020200]

why the fuck is this post still around?
"I have more respect for Canadians then almost ANYWHERE in america, New York, California, and a few others are exceptions"
did you read this over before you posted it?
from NYC on 2001-08-07 03:35 [#00020203]

"I have more respect for Canadians then almost ANYWHERE in America. New York, California, and a few others are exceptions."
Sorry that comma instead of a period was too hard for you to understand.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-07 03:41 [#00020204]

clearly you didn't see it.
let me get this straight. you respect people in new york and california more than you do canadians?
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-08-07 03:48 [#00020208]

Syd.....eat my teaser head!
from NYC on 2001-08-07 03:48 [#00020209]

First of all these are generalizations, everything I'm saying is "For the most part" and "based on my experience." But no, I'm saying that I respect Canadians more than the Midwesterners and other Americans who make fun of them, and I respect Bi-Coastal Americans more than Middle Americans, and hold them up on an equal plane, to Canadians.
Keep in mind I'm talking about music, and specifically braindance. I don't just respect any one part of the world more than another, that would be just as bigoted as anyone bashing someone based on their nationality.
I believe that Canada has a more cultured and respectable digital music scene than most of America. New York, California and some others being exceptions.
I see how you interpereted it, sorry I didn't make that more clear.
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-08-07 03:51 [#00020211]

well you're right Dr. X!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-07 03:53 [#00020212]

oh. ok then. i was about to start freaking. good. so everything is ok. however, i wouldn't say respect, but possibly just "like" or whatever.
what techno comes out of middle america anyways?
canada has "Kid Koala" turntablist. he's amazing. check him outl.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-07 03:53 [#00020213]

oh. ok then. i was about to start freaking. good. so everything is ok. however, i wouldn't say respect, but possibly just "like" or whatever.
what techno comes out of middle america anyways?
canada has "Kid Koala" turntablist. he's amazing. check him outl.
from NYC on 2001-08-07 04:29 [#00020216]

Cool: I'll be sure to do that as soon as I get back to New York and my precious precious cable modem. I'm staying with my grandfolks in Los Angeles and its just too damn slow to get any music.
on 2001-08-08 14:39 [#00020410]

Xanatos: I'm not Canadian or American, I'm English (even though it makes no difference)
from NC, in the states. on 2001-08-08 18:17 [#00020442]

arguing on the internet is like runnning in the special olympics, even if you win you are still retarded
on 2001-08-17 02:16 [#00022517]

^ | |
haha truetrue
from here on 2001-08-17 02:26 [#00022518]

Aphex Twin isn't very good, I mean, his music isn't as good as all the other people. Squarepusher's music is way better. And also, there's this guy called "fucknutsmashhouse" who makes, like, 50 minute songs full of drill sounds, screaming, tones designed to hurt the ears, beats that don't keep together and overlap etc etc etc and it's fucking MENTAL but I like it. Where was I? Ah yes...
on 2001-08-17 04:48 [#00022543]

this topic has way too many posts. especially since many of you think it was a stupid topic in the first place......
from Lincoln on 2001-08-17 06:22 [#00022552]

pearlsgrrl: check out "Everybody Sign Here" lol... that holds the record I think... anyways, speaking of that, where's Woofer_Attack?
from Canada on 2001-08-17 06:37 [#00022555]

I'm pretty sure the "stupid ravers" topic has the record. I belive it got over 300 responces.
from Lincoln on 2001-08-17 06:39 [#00022556]

ahh yes Aron? you are correct :)
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-17 06:51 [#00022557]

"what did the raver say when his drugs wore off?"
"fuck this music sucks."
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-17 07:54 [#00022561]

Yeah Stupid Ravers topic got the most posts .. 300 something posts.. and it was started by none other than myself! That was bad....
from Vancouver, B.C. Canada on 2001-08-17 08:17 [#00022564]

I think all these posts rule! I care.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-17 10:00 [#00022602]

well here's one more for you then....
Monkey Wrench
on 2001-08-17 12:57 [#00022673]

Geonime- fuck off you Morris copyist.
on 2001-08-19 00:10 [#00023030]

/me 100
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