Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-07-28 19:50 [#00018354]

oKAY, Question of the day:
who is the best IDM/BraINdance artist out there, in your opinion, BESIDES aphex?
My decisions would have to be Mu-ziq (how the phuq u do the mu symbol, i have no idea), Bogdan Raczynski and most definitely Cylob.
Too bad all their stuff is impossible to find here in the fucking States!
But Mike P's "Tango n Vectif" is being re-issued soon and i can't fucking wait!
on 2001-07-28 20:04 [#00018358]

i almost bought tango a mont hago....ay!! bigger thingy! anywayz...id have to say boards of canada or plaid...both have great melodies and such...ochre and delet_ER_boy are great too ;)
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-28 23:48 [#00018398]

Probably...... Uziq. I don't consider BOC to be in that catagory at all. Uziq I would guess.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-07-29 00:53 [#00018407]

Unless you consider their style as being glitch, but that's not really an official style. Also, yeah Mu-ziq rox.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-29 00:56 [#00018409]

Autechre yeah, but sorry I hate the term IDM. I dont think that these are any styles, just of their own under the massive electronic section. I don't think that any of these have a catagory, except for their own style.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-07-29 01:21 [#00018411]

Oh yeah, and Mr Projectile. I wish Pug Times was on CD.
from Sweden on 2001-07-29 01:34 [#00018413]

from Sweden on 2001-07-29 01:34 [#00018414]

from Sweden on 2001-07-29 01:35 [#00018415]

Boards Of Canada.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-29 01:37 [#00018416]

Phobiazer0: what do you think of the term IDM? I personally do not like it.
from Sweden on 2001-07-29 01:57 [#00018420]

Why not? Intelligent Dance Music. Sometimes I dance to BoC... IDM = dance music with a deeper feeling/meaning than regular dance music.
from Sweden on 2001-07-29 01:58 [#00018421]

Anyone else tried dancing to BoC?
from Ottawa, Canada on 2001-07-29 02:19 [#00018422]

Mouse on Mars....(i dunno.....maybe....:) )
on 2001-07-29 02:28 [#00018423]

I enjoy go-go dancing to Plug. the monkey, the batussi, it's all good.
on 2001-07-29 03:48 [#00018427]

i do a happy jig to aquarius phobia :)
Pee Wee
on 2001-07-29 05:02 [#00018431]

Erm, damn, Organ Grinder's back to ask dumb, repetitive questions again. And here I went thinking it's kinda nice that he wasn't posting anymore. Oh well.
BTW, what's IDM? Who says they're an IDM artist?
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-07-29 06:10 [#00018433]

I still don't like BoC, but I didn't like the Orb until I bought UFOrb (it was really cheap). So do you think mabye BoC is better to listen to as an album? Mabye I'll buy it anyway. I liked ROYGBIV.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-29 07:46 [#00018437]

Hmmm Phobiazer0 has a point, but still I don't like that term, I think that its far too general, and doens't really mean anything too specific {hence: general} most, or even all these artists are different.
from vilkaviskis on 2001-07-29 09:51 [#00018447]

i think yee-king is best for listening
veneterian snares + speedranch for dancing
from I O W A on 2001-07-29 10:16 [#00018452]

best besides aphex...
Autechre for sure. Everything they've put out is amazing. Mu-ziq is up there.
However all I've been listening to lately has been both Proem releases (burn plate no. 1 and negativ). sometimes I kind of think that his sound is a direction that Ae could have taken after Amber.
from uk on 2001-07-29 12:41 [#00018471]

bogdan raczynski cylob ovuca squarepusher luke vibert
you can buy it all online... try warpmart first they are nice people
on 2001-07-29 12:45 [#00018473]

warpMart dont have on, ventolin, donkey rhubarb anymore.
Chris Evans
on 2001-07-29 13:16 [#00018486]

That's because I bought allthe last copies!
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-07-29 13:19 [#00018490]

Organ grinder...
did you steal that name from someone?
i saw a underground lp in some shop with a dude called "Organ Grinda".
was it you? do you knot know of this?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-29 19:48 [#00018525]

Ive heard a very large range of artists, but never Ocuva, and I saw one of his CD's in a local used record shop the other day, but I didn't have enough money on me, and actually had bought an Amon Tobin single right before I noticed the Ocuva stuff, whats it like?
from UK on 2001-07-29 20:37 [#00018536]

I really enjoyed the Vulva track on the Braindance compilation, Happy Birdie Sad Birdie, then I found their first album at Reckless in Angel, but wasn't that impressed by it. Anyone know what their 2nd album is like?
I like Steve Rachmad if you can call that IDM...
DuWitt Nough
from Slough on 2001-07-29 21:56 [#00018546]

Can anyone advise me on which Amon Tobin album to buy first? Also, is Coldcut's Let Us Play worth getting? Gracias!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-29 23:03 [#00018548]

Amon Tobin? Get Permutation first, its great!
from NYC on 2001-07-29 23:42 [#00018551]

Boards of Canada µ-Ziq Sqarepusher DJ Shadow
I just don't get autechre...everyone I know who likes all the other IDM I like listens to Autechre but it does nothing for me. What are the songs I would like if I like the above groups?
Phobiazero: I Dance to BoC too =)
from Sweden on 2001-07-29 23:50 [#00018552]

Try 'Amber', mate.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 00:00 [#00018556]

Best Autechre song in my opinion is eutow on tri repetea ++ disc 1. although the best ALBUm by them would have to be LP5 in my opinion as well.
from Sweden on 2001-07-30 00:05 [#00018557]

I can't decide - love them all!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 01:01 [#00018562]

phobaizer0 = Big Autechre fan!!!! Me too though..... .you like Amon Tobin?
Peter File
from the Paedoph Isles on 2001-07-30 01:11 [#00018565]

R3FL3X - 'Eutow' is n my favourite Ae track too. I saw an unofficial video for it on Channel4 (UK) a few months ago. Has anyone else seen this?
from I O W A on 2001-07-30 01:25 [#00018566]

the first amon tobin album i picked up was bricolage. I recommend that one. also the Cujo-adventures in foam on shadow records is something worth checking out. For those who don't know cujo is amon tobin.
phobiazero or reflex-what do you think of proem or syndrone?
I just got Biosphere's cirque album and I think it's great.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 01:58 [#00018568]

DUST: ....... Those are pretty good actually, why you haven't heard them yet?
Yeah eutow is an awsome song, meant to be played loud with lots of bass.
from I O W A on 2001-07-30 02:17 [#00018570]

reflex-i have them both(2 proem albums and the syndrone lp on merck and love them. I just haven't seen them talked about too much so I thought I might ask. you know how you hear something and you think to yourself wow I been looking for this sound for a while-thats what I think of Proem's stuff. I just gets better with every listen. Some people might disregard it because you can hear the autechre influences in it but I don't mind. I like when a newer artist takes a little from an older more established artist and extends in a direction that the original artist could have gone it.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 02:25 [#00018572]

ive heard a lot of what your describing lately. Ive gotten some new stuff in my inventory, and I think its done me well.. .. indeed it is interesting.
Angel Luis Cruz
from San Juan,Puerto Rico on 2001-07-30 05:36 [#00018576]

Hmmm,besides AFX I will definately say Tom Jenkinsonn(Squarepusher),Mike Paradinas(u-ziq) and Autechre.I think,of course besides Master/Daddy-Richard D james,those three are the authority of IDM.
from dublin on 2001-07-30 10:19 [#00018617]

[]S Q U A R E P U S H E []
is to IDM what Nokia 3310's are to pigeons. Nuff said.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 10:20 [#00018619]

Your all about the "Nuff' Said" arent you?
from dublin on 2001-07-30 10:33 [#00018629]

It's catchy, cheeky, kinda final and ironic too
from dublin on 2001-07-30 10:33 [#00018630]

nuff said
from ENGLAND on 2001-07-30 12:18 [#00018655]

Anything that comes out on SKaM or Schematic is rocking my boots at the moment.
Datathief is well worth checking out. AFX/SP/ZIQ stylee.
:: irc.undernet.org /join #braindance ::
from ENGLAND on 2001-07-30 12:18 [#00018656]

Anything that comes out on SKaM or Schematic is rocking my boots at the moment.
Datathief is well worth checking out. AFX/SP/ZIQ stylee.
:: irc.undernet.org /join #braindance ::
on 2001-07-30 13:25 [#00018663]

Yeah, Permutations is an amazing album. So too is Supermodified. I haven't heard the others. R3FL3X: have you checked out the sampler on AmonTobin.com? - it's pretty cool.
Personally I prefer Autechre to Aphex Twin; most probably because of the last album they brought out (fucking amazing). I don't really like autechre.nu though. I think it is a crappy version of this site.
Maybe my opinion will change in October.
from Sweden on 2001-07-30 13:31 [#00018665]

crappy, huh? :-(
anyway, autechre.nu was there before this one - so obviously I made this one better since I was getting some bright ideas...therefore, the next autechre.nu will be better than this one.
expect a new autechre.nu this autumn...
Mary Poorcredit
on 2001-07-30 15:47 [#00018690]

Christ's Fat Cock!
Organ Grinder
from from my own little fantasy world on 2001-07-30 17:39 [#00018711]

hmmm.... no i did not know that dirty preist but thanks for telling me... i've really been thinking of changing my name lately though.... i've had this artist name for two years so far.....
Hmmm.... i'm boring Pee-Wee? I'm sorry i can't agree with your demands, but no one else seems to be complaining.
I think IDM is a good term, though i fully respect everyone's opinion on this board -- i just wish everyone would do the same to me.... well, mostly everyone does, except a few ppl who get kicks out of insulting me... but that's ok. i usually ignore them and they usually never write back.
And i CANNOT believe i did not mention Autechre or Plaid.... they're great! But i'm not sure if they sure should be classified if they're braindance.
Oh well, at least some ppl are answering my questions.....
Organ Grinder
from from my own little fantasy world on 2001-07-30 17:42 [#00018713]

Bochum Welt is quite good too... but i really don't know what to get by him first....
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