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chemx - AFX underwater

Chrispy from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-05 08:44 [#00012373]

I love that custom artwork!!! If you're about can you tell
me; did you use photoshop for that?


Chrispy from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-05 09:20 [#00012382]

Also... What is everyones favourite custom artwork?


|REFLEX| from Western Canada on 2001-07-05 09:47 [#00012398]

I did some custom artwork for this site as well.. its on
there, its some of my experiments with illustrator 9.0. Not
really an image program at all, but I didn't want to use
Photoshop. Anyways, its not good at all, its kinda neat.
Thats it though, not great at all. But I was just getting
into making shit then, im a lot better/different now. All
you need is some creativity, and a good program, a scanner
would help [if you draw:even abstract shit]. Its cool to
incorperate that into your finished product.


Chrispy from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-05 09:47 [#00012399]

Maybe I should forget that underwater thing and make a new
topic about the art... ...Thats a good ides Chris...
...Cheers Chris!... ...No problem....

< sigh >

< cry >


Chrispy from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-05 09:48 [#00012400]



Chrispy from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-05 09:49 [#00012402]

The three pieces I did use CorelDRAW 9 and Adobe Photoshop
5.5! They're the 3rd 4th and 5th most recent ones! I'll just
check out yours...


Phobiazero from Sweden on 2001-07-05 10:06 [#00012410]

I like most of them - sometimes I receive junky ones as


Chrispy from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-05 10:08 [#00012411]

Phobiazero: have you got your fan-art yet? it's not that
good but...


Chrispy from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-05 10:10 [#00012412]

P.S. I like what you've done at the bottom of the message


Phobiazero from Sweden on 2001-07-05 10:13 [#00012415]

check yer email


Chrispy from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-05 10:19 [#00012417]


P.S. you just wait... hopefully something special...


hedtwin from manchester on 2001-07-05 11:48 [#00012433]

i sent a junky one once :(. I was a little drunk though when
i did it and i thought it was teh best thing in teh world.


Phobiazero from Sweden on 2001-07-05 12:20 [#00012446]

np hedtwin


Scary Bear on 2001-07-05 23:51 [#00012596]

Phobiazero: Why don't you put the junky ones up?? How bad
are they?

I am making some flash artwork but it won't be finished for
ages. (Its not junky either). You're welcome to them when
I'm finished.


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-06 06:46 [#00012635]

Yo Scary Bear.. show me.


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