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offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-16 00:36 [#02633546]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

- twisting underarm filter swap
- logN envelope X backwards filter yowza
- redruth starburst
- welsh surprise


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-16 03:40 [#02633550]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

1/32 -> 2/1 syncopated cutoff jowler,
bookended with a resonant facehugger reverse


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-16 03:48 [#02633551]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

The Norman


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-16 04:01 [#02633552]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

open with a gated salute
DIN jiggle; then dog sigh it. ride the feather down for as
long as you can -- four, eight bars -- bars until you hit
the boredom threshold


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-03-16 06:23 [#02633556]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

place an anarchist "A" sticker on the console
telling a date to check out "me 303"
not using it for 7 years
touching the knobs with poopy fingers


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-16 12:30 [#02633562]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

turn in to megan fox
become unable to count to 303


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-16 12:50 [#02633563]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i'm mildly stoked

PART I ~ watmm did thread ~2007 and i do believe it was then
that someone else said "DIN Jiggle" and i replied asking
what that was. strong nagging feeling "welsh surprise" is
one someone else posted on watmm in 2007. i could have said
something like "redruth starburst" because i didn't even
have a very educated sense of 303 sound nuances and i'll
just namedrop and combine some graphics

PART II ~ then the thread happened again... here, i
suppose... a few years ago. like 12 years after 2007 a few
years ago. and "it's like doing skateboarding tricks" and i
have a much more educated sense of 303 sound but i
have absolutely zero hands-on time, so we're at like "logN
envelope X backwards filter yowza"

PART III ~ this is the first time this thread has happened

and so i fly in with "twisting underarm filter swap"

later, i realize: no, shit. with that try, i'm trying to
think of flashy physical motions. because i'm stuck on
skateboarding still

and i want to look cool and that's distracting me

and you can do better. calm down. think about how you
actually use a 303 before you fucking post again. like,
think of something you'd actually do, could do. i ponder. i
have one!

1/32 -> 2/1 syncopated cutoff jowler, bookended with a
resonant facehugger reverse

1) specific to the point where you can see it from the audio
waveform, or there's a way it should look

2) i can hear how it should sound in my hed. because there's
a way it should sound

3) it sounds like a fucking gnarly skateboard trick

i'm happy just to joke around now. because that was very
satisfying. but i figure someone here could actually do a
real one as well


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-03-16 13:55 [#02633564]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02633563

pretty sure this post was written with poopy fingers


offline big from lsg on 2024-03-16 19:14 [#02633566]
Points: 23587 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Idris Elba's How Clubbing Changed the World YouTube


online Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2024-03-16 22:34 [#02633567]
Points: 1966 Status: Lurker

Aids: The Movie


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-17 14:50 [#02633574]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

we know what a jowler is, right? it's where you rapidly
shake your face back and forth; snap a picture as you're
flapping around. i image searched it and the first correct
result in the batch was actually, like -- ace job man, top
notch jowler -- LAZY_TITLE

so when i'm talking about a cutoff jowler, i figure that's
perfectly clear. 1/32 -> 2/1 syncopated, we're talking
about that subjective sense of a fan blade slowing down. but
to hit 1/32 on fucking knobs you're having to use both the
cutoff knob itself and the envelope to weave in and out;
effectively double your knob speed. and a resonant
facehugger, well, that sense when a sound suddenly surges
forward and gets right in your face, and you can do that
with just a resonant filter if you build up enough context
first. then we're using that to end the jowler sort of like
you'd switch over at the top of a halfpipe to drop in again
and do something else

dog sigh it, how a dog sighs... you know this or you don't.
ride the feather, that's the same thing a second time in
case you don't

but then, gated salute. there i'm picturing squeezing the
sound in my fist and the glow of it becomes a fan of light
rays coming out from between your fingers on the fist's
business end...

...and that's about why this is hard to talk about it like

...and none of you have stepped up because you a bunch of
bitch azz niggaz who can't 303 for shit


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-17 14:55 [#02633575]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

and if i'm going to be that serious i'll clarify i have the
behringer one that has absolutely all the mods; plenty of
envelope work possible there that's impossible on classic
stock 303


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