actual guitarist plays casio dg-20 | xltronic messageboard
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actual guitarist plays casio dg-20

offline big from lsg on 2023-09-03 10:34 [#02630106]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag



offline belb from mmmmmmhhhhzzzz!!! on 2023-09-03 13:23 [#02630107]
Points: 6299 Status: Regular

hah that thing looks cheap as shit, funky clavier pad or not


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-09-03 13:26 [#02630108]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

what sort of twat wears a t-shirt with a picture of
themselves on it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-09-03 13:29 [#02630109]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

my computer locked up because it turned on ambient mode


offline big from lsg on 2023-09-03 13:47 [#02630111]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to belb: #02630107 | Show recordbag


keytar still ftw (the Jan Hammer thing)


offline big from lsg on 2023-09-03 13:54 [#02630114]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

there's another strange semi digital guitar i recently saw,
but i can't find it now. i suspect it's better than this one


offline mermaidman on 2023-09-03 13:58 [#02630115]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

suzuki q chord


offline big from lsg on 2023-09-03 14:18 [#02630120]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

found it on my

synth axe


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-09-04 00:02 [#02630154]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02630108

what sort of twat wears a t-shirt with a picture of
themselves on it

this is exactly what i'm talking about when i complain about
being ignored. i can't see anything but vigorous debate if
y'all'z cared to take the question up


offline dariusgriffin from cool on 2023-09-04 03:51 [#02630162]
Points: 12288 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02630154

i was going to post "maybe he has his reasons" but it occurs
to me that said reason is likely promoting his merch :(


offline dariusgriffin from cool on 2023-09-04 04:02 [#02630163]
Points: 12288 Status: Regular

honestly i'm impressed this thing is working so well for
looking like a hunk of cheap plastic with a bunch pressure

nice look at the insides here


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-09-04 04:39 [#02630164]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to dariusgriffin: #02630162

or maybe he's wearing a shirt with a picture of himself on
it so everyone knows he has a youtube channel (on his
youtube channel)


offline big from lsg on 2023-09-09 10:00 [#02630177]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

this guy


online recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-09-09 18:31 [#02630184]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

It’s dweeby, needs more umphhh behind it also

And my buddy wears a shirt of himself

If it was Richard or Tom you’d blow
All over it. I’d wear a shirt of myself if Inhas the money


offline big from lsg on 2023-09-10 09:49 [#02630190]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to big: #02630177 | Show recordbag

guy, part 2


offline big from lsg on 2023-09-10 10:08 [#02630191]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

i think it's not too good, like the guy says

but the synth axe cost 10K, back in the day (20K nowadays, i


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2023-09-22 23:01 [#02630270]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

oh here you're a good lad,
here is a pound note.


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