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business ideas

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-08-13 00:15 [#02629790]
Points: 24976 Status: Addict


how much do they charge for these jesus candles? i bet they
make a mint


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-08-13 01:01 [#02629791]
Points: 24976 Status: Addict

i've come up with my business model

Riced Out Condolences (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Riced
Out Industries) will sell mark'd-up normal candles with a
sticker of jesus on it at bodega cash registers. Next to
these will be blank candles for 1/10 the price that no one
will buy

On the Riced Out Condolences website it will go on about how
fine our candles are and then get into the part, "the most
loving thing to do is buy one of our cheap-ass at-cost
candles and make a custom work of art to just abandon on a
street memorial to get eventually cleaned up because this is
a loving sacrifice of your own time left on spaceship earth"
and donate a dollar a candle to a charity that is christian
but ultimately functional; i dunno some doctors in africa

Because. On the ground. everyone is looking at everyone
else, and: "how much is it appropriate for me to spend on a
jesus candle? because i'll look bad if i'm too cheap but
i'll also look like an ass if i spend way too much" and then
they will pick a dollar amount and buy whatever jesus candle
costs that and the candle costs 5% of what they paid for it

Making a point of "here's the actual right thing to do, we
offer this option too" and then profiting on how people will
just sprint past it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-08-13 01:07 [#02629792]
Points: 24976 Status: Addict

the red bird candle probably got some shade like driving a
car that is just obnoxiously over-flash. you know?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-08-13 04:07 [#02629793]
Points: 24976 Status: Addict



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