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earring hades

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-05-07 15:43 [#02627305]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict


Ayla Wing’s middle school students don’t always know
what to make of their 26-year-old teacher’s hearing aids.
The most common response she hears: “Oh, my grandma has
them, too.”

But grandma’s hearing aids were never like this:
Bluetooth-enabled and connected to her phone, they allow Ms.
Wing to toggle with one touch between custom settings. She
can shut out the world during a screeching subway ride, hear
her friends in noisy bars during a night out and even
understand her students better by switching to “mumbly

that this is really, honestly, some fruity piece about
people driving themselves deaf in their 20s with airpods,
but... that caught my eye

noise-cancelling earbuds are great around loud traffic, even
if no music -- just, much more peaceful. then passthru mode
is convenient; you can talk without having to take them out.
but it also provides a halfway mode for noise shielding

and this is all "She can shut out the world during a
screeching subway ride, hear her friends in noisy bars
during a night out and even understand her students better
by switching to “mumbly kids.”

...and fuck yes, actually. i want custom EQ filtering modes
on my earbuds. be able to doodle a graphic EQ curve on my
phone to adjust the noise cancelling. carve out a tunnel in
the middle where the frequencies for the automated subway
alert voice live and carefully carve out most else.

that'd make noise-cancelling earbuds better. plz thx.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-05-07 15:51 [#02627306]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

sorry. sorry
tony danza approved link


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