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Custom artwork

Phobiazero from Sweden on 2001-07-03 09:40 [#00011934]

Click here - comments?


streamer on 2001-07-03 10:01 [#00011943]

I like it.
Twisted - like so may of the Aphex album covers.


|REFLEX| from Western Canada on 2001-07-03 10:02 [#00011944]

It OK with me.


Phobiazero from Sweden on 2001-07-03 10:14 [#00011947]

Here is another one


|REFLEX| from Western Canada on 2001-07-03 10:38 [#00011949]

phobiazer0: that one was way cooler, to me anyway, it was
obviously like those "jesus" sightings people see in their
dishes and walls and stuff.. neat.


beef fog from io on 2001-07-03 11:38 [#00011954]

thanks reflex...its the shroud of turin, which is thought to
be the cloth Jesus was wrapped in after he died...


|REFLEX| from Western Canada on 2001-07-03 20:44 [#00012054]

Oh yeah.. yeah I remember reading about that, yes thats


recycle from here on 2001-07-03 22:16 [#00012079]

the custom area is freekin frackin wonderful


Phobiazero from Sweden on 2001-07-04 19:03 [#00012296]

Three new contributions have been added to
the custom section...created by Chris Bond.


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