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rick beato is wrong

online big from lsg on 2023-02-07 15:57 [#02624959]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

How is Rick Beato still getting away with this?, by Patricia Taxxon

with a plug for autechre


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2023-02-07 17:24 [#02624961]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular

When I discovered his channel I enjoyed a couple of his
videos until he spoke about music theory incorrectly, one of
my bugbears on music channels, and was forced to
unsubscribe. I'll check out this video, thanks


online big from lsg on 2023-02-07 17:35 [#02624963]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

i guess i'll keep watching him, every now and again. though
i don't really know why.

all music talk channels are a bit useless. hard not to enjoy
Fantano, though

this video is just an overview of stuff we probably already
know, but it was fun (and short, only under 4 minutes)


online big from lsg on 2023-02-07 17:37 [#02624964]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

food tube is just better

like, check this sommelier pairing wines with fast food, that i discovered yesterday


online big from lsg on 2023-02-07 17:42 [#02624965]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

also, lastly for now, Little Joel is the current king


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2023-02-07 17:44 [#02624966]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02624965

I sub to Big Joel, had no idea there was a Little Joel
channel too :0


online big from lsg on 2023-02-07 18:18 [#02624967]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Followup to marlowe: #02624966 | Show recordbag

since a few months!

he uses it now instead of Twitter


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2023-02-09 02:22 [#02625019]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular

what happened to breadtube did it died


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2023-02-09 02:52 [#02625020]
Points: 4851 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02624964

re: food tube

There's this guy, Chris Morocco (link to playlist) that
we've been watching on youtube. He blindfolds himself and
tastes a dish, then recreates it from scratch. Fun to watch
while eating dinner.


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2023-02-09 03:07 [#02625022]
Points: 4851 Status: Regular

you dont have to click that though because I definitely
didn't click anything about this Rick Beta guy.


online big from lsg on 2023-02-09 09:04 [#02625030]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Followup to Tony Danza: #02625019 | Show recordbag

the bickering about it will never stop, anyway

big joel is breadtube. shaun still exists, as well, but he's
also streaming pubg


online big from lsg on 2023-02-09 09:06 [#02625031]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Followup to Wolfslice: #02625020 | Show recordbag

i haven't been able to go back to the test kitchen after
they got canceled. i miss Claire's gourmet recreations. this
chris dude was great as well, i'll watch it some time


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2023-02-09 12:28 [#02625034]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02625030

Oh Shaun still exists. It's dying because Trump went away I
think. A three hour Why Squidward Is Problematic video
doesn't feel like The Resistance any more. It feels
downright ungrateful, after Biden fixed all the problems.


offline RussellDust on 2023-02-10 01:01 [#02625042]
Points: 15986 Status: Regular

What a horrible video.
Who is Rick Beato?


online big from lsg on 2023-02-10 02:45 [#02625047]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Followup to Tony Danza: #02625034 | Show recordbag


all these 'anarchists' still hate shaun because he suggested
-in a tweet and according to them- Biden ain't great either
and you could also not vote for either of them


online big from lsg on 2023-02-10 02:47 [#02625048]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Followup to RussellDust: #02625042 | Show recordbag

i guess you should watch the original video (i'm on mobile
and don't want to watch it up atm)


online big from lsg on 2023-02-10 03:44 [#02625049]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Mr Beast is breadtune !!??


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-02-10 07:58 [#02625050]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

auto tune singers to pitch perfect correction as a norm:
is a pest imo. didnt like hardly any millennial singers
voice or art, excepteions made like amy whinehouse, dont
know if she autotuned, but her voice had personality. so
when some video complained how companies look for perfection
rather than ingenuity and used autotune to suck the soul and
personality out of singers voices i fully agreed. old vs new
comparison was shocking and terrible and that in particular
still stands imo.

artistic use of autotune in distorting voices, well it
sounds like sh to me in most cases. the way they usually do,
like going into a kaleidoscope of note scrambling. just
doesnt appeal to me. not my style. just sounds wrong to me
most of the time. but thats artistic freedom. or is it?

i dont mind some guy giving his opinion on how music
production changes the sound. nor his warning we ought to be
careful what genie we put out of the bottle. i didnt see a
huge contradiction as taxxon pointed out. maybe they were
talking about different things.

anyhow this an old hat:
when i learned how overdubs and production enhanced one of
my all time favourite songs by a very skilled guitar player
(hendrix´s version of all along the watchtower) and
electric ladyland in general, i was a bit puzzled, but i
think the production fit his experimental style. i mean the
albums sound clearly sounds like a collage and there is tape
speed varioations noticable all around the album, but i was
particularly puzzled about one sequence i forgot which was

if it works it works,
just doesnt work for me in a great number of examples
i am not forced to hear it.


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-02-10 08:05 [#02625051]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

i mean, music is not world domination.
its okay if you dont like it.
its okay if you try to point out why.
its okay to have an opinion.
its okay to react to someones opinion.
its called music theory, not music facts.


online big from lsg on 2023-02-10 10:35 [#02625052]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Followup to ijonspeches: #02625050 | Show recordbag

i agree

still the 'T-Pain can actually sing!' take is pretty

your talking about Hendrikx (whom i should check out) made
me think of Bitches Brew, that i listened to the other day.
that also is many takes stitched together, i read on
wikipedia. or it's just a form of composing, really. the
question i guess is whether someone like Beato is
discriminating against genres like RnB.

somewhere else i read that Beato rails against perfection in
music production. and he does that too and i agree
with him

this is the Beato video


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2023-02-10 12:25 [#02625058]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02625047

Haha! Common anarchist L.

Most self styled A's, aside from clothes and protesting, are
center-right libs with neocon foreign policy.


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-02-10 12:49 [#02625061]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

he bought me with that video, except t-pains singing.
from both excerpts id prefer to hear none of his singing
either way ^^

the video i saw was a different one. it was using graphic
progams putting on display the heavy use of autotune and how
to spot it, comparing todays singers auto corrected notes
with those of freddy mercury and the likes. i thought this
was a great vid, dont remember who did it.

if beato was a terrible fuckup of a person, it won´t change
what he says about ai and the mis-usage of technology in
the way he talks reminds me a bit of that guy from the
walking dead with his bat.

anyway i do think its creepy that in the future or maybe
already we reached a point where you dont even need an
artist to make music.
music is a powerful vehicle and the possibilities for
regimes etc. could be endless.

i also can see how that discussion about recent music
offends their listeners, who grew up with it, just as i can
see how good "tools of the trade" musicians and producers
feel threatened by "ruining listeners ears".
its a cultural/stylistic war.

what do you think beato would say about come to daddy?
its a different kind of animal :)


offline hevquip from megagram dusk sect (United States) on 2023-02-12 05:18 [#02625107]
Points: 3357 Status: Regular

i dislike most music youtubers immensely because they're
youtubers first, musicians second, if at all i.e. if they
were actually musicians, their music would speak for itself
and they wouldn't need to predominantly resort to youtube
for a fanbase. they don't upload their music, they upload
watchable content and some music occasionally. it should
feel dirty to listen to one of their albums and consider
yourself a fan.

"oh you're listening to that youtuber's album?"


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-02-12 09:28 [#02625111]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

its not really chic to piss on somebody elses waggon, while
selling a product of your own. on the other hand i think he
has a valid selling point, saying his stuff differs.


online big from lsg on 2023-02-12 10:51 [#02625113]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Followup to hevquip: #02625107 | Show recordbag

you might have noticed there's, like, 100 times less money
to be made by musicians, these days (more so for more
thoughtful music)


online big from lsg on 2023-02-12 10:53 [#02625114]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

another one Benn Jordan's wrong (respectfully)


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-02-16 21:26 [#02625327]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

What do you think of this guys review on ageispolis?

He talks a bit about dos and donts and while it appears a
bit unspecified saying you need both to make a great track i
like how he uses this particular track as an example. Dont
think afx deliberately broke any rules, not sure the author
does, but i like the point he makes towards the end. That ai
probably has a hard time putting soul in a tracklije thus
just by following musical theory.


online big from lsg on 2023-02-17 07:49 [#02625336]
Points: 23463 Status: Regular | Followup to ijonspeches: #02625327 | Show recordbag

i watched the intro but don't really want to get rules
explained about how to break rules. don't want to ruin the

the ai taking music over thing is a bit silly, is what
Patricia Taxxon argues, which i have to agree with


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-02-17 15:07 [#02625338]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02625336 | Show recordbag

staying on the right side of the curtain helps sustain its

ai, its probably just a matter of time,
scary as it may be i dont think we´re there yet either.


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