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Trackmania 2020

offline big from lsg on 2022-12-28 15:00 [#02623482]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

 ijonspeches, i think you should get this one and look
whether you can fix performance by setting everything to its
lowest. and also you can look into this. but this
is a hassle, so if it doesn't run a little bit without,
don't bother


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-28 15:03 [#02623484]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

this game


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-28 15:50 [#02623485]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

right so, there is about 10 trackmania versions out and
they name the recent one "Trackmania" and sell it on
ubisoft´s homepage exlusively, so no one else finds it.
guess they´re good with word to mouth.

thx a bunch for the link :)
ill check the free version, as the game looks pretty fun,
maybe upgrade to a year servers.


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-28 15:51 [#02623486]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

to = of


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-28 15:54 [#02623487]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

lagoon and turbo look quite beautyful,
do the cars play the same as stadium or the other games?


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-28 17:17 [#02623488]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623487 | Show recordbag

no, the idea is that it's different cars. though i feel all
the TM2 cars are the same base, but tweaked very
differently. lagoon has a pretty ridiculous short radius
(which i think is cool, just possibly not very realistic).
in Turbo you have all the TM2 games, the four different
environments (canyon, valley, stadium and lagoon)

yeah it's kinda aggravating they named the last one


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-28 17:18 [#02623489]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to big: #02623488 | Show recordbag

with the name game the car feels most like TMNF/TMU, just
loads heavier


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-28 17:25 [#02623490]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

right, new one, for anyone interested, is free: the whole
campaign is free to play (and future campaigns). for the
other games you just get a few tracks for free. also
developer Nadeo is a small studio, just under the umbrella
of Ubisoft


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-28 18:54 [#02623491]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623490 | Show recordbag

yeah, the free version seems a lot of fun so far
just played the first 5 tracks until gold medal,
then competed against others. :)
most importantly:
the tracks are fun to play and it feels great after liftoff


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-28 19:04 [#02623492]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623490 | Show recordbag

sent you a request,
im p3rihelion


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-28 19:05 [#02623493]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

created a skin but cant apply it on free version it seems


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-28 19:23 [#02623494]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

okay, well done

yeah, for skin you need the most expensive version. you can
lie about your country, though (afaik)


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-28 19:49 [#02623495]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623494 | Show recordbag

they wont care if i go fiji :)
and really cant stand the colors of the german flag,
but i appreciate the local scores and knowing whos racing
all around the world is pretty cool too


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-28 20:40 [#02623496]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623495 | Show recordbag

i had the same thing but with the dutch orange


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-28 22:11 [#02623502]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623496 | Show recordbag

Why i love oranje!


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-29 09:56 [#02623515]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623502 | Show recordbag

i wish i could, too :(


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-29 11:22 [#02623517]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623515 | Show recordbag

guess its different when you´re surrounded with it

i still have 2 days to finish the campaign,
went gold on the next tracks, still 2 secs behind the tops


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-29 11:44 [#02623518]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623517 | Show recordbag

like in TMNF, there's also a fourth medal, the 'author

and with open planet there's a champion's medal, which
emulates the 'super track masters' from Trackmania Turbo.
open planet means it's community made

getting gold is awesome, for sure

so you haven't played ice yet, in these first 10 maps, but
did have the new surface: plastic.


offline RussellDust on 2022-12-29 12:16 [#02623520]
Points: 15986 Status: Regular

I’ll get it when a physical copy is out on ps5


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-29 12:58 [#02623522]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to RussellDust: #02623520 | Show recordbag

it will hit consoles (including PS5): link

don't know if it will be physical (i have no idea how
consoles work in this regard, these days)


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-29 13:03 [#02623523]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to big: #02623522 | Show recordbag

probably, afaik, it won't be physical because it's now a
subscription model (though you still get to keep all the
maps from years you subscribe)


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-29 13:03 [#02623524]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

I did have smth like bobsledding, red sand, and hovered on
water. 💦 Not particularly looking forward to ice and snow
of the winter campaign 😂 but its gonna be fun.


offline RussellDust on 2022-12-29 13:25 [#02623525]
Points: 15986 Status: Regular

I wasn’t being sarcastic. It’s coming out and there will
be physical copies. It looks good and it looks fun.


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-29 13:32 [#02623526]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to RussellDust: #02623525 | Show recordbag

ah, awesome

ijonspeches: the red dirt is the standard dirt, best get
used to it, hehe :) (it's not random like it was in TMNF)


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-29 16:52 [#02623527]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to big: #02623526 | Show recordbag

if you've never played, i gotta warn: it's equal parts fun
and frustration. (maybe if you don't set goals for yourself
it can be just fun, but where's the fun in that?)


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-29 16:53 [#02623528]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to big: #02623527 | Show recordbag

maybe you have played, in that case my advise is for anyone
else reading


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-29 16:54 [#02623529]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to big: #02623528 | Show recordbag

(last two messages directed at RusselDust)


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-29 19:03 [#02623530]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Its a lot of try and error, but its kind if the charm and
the challenge. Can you make it to the goal of a 20 sec.
track? Did we mention loopings, corkscrews and 500m jumps?


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-29 20:16 [#02623532]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

ice (how it usually feels)

ice (when it's going well)


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-29 21:13 [#02623534]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

You have got to be kidding me!!
What the fucking f... !


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-31 11:34 [#02623606]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

biggest performance tip, btw, is making sure you're on full
screen. if you alt-tab away, for instance, you go in
windowed mode and that costs a lot of processor power
(apparently on most systems, processor is the limiting
factor, not gpu)


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-31 15:05 [#02623632]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623606 | Show recordbag

what if i work in surveillance?


offline big from lsg on 2023-01-02 09:31 [#02623653]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623632 | Show recordbag

than the people surveilled should respect your playtime and
behave when you're playing. or is the surveillance a goal in


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-01-02 10:27 [#02623654]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623653 | Show recordbag

yes, they better should!


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-01-02 10:30 [#02623655]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

while i cannot run or even start modern games lots of games
from the 20´s i´ve never been worried about performance in
trackmania. its very low maintanance. and i dont believe
i´ve ever played a game in windowed mode as its not
immersive at all. thx for the tip anyway, it does make
sense, but may be overlooked!


offline big from lsg on 2023-01-02 20:05 [#02623681]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623655 | Show recordbag

thing is you don't see you're in windowed mode, at least i


offline big from lsg on 2023-01-05 21:25 [#02623810]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

new record (by a second) on this campaign track


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-01-07 22:06 [#02623962]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

ill check next time!


offline big from lsg on 2023-01-09 11:31 [#02624011]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

like, they, this guy in particular, broke the track with the
reactor boost and all kinds of exploits of it, among which
driving backwards (apparently you get a bigger 'zoop' going

this happened on other track as well in this campaign, like
7 of them

my favorite was probably this reddit comment:
"nadeo, you morons"


offline big from lsg on 2023-01-09 11:39 [#02624012]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to big: #02624011 | Show recordbag

see, for regular people breaking maps (finding shortcuts and
exploits) is entertainment, but for people that want to get
the best records on them (hunt them), it can be tedious to
have to learn to drive like this


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-01-09 18:12 [#02624016]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02624012 | Show recordbag

to me its gotta be fun and competetive.
the point is to stop, when the fun goes,
move on or wait til next season
i really like the seasonal idea,
gives yourself the chance to start fresh,
skip out and still come back etc..


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-09 18:28 [#02624017]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

this motherfucker has custom tracks?


offline big from lsg on 2023-01-09 19:07 [#02624023]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

free track of the day, today

map looks great, is kind of hard, though (i managed gold)


offline big from lsg on 2023-01-09 19:08 [#02624024]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02624016 | Show recordbag

with season track, you can get sick of them. then you should
stop, but pick it up again a bit later

i know what you mean though, for sure. dealing with getting
sick of them, is a big part of the challenge. mental game,


offline big from lsg on 2023-01-09 19:09 [#02624025]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to mermaidman: #02624017 | Show recordbag

no, this wasn't a custom track. though there are custom
tracks, many


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-15 21:13 [#02624220]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

this game would totally make me ragequit


offline big from lsg on 2023-01-15 21:19 [#02624221]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02624220 | Show recordbag

it's been known to happen


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