tony question for china | xltronic messageboard
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tony question for china

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 11:18 [#02622734]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

(runner up thread title: "white papers matter")

i am trying to understand the bind XJ finds himself in w/rt
to the failure of zero covid, to the point of a foxconn
factory swelling up with infection and then exploding out
the walls, like when a cell is simply so compromised with
virii and goes pop and blasts it everywhere.

so now there are protests, probably already a violent
crackdown. but really, why reboot tiananmen square where
there are cameraphones and journalists all over? it seems
it'd make sense to somehow de-escalate this?

that yes, XJ has backed himself into a corner claiming
zero-covid is the answer, in part because their vaccine is
crap, but now also because he's just in too deep to revert.

...or is he? and this is what i don't understand. i know
that, by chinese standards, this would be like a kick in the
balls, but... perhaps it's just, here, and not harsh? just
get up and say: "zero-covid was wrong. we're still going to
track and test and post the alerts but we won't lock you
down anymore, and meanwhile we're ordering vaccines from all
over because we need to get this nailed down" and the last
part, like, yeah, you could even gloss over the chinese
vaccine being crap; claim it's just the scale... order a
bunch in a hurry

but no. is it childishness? that there are limits to my
understanding of "saving face," that maybe this would be
like the black mirror episode where the PM fucks the pig for

or maybe... you deliberately turn up the heat, to shake out
everyone who would seriously mobilize and protest if things
got bad, and boom, get rid of all those people; you're left
with the sheep?

or classic boring commie bureaucracy, where everyone's so
shit scared of the grand poobah no one gives him any real
answers ("the snafu principle")?

tony halp.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 13:14 [#02622737]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

hmm, hm. that a lot of china's 3bil people are rural,
elderly, no teef, etc. and even if you can get 3bil doses of
a vaccine worth a shit, how do you even get it out to all of
them? shit needs to be refridgerated

then, also, maybe he's just decided he doesn't care if the
cameras are on, and catch a tank trying to run over someone
trying to pull a certain something again. like: did you see
that? good


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2022-11-29 13:19 [#02622738]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular

epic magatrumps


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 14:42 [#02622742]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to Tony Danza: #02622738

oh, gosh, so much on tap, here... what do i go with?

a) did you get that link off reddit? [like a child stealing
a reflector from a neighbor's lawn]

b) it's so nice i can get reddit's greatest hits without
even having to remove it from my pihole blacklist

c) good samples, thx


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 14:49 [#02622743]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

i also get that he's new to his third term and he's worried
if he caves, he'll set a precedent. like: "shit, then these
fuckers can get anything out of me"

not that turning around on this would have any impact on his
iron rule; it's that this is how dictators think, and if
they didn't think this way, they wouldn't have made it to
the top

i see it more like one of the more salient bits of advice my
father gave me about women: if a woman is mad, just
apologize. it doesn't matter if you're right. it doesn't
matter if you don't even understand. just apologize. it
certainly doesn't cut it as a blanket approach to all
arguments, but darn does it work

that i feel i'm missing the boat culturally somewhere when i
say this -- throw your people a bone and they'll go back to
be polite and apolitical, mostly, and view as a more
compassionate leader. clever PR could even turn it into a
win, even if you say "fuck vaccines." but again, i'm missing
something here. like they need covid lockdown controls to
keep the iphones cranking out, or they've come to enjoy the
control so much they're unwilling to give it up etc


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2022-11-29 15:05 [#02622744]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular

is it difficult being a former gifted child


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 15:09 [#02622745]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to Tony Danza: #02622744

i don't think that's simpsons. family guy?


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2022-11-29 16:27 [#02622748]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular



offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-11-29 17:20 [#02622749]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

after the initial post my first thought is:
no politician can stay in office after admitting your
failiing politics in an important matter like this, by
western standards this would be a classic resign. is it even
woers in china, i dont know.

now could xj move into a diferent direction as you suggested
and de-escalate? it should be worth a try.
maybe the whole administration is afraid to give in just a
tiny bit, fearing an avalanche of demands following, but the
genie is out of the bottle anyways i guess.

im not up to date, but protests and shit may be going down
in regions not everybody cares about and would rather live
on than stand up for.

but yeah basically that is what i ask myself every single
time, why dont they make amends.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 20:04 [#02622755]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to umbroman3: #02622748

are you posting nice muscly men for mermaidman


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 20:14 [#02622756]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to ijonspeches: #02622749

no politician can stay in office after admitting your
failiing politics in an important matter like this

it is a dictatorship, they have a panopticon with a level of
[tech] never seen thus far; even 1984 missed 8/10 of it. so
i guess my point is more: no one can do shit; why not just
apologize and pivot? would certainly be better for your
economy. the puzzle to me is, just... why not? what is the
downside, from their perspective?

tony just does reaktor, right? so i'm not sure he'd know
combing through piles of code for six or seven hours and
then finally finding the thing that's actually causing
and people code for the serotonin rush alone. but i
also love the chase itself

that's all i'm here for. it's just a puzzle. tony quoting
reddit quoting... no, the "former gifted child" actually
seems more like something to write gushingly honest articles in. another mystery

now could xj move into a diferent direction as you
suggested and de-escalate? it should be worth a try. maybe
the whole administration is afraid to give in just a tiny
bit, fearing an avalanche of demands following, but the
genie is out of the bottle anyways i guess.

yes, you have it now. just keep picking at it: what if they
like the control the lockdown gives them, and intend to just
run stuff that way now? what if they deliberately brought it
to a simmer just so they could rapidly build a list of who
would crack and protest; round them up? like, i've not even
touched the paranoid nutter theories that i've heard
floating about yet: the foxconn thing was a deliberate
experiment to see what'd happen. or tack opposite paranoia:
this is all western mediawashing to pressure china to soften
restrictions for the sake of the US [and global, sure]
economy. or they're simply broadsided, it's pure chaos, and
everyone is too shit scared to tell XJ real shit and it's a
spiral of crap decisions actively ongoing



offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2022-11-29 20:28 [#02622757]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

China is preparing for ww3


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 20:32 [#02622758]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

"why did they let the tensions become so high?"

i think that is a much more effective question. that.. "why
don't they ease up? why didn't they before?" and we're in a
whole muddle of [where are we in the timeline, which
concerns are we mixing]

china has an intricately woven tapestry of social control,
and to say that it went down like the FTX implosion, like

sometimes life just creeps up on you
    --Sam Bankman-Fried, Fallen Crypto
Twat, i don't see this happening in china. if it wasn't
intended, it would have been dissolved much sooner. meaning,
it probably was intended... the Chief Twit would call this a
Hot Tub Discussion i guess


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 20:40 [#02622759]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to umbroman3: #02622757

China is preparing for ww3

it's easy to get lost, here. compare it to worrying about
the idea that you might get randomly hit by a bus, one day:

approach A: buying life insurance and making sure your music
is on a marked hard drive and then moving on to writing more
music; farting on children at supermarkets etc

approach B: spend all day hiding in your house, terrified
that even sighting a bus, the driver could you seeing the
bus, and it'd veer at you, and run you over on your
doorstep; that's what you get for going out! stay in bed


got that? now, hold it in your head as i say: all nations
are preparing for ww3 to some degree. putin is starting to
itch for ww3 because he's getting old and someone will
rasputin him sooner or later. XJ has a few decades but he's
worried his window for nabbing taiwan will close once the US
finishes building chip fabs like starbucks

so you have putin the soon-to-be-doddering-nutter [who knows
he's soon to be a doddering nutter], then XJ has no such
concerns, just an impossible boner for taiwan... but then
he's watching russia having a rather rough time of it; and
no. not now. let's just see if we can get the americans to
send over the new drones so we can rip them off from the
wreckage if we get lucky

then i zoom back out, and "china is preparing for ww3" and i
kind of get what you mean, but dfjgkldfg what do you mean


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 20:46 [#02622760]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

China is preparing for ww3

actually, ok, there is a worrying interpretation, i see

before invading taiwan, you turn up the heat, smoke out the
potential rabble-rousers, demoralize everyone, on the heels
of some being in lockdown for over 100 days, yeah, i guess
that would smooth things over for the invasion. no protests.
just willing conscripts. or outwardly-willing, anyways. that
is worrying; that this is cleaning house before their move

but ww3? i cite standard thug logic: don't shit where you
eat. they don't want to blow the planet up, they just want
taiwan for strategic reasons, same as russia's
mountain-locked geography makes them want the strait for
strategic reasons

i mean, though, it could cause it. and they're preparing for
that possibility. but they just want taiwan for the moment.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 20:53 [#02622761]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

here, i need tony again. if china were to invade taiwan on
dec 7, what would be the reddit phrase for this? it's not
virtue farming; what is it?

(i'd just call it "pissing on the alamo")


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2022-11-29 21:02 [#02622762]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular



offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 21:08 [#02622763]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to umbroman3: #02622762

tempo change in that song is killer

i still think of it sometimes when i get bold and grab the
master tempo knob for the whole track


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2022-11-29 21:19 [#02622766]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

I was looking for their song I predict a riot but they
didn't even do that song

It's like we're living in a fireworks factory then Putin and
xi are smoking in there

I guess Putin will nuke us sooner or later then China will
send peacekeepers via the UN to 'clean the mess' under their
rule of course.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 21:26 [#02622767]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

bogarting from neal stephenson's wonderful book
"cryptonomicon" ~

1) the japanese army brass would kneel before the emperor
wearing -- i will do my best to quote this accurately --
"...these elaborate thousand-thread headbands that say
things like 'i am dogshit'" and in this context no one has
the stones to tell him they're losing the war.

2) that same attitude led to all the emperor's mice charging
out to the battlefield singing the national anthem, minimal
training; these are just rural peasants. no unit cohesion;
too distracted raping villagers... that a single marine
comes in and takes out a whole squad. kamikaze attacks
almost never worked; most got blown up from ways of and
laughed at.

it'll be worse than the invading russian army if they have
to start digging into the yokels for conscription; a horde
of disorganized rapey peasants. so i'm not sure it'll go
terribly well for china there, in the sense of, like, once
they run out of, like, the actually good soldiers, they can
literally throw a few hundred million rapey peasants at the
situation, knowing tens of millions will die, but this was
planned; it's to be like a sci-fi/horror movie about
suffocating in a firehose of ants

or maybe this is all wrong and they'll unveil a practical
fusion reactor tomorrow and freely share the technology with
the world. and then quantum supremacy? it's too important
for just us to have; here you all have it too


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 21:28 [#02622768]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to umbroman3: #02622766

It's like we're living in a fireworks factory then Putin
and xi are smoking in there

this time, sir, you have nailed it. this quote is succinct,
funny, on-point... and, i fear, representative of actual

(but then edges of the zappo's guy going out doing whippets
next to a campfire in a shed; he didn't intend to go out


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2022-11-29 21:48 [#02622782]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

Tyrants gonna tyranny


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 23:43 [#02622800]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

i think it goes back down to something something, "...the
only way i can get mum's attention is misbehaving." then
they send the Lloigor after 'em; you've got their attention


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-29 23:55 [#02622801]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

US noticed that China noticed that crucial fabs that build
the true top-notch shit for the US are in, oh, taiwan (TSMC
etc) and south korea (hynix etc) and, like i said, now US is
build fabs like starbucks. but takes five years to get those
online... so, shit, more export bans on china, no 10nm for
you. arguably does quite slow them down, but perhaps not
best tactical move, because now their current edge is
shrinking with their chip supply.

meanwhile, russia couldn't rub 10nm together with every drop
of oil they can sell, last i hear was something like "we're
stoked we think we can do 28nm* by 2030" and then meanwhile
they don't mention that, even at this crass level, their
chip yields are still shit.

that i recently heard... the russians apparently ordered
thousands of washing machines to part out for chips.
i lost it in giggles for a while

before remembering this image of a washing machine
that... apparently, to japanese person, even if an apartment
is the size of a shoebox, if it does not have its own
washer, it's not technically an apartment. out of this
culture comes this majestic beast, combined washer/dryer
with a touchscreen larger than most tablets, an internet
connection, and a dedicated button to... dry shoes?

i stop laughing, and think: actually, yeah. drive a
touchscreen, control some industrial equipment, internet
connection... you could totally part these out for missle
computers if you were desperate

then i lose it in giggles again

have to appreciate the lighter side of all this. it's like
back when they were reportedly taking apart speak 'n' spells
for their missiles in the 80s. ET phone home

*nm = nanometers. smaller = more transistors per surface
area of silicon = better faster smaller chips


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-30 00:29 [#02622802]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

so i'm just googling all the semi stuff, making sure i got
my numbers right, and where can they make what, anyways?

this wafer yields a delightful chip of an article

it opens with

In recent years, the United States has continued to exert
pressure on China's semiconductor industry. As a result,
China has not made much progress in the field of advanced
semiconductors. As long as there are Chinese companies that
can develop advanced chips that threaten U.S.
semiconductor hegemony
, they will be suppressed by the
United States. There was ZTE, followed by Huawei and

and right away, we are delight. someone chinese wrote that
article. you telegraphed it with the bit i've embolded.
here, do we need more?

However, today's facts have slapped it in the face. China
has made a new breakthrough in its lithography machine, and
it is still in the advanced 14-nanometer lithography
machine, although it cannot be compared with the current
state-of-the-art, capable of producing 3-nanometer chips.
Compared with lithography machines, it also proves that
China already has the strength to develop advanced
lithography machines.

other facts today and tomorrow, however, slap today's facts
in the face, with facts that slap today's face today: you've
lifted the 14nm gear; are your yields not shit yet? no? ok.
we're still chopping the next rung off the ladder; figure
out 10 on your own. we're busy with 3 right now and see you
soon with 2. russia is flush with 45nm chips if you need a
speak and spell

and this is all a good laugh until, again, maybe not the
best tactical move to force their hand like that -- seems
tactically reasonable to then move before their edge
dwindles further, because they might not be this far ahead

( what not go nab taiwan with all the shiny new 3nm


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-30 00:37 [#02622803]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

i feel like i need to write a book just to understand this
crap within my own head. then the book wouldn't tell anyone
truly up on this much of anything they didn't already know,
except for perhaps juxtaposing a few concepts that were too
disparate to have been covered already. and no one would
read it anyways

i really can't afford it, but i've ordered the behringer 303
knockoff, the one with the mods, in yellow, because i've
wanted that for about a whole year and even though i doubt
it uses 10nm it's still very made in china. maybe there are
other things that are more practical to have thought of; my
printer functions about as often as the cicadas. but no
that's what's important to me; this will keep me happy and
distracted throughout ww303


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-11-30 07:42 [#02622810]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02622803 | Show recordbag

by the time you wrote a book about it,
it d be obsolete. its impossible to keep up with the world.
especially since not all developments break through

but i know the feel to kind of get a hold of all information
at once. so, these times get me railed and the one topic i
read about most is climate change and fucking up the planet,
so before the recent fridays for future demonstration i made
a leaflet. because every time i went on the streets some
doofus comes along asking "eh, what are you doing?" like
they never heard of it before. i have to admit that these
gatherings dont attract or inform people. even the slogans
only work if you know the topic already, and (i dont know
how this is possible, but many people dont know shit about
climate change) the only thing they seem to know is, "oh
heres this kid who says i cannot drive my fueled car." and
buy a fuck greta button for their bike instead.

oh well so i made a leaflet to bring the most important
facts and what to do about it as a person on point and what
we ask of the politics. and this does help me as a person to
know what im talking about instead o getting a fit when the
next doofus comes around.


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-11-30 07:46 [#02622811]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

basically, im this close to become a rambling old
madman on the street


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 09:48 [#02622841]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

putting something into writing, it forces you to be more
specific than you would in your head. that you start putting
it down; you get jammed up... no, wait... i need tony to
answer this. or, well, i don't, but it'd be funny to try and
get him to. but, now that i'm here... i'm writing a book,
i'm figuring it out, but people are coming back and
challenging this or that and i go back to my strange weasel
trip and human dialogue is a computational process

on being a rambling old madman on the street: it comes down
to a combination of volume control and quality control,
doesn't it? a rambling madman has neither volume control nor
quality control. but you can be completely right and still
viewed as a rambling old madman if you just yell it at
people on the street all disorderly. or throw soup on a van
gogh and then glue yourself to the wall. perfect example,
that: heart is in the right place but brain is up the arse


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 10:00 [#02622842]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

crop of articles last 24 hours or so has provided relevant

earlier, i said

so now there are protests, probably already a violent
crackdown. but really, why reboot tiananmen square where
there are cameraphones and journalists all over? it seems
it'd make sense to somehow de-escalate this?

that, actually, when i wrote that, i was spot on; it would
simply need another six or eight hours for it to snow up
[in] news feeds. but also when i wrote it, i was
absentmindedly weaving in a tidbit from seeing hundreds of
protest/china screencaps -- everyone is recording video

this is actually the key, it seems. that the chinese
panopticon is incredibly sophisticated, but it still relies
on a shit-ton of manual labor. so if thousands of people
upload vids of the same protest from very slight different
angles, it swamps the system, and a bunch get through. i can
dig up references for this next part: they are caching
videos on twitter* so they can pull them and re-upload
repeatedly. they are doing the same shit you do to dodge
youtube copyright cop; uploading videos where it's a phone
recording of another phone playing a video. flipping it
horizontal. tagging in bastardized cantonese the censors
cannot follow.

that it has certain analogies to a DDOS attack; spamming the
chinese censors to the point where, some article said, "we
would need at least ten times the staff"

but then china still china. they've deployed all the cops
and... tanks, yes, tanks, who wants to stand in front of one
this time? just try us

* on twitter they are spamming crude porn links to try and
dilute the networking of activists. it bothers me that so
few get the "dilute, don't argue" part of controlling a
social media outbreak, and even more than the chinese
definitely get it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 10:09 [#02622843]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

i am also reading stuff like: a lot of people don't even
know of the protests, until... they just walk into one as
they're headed to the store one day, and... hell, i'll join
in. i suppose that really is the dangerous part for china.
that people for whom the censorship has been 100% effective,
they cross paths with a protest, just by accident... and
say: fuck it, me too, i'm in

so it makes sense people there recognize a sort of tinderbox
atmosphere, as the party actively attempts to starve the
fire of oxygen. they've already woken up quite a few people
by being in the streets, and so now china disrupts; tanks.
barriers. 2^4 grips of cops in riot gear, looking bored,
standing around, in case people might gather.
university students sent home since they've traditionally
been a hotbed of activism. that the party beats people in
dark rooms for a bit, next come the long prison sentences,
and i do worry "they can't put us all in jail" will collapse
back into the usual "uhhh no thanks someone else can go to
jail" and who can blame them in that nut farm.

i'm not sure what outcome they even expect. perhaps they've
not thought that far. that i doubt china will lose it this
hard, but there is some definite french revolution
potential, because there are a lot more people there growing
up chronically fucked than there are party bigwigs... or
even cops.

the cops follow the line because they have a steady
paycheck. what'd really make things interesting is if a few
flipped and started helping the protestors, because it's
their relatives and neighbors screaming at them, whose heads
they're supposed to bash in for protesting

but this planet. not holding my breath


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 10:31 [#02622844]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

"the snafu principle" -- thanks R. A. Wilson

states that the grand poobah, the eye at the top of the
pyramid, stalin or whatever, relies on all his underlings to
communicate what is actually going on. but then, paranoia,
is someone conspiring to take my place? so you need a secret
police force. but then that gets too powerful, so you form
an even more secret police force to police the secret
police force and they rapidly become more and more cut off
from reality as neither the police nor the secret police nor
the ordinary yokes want to go up against the firing squad,
so eventually everyone is just making up bullshit to protect

practically: if a few police squads go in with the
protestors... and beijing goes full paranoia about whether
they can trust their own cops... and then they start
cracking down on the cops... JENGA

but, no, i'm sure the cops are tight-knit thug gangs that
don't mix it up with reality enough to develop empathy. at
least XJ better hope


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 10:44 [#02622845]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

Guangzhou in the south, Shijiazhuang in the north,
Chengdu in the southwest and other major cities announced
that they were easing testing requirements and controls on
movement. In some areas, markets and bus service reopened.

The announcements didn’t mention last weekend’s protests
in Shanghai, Beijing and at least six other cities against
the human cost of anti-COVID restrictions that confine
millions of people to their homes. But the timing and
publicity suggested that President Xi Jinping’s government
was trying to mollify public anger after some protesters
made the politically explosive demand that he resign.

not apologize... in fact, radio silence, whilst very
grudgingly lifting restrictions, slightly, in areas that
experienced the most complaint.

this was an obvious option and i missed it entirely. i
suppose i'm not used to thinking like an autocrat. maybe
joyrex has some perspective


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 10:56 [#02622846]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

my gosh, it's so obvious now, i feel like an idiot: there
are cameras everywhere in china, signs about cameras being
everywhere everywhere, you're being watched, they make it
quite clear

so yes, here are hundreds of people pointing their
camerafones at you and your cops at once, like... how do you
like it, buddy?

that's pretty good, actually.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 13:23 [#02622850]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

so the part where i said, "i feel like i'm culturally
missing the boat somehow" a few chapters ago... here is what
actually seems like an actual chinese person attempting to
explain what i missed.

if you trust the site. i've read bits of it here and there
for many years, and it's... fine, really. nothing to write
home about, but it's certainly not OAN or whatnot. i looked
it up on bad boy wiki p and it's like "their headlines are
pretty clickbait sometimes" but also "they've been covering
the uyghur thing" and yes, the title, poking a rancid sore
on the head of china's dick, TIANANMEN SQUARE STUDENT" and
it's valid criticism because if you totally throw out that
he was relevant to that thing back then it's still a valid
article that at least begins to answer my questions. but
then ~insider~ has to sass it up and instead of "guy with a
clue offers some reasonable thoughts on the current national
psychology" it's... yeah. a bit clickbait. it's fair
criticism. but it's irrelevant because i came for the
content not the title


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 13:24 [#02622851]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

LAZY_TITLE board ate the link before. still haven't
quite sussed the conditions that... oh well.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 13:28 [#02622852]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict


oh they're rehashing a newsweek article

newsweek can be kind of crap. but it still feels like this
is the best answer to... my, i dunno, fumbling around early
in this thread, like... why are they doing it like... ?
makes no fucking s


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 13:31 [#02622853]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

"It's hard to predict the outcome of the protests now.
But we are already seeing some loosening of the zero-COVID
policy, which is a rare display of weakness for Xi Jinping,"
Fengsuo Zhou, who was a student leader for Tiananmen Square
and spent a year in prison before leaving for the U.S. years
later, told Newsweek.

He said that college students participating in the
demonstrations are "going through a baptism of political
activism" and becoming the "masters of their own fate" by
taking action.

"As a survivor of Tiananmen massacre, I am in tears while
watching the protesters chanting 'end CCP [Chinese Communist
Party]' in Shanghai, the birthplace of CCP," Zhou said.

He does not believe Xi's hold on power within the ruling CCP
has been degraded because of the protests. But he does
believe that this control may also be having a negative
impact on the country's ability to handle unexpected

"Xi Jinping still has complete control within the CCP. But
his tight control also means that the system can't deal with
surprises because his underlings aren't willing to take
initiatives without explicit instructions from Xi," Zhou
said. "Additionally, the zero-COVID system is exhausted
already. But at this stage, he is still entrenched."

this is kind of like... /thread, thread over. until more
developments to puzzle upon, which i'm sure there will be


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-01 13:34 [#02622854]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

mother of trout. elon musk is going through the exact same
problem right now


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-07 07:31 [#02622974]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

looks they taking your advice
what other tyranny could you save?


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