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Ethical alternative to facebook

offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2019-10-22 23:38 [#02588016]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict

Ive been thinking that with facebook selling user data and
the kotowing to evil governments I should probably quit
facebook for good, anyone use anything else like Diaspora?


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2019-10-23 00:13 [#02588017]
Points: 21386 Status: Regular

Juff Burpwick interviewed some nigga about some shit called, but here's some intel from reputable crab people
double agents: the whole internet is an in q tel funded
weapon system for tyranny to overthrow non-tyranny.
Transhuman corporate CEOs with life extension technology,
who plan to be eternal reincarnations of hitler and
calligula have planned it so their first mover advantage and
network effect can never be surpassed. I warned
people about ebay and amazon, now youtube is doing it and
all the others. The only hope for freedom is to actually
physically kill them which would be ethical self defense, as
in the death penalty, but law itself is one of the
components in their full spectrum dominance control grid so
we can't even sue them let alone sentence them to a much
deserved death for crimes against humanity. We'll have to go
to stealth methods, true asymmetrical warfare which could
possibly involve slipping a blue ring octopus into their
drink etc. Instead it will probably revert to medieval
torture where all the criminal elite on top control the
masses with real fear of horrible torture. You will have no
choice but to comply, they planned this all 500 years in
advance at least. Keep in mind deep blue is ancient AI and
easily defeats human players in chess, even the AI that
beats humans at jeopardy is ancient, the borg CEO knew we
were in checkmate long ago. They do it all by stealth, they
might always do it by stealth with no real reason to come
out swinging in 100% attack mode with all their boston
dynamics 100% obedient backflipping robots in a final
terminator 2 takeover. There won't even be a john connor
resistance, it already is just total factory farm
enslavement of humans, there is absolutely no freedom, the
value of a single human being is already less than zero.
Good luck.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2019-10-23 00:15 [#02588018]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict

my guess is any visible alternative is already funded by
facebook money or will be pushed aside in the long run


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2019-10-23 00:20 [#02588019]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict

I was hoping the dystopian future sci fi thing would happen
long after im dead, its shit to see it forming in my lifetme


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2019-10-23 00:22 [#02588020]
Points: 21386 Status: Regular

They actually can profit more when we're dead due to removed
competition, and competition is a sin according to their
necronomicon. Now economic war criminal Jeff Bezos makes 11
million dollars an hour, but what if everyone in, say, New
York, was dead? Well then he could own all of new
york couldn't he? I will be living in a van in about 20
days, but Jeff Bezos, who along with John Donahoe sabotaged
my income to near suicide levels, and if I suicided it would
have been indirect murder and I'm sure they have driven
others to suicide so they are murderers, does not feel he
has enough room to put his feet up, he wants all of new
york, like the facebook criminal was trying to buy all of
hawaii. We need mass restitution at least, 100% of every
CEOs wealth needs to be taken by force and returned to the
victims of their mass organized crime theft. This isn't even
a thing that can be solved by voting with your dollars, that
only works in a free market which we absolutely do not have
due to their fascist tyranny.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2019-10-23 00:24 [#02588021]
Points: 21386 Status: Regular | Followup to Hyperflake: #02588018

Yep, I'm sure they do that, I bet "ecrater" and "bonanza"
are as fake of competition as home depot and lowes.


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2019-10-23 06:40 [#02588028]
Points: 31139 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag



offline Portnoy on 2019-10-23 07:47 [#02588031]
Points: 1487 Status: Regular

Problem is getting your friends to adopt the new platform.

Not that I care about Facebook much really. It’s a cesspit
of ads.

Have you uninstalled yet? And the million other
likely unethical services you use...?


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2019-10-23 12:26 [#02588032]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular | Followup to w M w: #02588020

I will be living in a van in about 20 days

Man I'm sorry, wish I were in a position to help you out.


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2019-10-23 12:33 [#02588033]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular

Have you uninstalled yet? And the million
other likely unethical services you use...?

the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke:
"theres actually zero difference between good & bad things.
you imbecile. you fucking moron"


offline Portnoy on 2019-10-23 13:36 [#02588034]
Points: 1487 Status: Regular | Followup to Tony Danza: #02588033

Elegantly put :)


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2019-10-23 16:03 [#02588035]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict | Followup to Portnoy: #02588031

ive never used but yeah I know about the blizzard
situation, I probably do use a few other unethical things
but I feel like I need try to be pragmatic and get rid of
the worst offenders


offline RussellDust on 2019-10-23 16:15 [#02588037]
Points: 15986 Status: Regular

I remember Ello, that isn’t really a thing anymore is it?
Haven’t logged in in years. I liked the idea.


offline Portnoy on 2019-10-23 19:11 [#02588046]
Points: 1487 Status: Regular | Followup to Hyperflake: #02588035

Sure, I was being rhetoric. I installed to play
Diablo 3 but finished that ages ago. Oh yes and a bit of

Good on ya though, not a bad thing, though our very
existence is embroiled in fuckedupedness.

Facebook is a good start. My friend closed his, says it’s
one of the best things he’s ever done.


offline Indeksical from Phobiazero Damage Control (United Kingdom) on 2019-10-23 19:21 [#02588047]
Points: 10671 Status: Regular | Followup to RussellDust: #02588037 | Show recordbag

I still have the ello app, I went on to look and it's
totally dead


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2019-11-01 21:02 [#02588447]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

>>> Problem is getting your friends to adopt the new
If there was no one else but you on facebook, it would be


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2019-11-01 21:03 [#02588448]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

or me, that wasn't some weird dis
there is a clear line of logic that says that every single
person (myself included) that has signed up to facebook or
continues to use it, makes the world a worse place.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2019-11-01 21:08 [#02588449]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict | Followup to steve mcqueen: #02588448

yes I know my conscience is getting the better of me, the
issue is its what all my mates use to communicate it, if I
delete it how will I keep in contact with my mates, I talk
every day with it, they really everyone by the balls, on the
other hand facebook is complicit in selling data to
extremely evil regimes, as you said by using facebook we are
sort of passively consenting to making the world a shittier


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2019-11-01 21:10 [#02588450]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict | Followup to Portnoy: #02588046

yeah im glad I never really got into any blizzard games, I
liked the idea of diablo but don't like the proprietary
launcher and all that


offline wavephace from off the chain on 2019-11-02 05:04 [#02588464]
Points: 3098 Status: Lurker

The problem with Facebook is that there isn't an organized,
independent group holding it to account. On Xltronic, which
obviously still has its problems, at least we have CJAX
working to push the site in the right direction.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-28 22:32 [#02634221]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to w M w: #02588017

reputable crab people

it's a trap m8 there aren't any


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-04-05 20:47 [#02634573]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

wot is CJAX?
are any of u lot on mastodon?


offline dariusgriffin from cool on 2024-04-05 22:23 [#02634583]
Points: 12288 Status: Regular



offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-04-05 23:15 [#02634589]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

well good luck with that.


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