umbromaniii - rags acid | xltronic messageboard
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umbromaniii - rags acid

offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2019-08-05 01:12 [#02583314]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

acid house album made with the classic roland equipment


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2019-08-07 13:24 [#02583395]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular



offline DADONCK from here on 2019-08-07 23:00 [#02583410]
Points: 3418 Status: Lurker

prolific output. respect


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2019-08-07 23:09 [#02583411]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular | Followup to DADONCK: #02583410


3 new acid trax

Tracknames by hyperflake


offline DADONCK from here on 2019-08-07 23:13 [#02583412]
Points: 3418 Status: Lurker

dude, how can you afford all that gear?
i mean, you're using it well, but still


offline DADONCK from here on 2019-08-07 23:16 [#02583413]
Points: 3418 Status: Lurker

i would buy this



offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2019-08-08 06:32 [#02583414]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

Paypal credit


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2019-08-08 16:28 [#02583415]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

im 3000 gbp in debt now lol


offline wavephace from off the chain on 2019-08-09 00:08 [#02583423]
Points: 3098 Status: Lurker

Change the racist title of track 5 or I will report you to


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2019-08-09 03:03 [#02583428]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular | Followup to wavephace: #02583423

It’s a type of cat you absolute mong.


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2019-08-09 03:04 [#02583429]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

Ps I shit on you


offline wavephace from off the chain on 2019-08-09 05:41 [#02583433]
Points: 3098 Status: Lurker

Well don't give your cat a racist name you ableist shit


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2019-08-09 08:00 [#02583434]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

Maine coon is a type of cat.


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2019-08-09 08:21 [#02583435]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

You can’t even get your facts straight. I’m not going to
reply to you any more. Saddo.


offline mermaidman on 2019-08-09 13:04 [#02583436]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

is there anything you do in particular to make it sound gay
or doe it happen naturally


offline mermaidman on 2019-08-09 13:10 [#02583437]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

and is roger wilco any influence to you when you’re trying
to portray gayness


offline mermaidman on 2019-08-09 13:12 [#02583438]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

the leading gay of 21st century a tour de force


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2019-08-09 15:10 [#02583439]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

It may blow your mind (or nob!?!?!?) when I reveal I had a
dream a couple of nights ago that I was on holiday with
umbroman3, in Brighton, which is well gay. In the
dream we were staying in a beach house, and I wanted to go
up this steep hill in the hinterland, where, once you went
through this field of crocuses, and crossed a river, it was
snowing. All the seasons were mixed up. By Umbro wanted to
stay by the sea and didn't want to follow me.


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2019-08-09 15:11 [#02583440]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular | Followup to Roger Wilco: #02583439

"By Umbro"??? Bi Umbro?!??!?!


offline mermaidman on 2019-08-09 15:39 [#02583441]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

yawn how is that supposed to blow my mind maybe if it were a
straight dream


offline mermaidman on 2019-08-09 15:47 [#02583442]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

but i like the idea of u and umbroman in a beach house
drinking gay tiki drinks


offline Jaser from Castle Greyskull (United Kingdom) on 2019-08-09 16:31 [#02583444]
Points: 2101 Status: Regular

I am not dissing. Sounds cool. get it master properly it
makes all the difference.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2019-08-09 17:36 [#02583445]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict

Umbroman is a prolific savant


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-08-22 01:20 [#02629995]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

you got 4 gay's from mermles and 1 from roger. hyperflake
expresses him in a normal way. jaser does something like me
and some others here where it's like "i can't simply like
it; i need to have some sort of insightful suggestion for
improvement." wavephace had recently decided it was
hilarious to go around and accuse everyone of being racist,
one at at time -- and here's where he got umbro. i missed
the thread entirely. xlt firing on all cylinders here


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