from the uk on 2001-06-29 20:20 [#00011428]

I have some cash coming in and im thinking of buying a whole bunch of cd's, recent and old, I have some tracks that I would like but I am open to suggestions.
I would like the albums that have donkey rhubarb, pancake lizarrd, windwow licker, come to daddy, are these on the rdj album?, which analogue bubble bath? SAW2 I am definetely gonna get, hangabel auto? i care because you do?, im thinking of spending around £70 on msuic, aphex in paticular.
thanks for your help.,...or your advice
from the uk on 2001-06-29 20:23 [#00011429]

caustic window?
selected ambient works, which one?
help me choose please
from manchester on 2001-06-29 20:24 [#00011430]

Get i care because you do for certain. Its ace. WHat type of thing are you looking for?
from manchester on 2001-06-29 20:24 [#00011431]

erm, SAWI
on 2001-06-29 20:25 [#00011432]

Just go to cdnow.com and find out which tracks are on which cd, and listen to them. I really like the RDJ album. I couldn't find that article of his new cd that you were talking about. I think it's a hoax.
from manchester on 2001-06-29 20:27 [#00011433]

It says on warprecords.com about the new album. On the front page, near teh top, in yellow writing :-)
on 2001-06-29 20:30 [#00011436]

*got it*
from an egren's coffe shop on 2001-06-29 22:03 [#00011451]

get 51/13 singles collection. it's an import from japan, so i might be kind of pricey. i got it for about 25-30 american dollars though. it has half of the ventolin remixes (wheeze, carharack, cylob, crow megmus, salbutanol, and a few more. i dont know if i spelled those track names correctly or not), on, pancake lizard, donkey rhubarb, icct hedral, and respect list.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-29 22:39 [#00011454]

POE: Make sure you get Analogue Bubblebath 3, Analogue Bubblebath 4, or 1 if you can find it. Hangable Auto Bulb - good luck finding that rarity. Uhm.. Caustic Window is a MUST have.
from the uk on 2001-06-30 00:19 [#00011465]

geez..if price was no object fellas I would have these beauts already...
Im gonna have to get a job pronto...or deplete my bank account yet more....
well, thanks, I am gonna have to have a think
from roca,ne on 2001-06-30 04:21 [#00011488]

btw. buy the cds at a reocrd store not from your buddies........richard needs the $$$
from Denmark on 2001-06-30 11:25 [#00011533]

If you have to choose between analoque bubblebath 3 and 4 choose 4!
much better! i so seldomly listen to 3. 4 has two really good tracks on it. the rest is mediocore tho. and before you start thinking bubblebaths get I care because you do and richard d james album first! they are CLASSICS! they will revolutionize your intellect, make you a better person, they will get you a date with jennifer lopez, they will make you rich, they will... oh well. theire quite good.
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