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offline Haft from Tublin (Ireland) on 2013-04-07 05:43 [#02453465]
Points: 884 Status: Lurker

Got exams coming up and am gonna take a while to get my
shit together for them, so no XLT for the time being.

As a parting gift, here's a little folder of some of my
favourite, fairly-SFW pictures of quality specimens. One of
'em is an XLT user that I know, who never posts.
Also, here's a savage Oaysis tune I've been digging
lately. Have pun with it

Have a good month my Sultans.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2013-04-07 07:07 [#02453466]
Points: 21423 Status: Regular

Don't you hate it when a bunch of other adult primates with
tenure gang up and justify their jobs by creating this
elaborate DMV-like time sink to drown children in, and claim
authority to test you on the babblings they "teach" and
force you to be there involuntarily as well as force you to
pay them with your taxes? The main school bullies are the
teachers. Kids need to have an armed uprising and reclaim
society from the mentally ill adults, so they don't have to
go through the same system to become mentally ill as well in
an endless cycle.


offline Haft from Tublin (Ireland) on 2013-04-07 07:23 [#02453467]
Points: 884 Status: Lurker

Don't hate. Every human has a dichotomy to face up to and
work with: we have choice, and at the same time we have also
been genetically programmed and societally conditioned. I
chose to go to college and get in debt and face another set
of Play-Doh tubes to squash through because I love what I'm
learning, not because I felt compelled to better my
job-chances. A good few are in the same boat, despite the
majority doing it out of fear or indifference. Project a
malaise and you will detect a malaise. Look at the good with
the bad, and strive for more of it. Never reheat a hotdog,
and don't falsely shitpost as Don Cheadle's second cousin.
This is my path to happiness


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