from Canada on 2001-03-07 20:44 [#00000794]

Just curious to hear which was everyone's first Aphex album, and why they nabbed it?
Mine was "...I Care Because You Do" and I got my sister to order it while she was ordering her crappy music (Def Lepard?!) from Columbia House ... I was interested because I loved the Aphex Twin tracks on my Further Down The Spiral disc ... and thought I'd give this creepy looking fellow a try - glad I did ... I then bought "Richard D. James" right away ... and then bought "Come To Daddy" and "Windowlicker" when each of those came out ... and over the past year since, I've been grabbing everything I can ... "Selected Ambient Works 1", "Selected Ambient Works vol 2" (which still blows my mind!!), "Caustic Window Compolation", "Analogue Bubble Bath's 3 and 4", "Surfing on Sine Waves", "Singles Collection 51/13" ... etc
PS. Did that thing with "Mike Pop's Orchestra" ever happen??
from T.O. on 2001-03-07 23:00 [#00000797]

At first I saw AFX on MTV's 120 minutes or Party Zone, I dont remember. Some years later, when I started to gain money, and access to music stores, I walked in, and tried to buy SAW 1, but they just had Classics... Not a bad one either :-) Then ICBYD, and RDJ Album. That's it.
from lincoln,ne on 2001-03-08 00:03 [#00000799]

excellant topic!! 1995 i found ventolin remixes, 11 remix cd at teh store. i bought it took it outside,to my car, opened it and there was no cd in it :9(, i took it back in and excanged it for the last copy they had. i listened to it a lot. but didnt listen to idm for a while, til ICBYD came out then i got into idm music. i must have thought industrial and techno were more important at the time
from malmö/sweden on 2001-03-08 08:03 [#00000806]

a friend bought come to daddy because he liked the cover =) and i was caught. think my first cd was analogue bubblebath.. and first vinyl was windowlicker. and igot like 20 releases now.. go to love him!!
on 2001-03-08 10:36 [#00000809]

The first time i heard aphex twin i was stoned out of my mind..my brother put on milkman, and i had no idea what he was saying...i thought he was speaking french...i couldn\'t stop laughing...it was great...after that, i bought the richard d. james album, and later i got the rest, that were available to me...SAW2 is probably my favorite...Yeah...its too bad he doesn\'t release more of his stuff...
from doh on 2001-03-08 12:00 [#00000813]

i first heard the rdj fellows music on a really crappy car stereo, the persons who's tape it was (a bad recording) who was also driving, didn't really know much about the artist and i commented on how good the music was, but i didn't really like the tune that much....it was digeridoo...never really like dthe tune, maybe it was my experiences in oz that did it, but anyway, i wanted to listen to more of his stuff, i was really into plastikman at the time, and i went out and bought selected ambient werks1! WOW, it really did it for me, hit the spot with a certain tenderness that just stroked my innerds into a clamed relaxed controlled in tune, new look of music....i was extremely excited about discovering this new genre and artist, and i have come a long way sionce there, have met a lot of new people and have a lot more tastes in idm...
monolake ae metamatics bochum welt anthony rother....just to name a few..L8R
from Manchester, England. on 2001-03-08 13:03 [#00000817]

My first cd would have been Windowlicker single, with teh video on it.That asbrilliant. Then i got come to daddy and on. Unfortunetly i have somehow lost EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!! Which annoyed me geratly. I plan on buying some moe soon.
from holland on 2001-03-08 19:04 [#00000821]

mmmmm....my first aphex was 'calssics' , a friend made me listen to it, actually, he forced me to listen!
now i've got around 32 cd's and vinyl...and still collecting!
on 2001-03-09 02:24 [#00000825]

i first heard of aphex twin via mtv's first amp album(the orange one, remember) and girl/boy song just blew me away. after hearing it i immediatley purchased Richard D. James Album which blew me even further away. a couple of months
later i got come to daddy then SAW II and I care because you do, and finally windowlicker.
from ireland/drogheda on 2001-03-09 04:33 [#00000826]

hi all, for rdj... thank you for the music
from malmö/sweden on 2001-03-09 07:59 [#00000827]

another question, how many "hard to get" cds/vinyls do you got? like the one you'd hade to kill for =)
Wizard MaC
from Holland on 2001-03-09 11:28 [#00000828]

The Windowlicker single with the video on it was my first AFX-experience.
I saw Windowlicker on MTV and I was stunned! Weeeird video and even weirder music! I also make music, and after I heard AFX, my music has gone another way! (thanks for the inspiration)
Now, I own the following cd's: Classics, SAW1, RDJ, Come To Daddy, and the Windowlicker single. They're all great!
I hope Richard wil release new music.
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-28 14:21 [#00001726]

analog bubblebath 3 EP released in a brown paper bag back in 1992....i think.
I am well cool huh!, hardcore me!. the brown paper bag got beer spilt on it though, gutted i was, i tell ya, but im over it now.
from uk on 2001-03-28 15:36 [#00001728]

Analogue Bubble bath 2 .
Selected Ambient Works 1 .
When they were first released .
Therefore , i am the best .
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-28 15:52 [#00001729]

oh bum
from crab bisquits on the corner of a concrete horse on 2001-03-28 16:04 [#00001731]

i bought the rdj album because my friend had some techno that i listened to and wanted some of my own. i wasn't into richard too much until i saw a clip from come to daddy, then after i picked a copy of that up, i started buying his stuff. now i have (no particular order) classics, windowlicker, come to daddy, rdj album, i care because you do, 51/13 singles collection, polygon window, caustic window comp., saw I.
from england on 2001-03-28 16:10 [#00001734]

they only sell the CLASSICS album in my local record shops
a flifton
from inner mongolia on 2001-03-28 18:14 [#00001743]

i recon you wanna goto unlocal record shops then jack.
from Manchester, England. on 2001-03-28 18:37 [#00001747]

jack; where abouts in england do you live? Near me there are LOADS of shops that sell lots of aphex. HMV always has loads of aphex in, but that is just near me.
from somewhere between europe and canada on 2001-03-28 20:59 [#00001756]

Maybe he lives in a fisher village somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic :-)
from Montreal on 2001-03-29 02:59 [#00001794]

to tell you the real, full truth--the first RDJ song i ever heard was Windowlicker. which was followed by Come to Daddy, then Girl/Boy Song. i don't know exactly why, but Richard D James Album was my first purchase. I loved it upon first listen. Unfortunately now i can't find it...sigh...i bought SAWII a month or two ago. I hated it first, but the legends are true, it REALLY grows on you. Now i listen to it every night.
from Lincoln on 2001-03-29 05:11 [#00001814]

First I got RDJ album cause I thought "Come To Daddy" was on it and I had remembered a long time ago the music video to it. Then I bought Come To Daddy EP, then ICBYD, then The Classics, then Analogue Bubblebath 1 and most recently Caustic Window Compilation. All of his stuff kicks so much ass, no one compares to the master of disaster RDJ.
from canada on 2001-03-29 09:19 [#00001841]

I first bought... THE Caustic Window shit years back.. well it wasn't that long. And then I got [in no oreder] RDJ album, CAUSTIC WINDOW, SINGLES THINGY, ON SINGLE 2ND CD, SAWII, SAWI, COME TO DADdY EP, CLASSICS, VENTOLIN, i then ordered mike and rich expert knob twiddlers... and i just recently got the windowlicker video and the come to viddy collection of VHS.. oh yeah and i bought the windowlicker cd, and the ICBYD cd as well.. a while back. I have downloaded the rest of his stuff.. ALL of it under all aliases.... since and burnt them all... great!
from ireland on 2001-04-01 10:00 [#00002230]

mine was richard d james album................girl/boy song ...wow need i say anything more...well maybe ...windowlicker wow wow just makes me wanna make music .....thank you guys
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-01 12:26 [#00002236]

come to daddy... a friend of mine told me he saw his video on mtv the night before... i was jooking for something in the electronic section, and it started with an A, and i was just starting to look. it looked interesting, so i just tried it. guess it was destiny
from ireland/drogheda on 2001-04-04 12:16 [#00002532]

hi all me again....i would like to ask all you guys if there is anyone in ireland who might be intrested in makeing a bit of aphex style music .....even people not in ireland are welcome to reply...it might be a better way of showing our appreciation for the big man considering he said yet again that he wont write any more music.......anyone with any ideas ....give us a shout ....
thanks all.. ted. ps see you all again...ept...
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-04 12:21 [#00002533]

i've got one song that i've written, and i kinda styled it the way that rdj did in Ageispolis... just with the way the bass has a short solo in the middle, and the snare hits the upbeat. the song i wrote is still primitive though... i need to smack it around in cakewalk abit. i'll put it on my site if anyone is interested... but keep in mind that it's not done yet... I did it with an MC-303
from somewhere in the u.s. on 2001-04-04 18:23 [#00002549]

i started a few songs with an aphexy sound. one i have has a bouncing ball effect, another one has ambient piano in the background with that screechy sound heard in at the heart of it all. my stuff seems to have more of a beat presence than his stuff.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-04 20:35 [#00002566]

yeah, i think it's cool how he's started this whole little cult of ppl like us who use screen names that are names of his songs or like his name or whatever, and we are making music like him and shit... it's like he's started his own genre.
from your mothers womb on 2001-04-04 22:42 [#00002584]

well, as somewhat of an up and coming musician myself, I think its very good to be inspired by other musicians, but I also feel that anyone who has a healthy interest in music should never style themselves after another musician, sure, be influenced, but don't go so far as to copy anyone elses style, make your own music, you all seem like intelligent people, listen to your thoughts, and put your own beautiful sounds on vinyl, just an opinion.
rob aka bucephalus
from australia on 2001-04-05 02:24 [#00002599]

that sounds quite cool, the genre of music i create is 'aphex'...
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-05 03:20 [#00002600]

i know what you are saying about writing in your own style, and I do. but i feel that it was good for me to style myself after rdj at first to get my first few songs goin'. after i started to get the feel for how it was done, i started doin my own thang
from Can. on 2001-04-05 03:24 [#00002601]

same thing with me, i started really influenced by aphex and fast drumbreaks, but my music is totally different now. The last album i worked on was the first to have a full theme, politics- just basically my frustration with politics at the time, i did something really neat too, i took a short sample of a flute and (by accident, really) made it into a whole space-like symphony. It sounds really eery, and i dont know how the hell i made it that way. I also made waves of crescendoing fuzz, that were inspired by my bloody valentine, but it doesnt sound really much like them.
from swaziland on 2001-04-05 15:37 [#00002634]

just testing something .
from City, State on 2001-04-05 16:28 [#00002645]

Aphex Twin Ownz But It is too much "German" based
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-05 22:59 [#00002670]

ross: sounds cool. do you have a cd out? or can we download your stuph or what?
from Udine (Eriko Sato's undies) (Italy) on 2006-03-27 10:39 [#01867976]
Points: 1706 Status: Lurker

my first aphex album was classics
from Netherlands, The on 2006-03-27 10:46 [#01867980]
Points: 6428 Status: Regular

mine was Come To Daddy
from doodam (Netherlands, The) on 2006-03-27 10:55 [#01867990]
Points: 613 Status: Lurker

first cd i bought was SAW 1 and that was really the only cd
then i download all his music illegaly so i have everything now(thankyousoulseek)
+ alot of livesets really so richard didnt get much laughing out loud
from County Clare on 2006-03-27 12:02 [#01868028]
Points: 27325 Status: Lurker

I had access to MTV's AMP which had a girl/boy song on it. Then i tried to find out information on how to obtain it. I grabbed the RDJ album via good ol CD.
from ∞ (United States) on 2006-03-27 12:27 [#01868041]
Points: 1801 Status: Lurker

i bought SAWII on a whim. i bought a brian eno cd and liked it and wanted more...and for some reason SAWII was out on display at borders...and it was 2 discs so i picked it up and i've been hooked since
on 2006-03-27 12:33 [#01868042]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

I bought it cos I read about it being amazon.com electronic music record of the year
I had no idea about aphex before that, but I know I had seen the rdj album front cover sometime in the past
from seattle (United States) on 2006-03-27 12:41 [#01868049]
Points: 10965 Status: Regular

My first Aphex was "At the heart of it all" on NIN's Further Down the Spiral. I was all "woah" and then my friend jason bought "i care because you do" and we were at his house listening to it and i was all, "omg" and then when "Alberto Balsalm" came on i was all, "wtf, awesome" and i was a fan from that point on. the year was 1994 ish. true story.
from beyond the valley of the LOLs on 2006-03-27 12:42 [#01868050]
Points: 13915 Status: Regular

I think it was Surfing on Sine Waves, and I bough it as a result of getting On and Quoth on a whim - I had heard his stuff before on one of the New Electronica compilations, and the Jesus Jones remix. I was hooked, and still am 12 years after.
from United Kingdom on 2006-03-27 12:51 [#01868056]
Points: 7877 Status: Lurker

think it was probably come to daddy
from astroblaster (Antarctica) on 2006-03-27 16:00 [#01868145]
Points: 589 Status: Lurker

fall of 1995 someone said "i like aphex twin a lot" and i bought i care because you do on tape. I was 15 and have been hooked ever since
steve mcqueen
from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2006-03-27 16:04 [#01868147]
Points: 6590 Status: Regular

Classics i _think_ or it might have been SAW1 nah classics
from Sex on 2006-03-27 16:04 [#01868148]
Points: 7543 Status: Lurker

My first AFX album was the Richard D James Album then Drukqs (I bought them together). I Loved Them !!
from Toronto (Canada) on 2006-03-28 04:36 [#01868282]
Points: 4030 Status: Regular | Followup to Combo: #01868148

Got them both on Amazon after hearing Windowlicker on MTV Dance lolzords
from melbs on 2006-03-28 04:53 [#01868286]
Points: 4480 Status: Lurker

hi, my names pigster 'hello pigster' friend of mine had 26 mixes for cash so i got a burnt copy.. fucken weird place to start! then went to cd shop looking for more colourful (ambient?) like 26 mixes disc 1, but they didnt have any saw, and from what they had, drukqs was the cheapest.
and here i am on xlt. *sits down*
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