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Lily Allen

offline bogala from NYC (United States) on 2007-12-09 16:05 [#02152594]
Points: 5125 Status: Regular

those two songs she did are absolutely amazing. I can't get
over it. Some people hate her to death and thats fine, but
those two songs were a moment of genius.


offline Zephyr Twin from ΔΔΔ on 2007-12-09 16:09 [#02152595]
Points: 16982 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

On the contrary, I wasn't too big a fan of her singles Smile
and LDN, but I listened to the cd and there were a couple of
tracks that sounded pretty good, musically.


offline cx from Norway on 2007-12-09 16:20 [#02152596]
Points: 4537 Status: Regular

id do her


offline staz on 2007-12-09 16:22 [#02152597]
Points: 9844 Status: Regular

smile is pleasant.


offline pidgin from St Kilda on 2007-12-09 17:18 [#02152608]
Points: 542 Status: Lurker

smile & LDN yeah


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