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The Cinematic Orchestra

offline Sclah from Freudian Slipmat on 2007-12-01 19:29 [#02149547]
Points: 3121 Status: Lurker

Doubleplus-great jazzic music that creates good images and
Check out "Motion" first and then "Man With a Movie Camera",
a soundtrack to a film I haven't seen but probably
shoulda'have. Their most new-recent "Ma Fleur" is a bit more
light and unnoir but still good after a few iterations.
It's great music listen to it.


offline QRDL from Poland on 2007-12-01 19:51 [#02149552]
Points: 2838 Status: Lurker

Since I have adopted a policy of not purposelessly attacking
bands I don't like, I'll say that I deffinately don't hate
their soundtrack to "A Man With a Movie Camera" (an
outstanding movie), mostly for the fact that it was very
nicely and much more harshly reinterpreted by Robotobibok on
one of their tours.


offline PORICK from fucking IRELAND on 2007-12-02 03:11 [#02149645]
Points: 1911 Status: Lurker

Check out "Motion" first

Bad advice right there


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