reaktor ensembles request | xltronic messageboard
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reaktor ensembles request

offline larn from PLANET E (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-22 08:43 [#02146737]
Points: 5473 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

since oink shut down, i never did manage to download the
big reaktor library which was on there. i'm looking for some
kind of drum sequencer, i want to be able to load up my own
samples. is there an ensemble like this? i would be so
grateful if someone could send me the patch, i have battery
3, but im just looking for something quick and fun for
writing beats . thanks


offline larn from PLANET E (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-22 08:53 [#02146739]
Points: 5473 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

ahhh my email is


offline larn from PLANET E (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-22 10:25 [#02146782]
Points: 5473 Status: Regular | Show recordbag



offline sadist from the dark side of the moon on 2007-11-22 12:18 [#02146808]
Points: 8670 Status: Lurker

don't you have access to the ni site ? there is a large
seleciton in the user ensembles section...


offline fleetmouse from Horny for Truth on 2007-11-22 12:35 [#02146810]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker

check your email


offline fleetmouse from Horny for Truth on 2007-11-22 12:35 [#02146811]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker

(to see if someone emailed you)


offline fleetmouse from Horny for Truth on 2007-11-22 12:35 [#02146812]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker

(I didn't)


offline fleetmouse from Horny for Truth on 2007-11-22 12:36 [#02146813]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker

(maybe someone else did)


offline larn from PLANET E (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-22 15:07 [#02146863]
Points: 5473 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

i didnt buy reaktor, im just trying it out, so i cant access
the NI websites resources, but i will be buying it soon, hey
if someone can get hold of fourtechre or red drum. i'd be
very pleased.


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