from this site on 2001-02-15 13:14 [#00000067]

This messageboard will be replaced by a topic-based in the near future...until then - use it!
from Newcastle on 2001-02-15 14:48 [#00000066]

Oooooooooooooooh what a lovely new site.What software did you use to make it?Teeth.
from this site on 2001-02-15 14:50 [#00000065]

Secret... =)Thanks for your feedback!
from London on 2001-02-15 15:37 [#00000064]

new Chris Cunningham - Aphex Twin collaboration will be called Drummer,http://us.imdb.com/Details?0267450
on 2001-02-15 17:15 [#00000063]

I like the new layout of the site.. nice job.. !
First Breath Last
from Willie Wonkas Chocolate Club on 2001-02-15 17:39 [#00000062]

Facts:"XTAL" pronounced "CRYSTAL" "XMAS" pronounced "CHRISTMAS" "ACRID AVID JAM SHRED" pronounced "RACHARD D JIMES" "SHARE THE FUN" pronounced "THE FUN HARSE" "MESSAGEBOARD" pronounced "MASSAGE BROAD" "HUFFREY" pronounced "JEFFREY MILKMAN"I think you have done a great job with this site, by the way. Nuff fucking around.
from Ontario on 2001-02-15 18:44 [#00000061]

Woah man very nice job! When i typed aphextwin.nu in my address bar and the screen went black i knew something was up! So anyways whats up with everyone! I'm good myself! Been havin an orgy of aphex twin lately (picked up rdj album, i care because you do, and classics in the period of 1 1/2 weeks!). RDJ album is amazing! Gotta go... phobiazero you did a good job on making the site "darker". Wicked man wicked!
from manchester on 2001-02-15 19:18 [#00000060]

aaaah, i wanted to be the first one on the message board!!! Oh well, can't be helped.
from Manchester on 2001-02-15 19:19 [#00000059]

oh, btw, i forgot to say, teh page is looking pretty damn fine!! i like, i like very much!
Syllable Number Five
from peterborough on 2001-02-15 20:13 [#00000058]

New site good. Whilst mediocre would lead to sadness, great thinks must come of this pretty seed. Whisper (the darkness has ears), but Sunday comes to soon if you shave that stubble boy, when the light arrives. Comprendé my frend?
Syllable Number Five
on 2001-02-15 20:16 [#00000057]

The inhalation is bad for me today. Write.
from saaptilk roxem on 2001-02-15 20:18 [#00000056]

wacky new setup for the best site on the net...besides the one with all the naked ladies
Scary Bear
on 2001-02-15 20:44 [#00000055]

Phobia: It's fucking nice, I like it. Good work man it was worth the wait.
Scary Bear
on 2001-02-15 20:51 [#00000054]

Phobia:Just one thing, I hate to sound picky, but I ain't going to be able to use the internet for about a week starting tomorrow lunchitme when I leave to Portugal...Please please please try and get the custom section modified so that we can download MP3 remixes, that is one of the best parts about the AFX Community and its very sad to see it turn to real audio, coz that way we gotta be online to hear 'em. Cheers, but apart from that I think your a pretty talented person, cheers for this, it's cool.
Scary Bear
on 2001-02-15 21:18 [#00000053]

...and yeah I would have liked to have been tha first as well. TEETH! (ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)
Id Lab
from Preston on 2001-02-15 21:24 [#00000052]

At least we're on the first page.Nice one Phobiazero. But I miss the moving lines on Richard's face.
on 2001-02-15 21:39 [#00000051]

the Overhope organisation
from Oblivion on 2001-02-15 23:04 [#00000049]

Oh yes.It smiles.We happy?
from Santa Fe, New Mexico on 2001-02-15 23:04 [#00000050]

Love the new site. Lay out is great. Looks SUPERB!!! anyways, I was wondering if anyone new exactly what mainstream equipment and programs (if any) the Twin uses. thanks. Sincerely, the kidtrash
from kwai ix kwe on 2001-02-15 23:06 [#00000048]

sorry to waste space and your time, which i will stingly hold on too, but can someone tell me what impulsetracker is?
from yun mip on 2001-02-15 23:08 [#00000047]

hey kidtrash, what's up? just saying that because it's interesting to see that someone else lives near me.
from here at a house on 2001-02-15 23:33 [#00000046]

where are the older messages? other than the other page... thank.........think
from romania on 2001-02-16 01:24 [#00000045]

i'm really glad i found such a community.keep it up!
from Mosjøen on 2001-02-16 01:26 [#00000044]

from here and now on 2001-02-16 01:28 [#00000043]

id lab--you are always on the first type a message, there is a page behind you and i believe they were first, check the times, :0( phob- excellent!!!PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS STYLE OF MESSAGEBOARD, TOPIC BASED ARE RE####ULOSE-I LOVE THE "SEE ALL" TYPE, DOES EVERYONE AGREE??? www.mp3/tefosav.com then click on tefosav not "old tefosav" the compilations are great. i need to get roadrunner. then ill need
from lincoln,ne usa baby !!!!!!!! on 2001-02-16 01:30 [#00000042]

i got cut off?? (do yo hate me ??) i need help on how to start so i can make idm music, burn them on cds (50 for $10.00 or $20.00) then send them out to the peeps....im creative. i just need to tools..thanks..think...
from this site on 2001-02-16 06:07 [#00000041]

scary bear: no, you don't have to be online to hear the remixes. i'm not gonna stream them, so you can download them instead. there is nothing wrong with rm-quality really. this is a temporary solution that will stay until someone got 100 Mb to waste on mp3-remixes. then things will change.thanks everyone for feedback!there are still plenty of stuff left to do, but we're working on it.
from this site on 2001-02-16 06:26 [#00000040]

think: i don't agree. it's almost impossible to keep a decent discussion here using a plain messageboard. don't worry, think, you'll love the new board! it's very clean, fast, nice and having some nice features without being clumsy.it's built from scratch so we have only implemented what we need; not more not less, and still melts smoothly into the site.
from http://www.geocities.com/dapish2001 on 2001-02-16 06:57 [#00000039]

from Switzerland on 2001-02-16 08:35 [#00000038]

Does anybody know the album called "Melodies from Mars"? I found it on Napster... Sounds like Plone stuff! Quite interesting... If you like Plone! ;)
from this site on 2001-02-16 08:49 [#00000037]

Bacalao: Check out the EXPLORE-section under Albums.
from CH on 2001-02-16 09:11 [#00000036]

http://aphextwin.nu/custom/ Did anyone see HG. Giger (Alien) artwork featuring RDJ in Windowlicker?
from Deep Limbo on 2001-02-16 09:12 [#00000035]

New site is lush. Got to agree with Scary bear about mp3s as opposed to real audio, Im staying in Germany and they charge me by the minute to stay online, its getting expensive, not to cry about it. Nice new site, Cheers.
on 2001-02-16 09:25 [#00000034]

Melodies from Mars… It's a shame for the cover!
on 2001-02-16 09:54 [#00000032]

http://www.aphextwin.nu/custom Sorry, but was searching for those famous remixes and can't find'em!!! Help!!! ;)
from this site on 2001-02-16 09:58 [#00000031]

Bacalao: CUSTOM ZONE -> CUSTOM REMIXES (but this section is currently closed, as written).
from Japan on 2001-02-16 16:03 [#00000030]

Phobiazero Just a pleb who enjoys the Twin. I really like your site. I've been here about three or four times, and the new message board is very slick. You are truelly a man without fear. Assuming you are a man. Thanks for the effort.
on 2001-02-16 16:26 [#00000029]

hmm, whats it like over here then? *points*...from other there AE.nu
from Denmark on 2001-02-16 18:52 [#00000028]

Someones been reading clive barker...
from England on 2001-02-16 22:15 [#00000027]

Phobiazero: You were saying you need some webspace to put up the remixes, there is a link on www.bored.com to some place that gives you 50mb of free space
from Manchester on 2001-02-16 22:21 [#00000026]

I just thought you woul dlike to know.
from manchester on 2001-02-16 22:33 [#00000025]

WOO!!! THEY JUST PLAYED TO CURE A WEAKLING CHILD ON TV!! It was part of an advert for "manhunter" teh movie on Channel 4. I was pretty excited.
from lincoln,ne usa baby !!!!!!!! on 2001-02-16 22:54 [#00000024]

just grabbed the "zeros and ones" cd single part 2 from JESUS JONES. yep. song. kool remix. prodigy remix. aphex twin remix #1. aphex twin remix #2. 1993phob.- your the boss "all indians no cheifs" thanks......thad.....aka....think....
from California on 2001-02-16 22:55 [#00000023]

Does anyone know of any Aphex Twin FTPs? Particularly one that has videos. Thanks.
Mr. Bighead
from Coolidge, AZ on 2001-02-17 00:34 [#00000022]

Go on kidtrash, give us a snare rush... rush... rush... rush... ...
on 2001-02-17 04:53 [#00000021]

You all think "Vis Inack" from joyrex.com is RDJ's master skills? I believe it is, I just want to know some opinions...thnx
on 2001-02-17 15:12 [#00000020]

I saw an art programme on swedish tv the other day, wich featured almost all tracks from come to daddy
from Manchester on 2001-02-17 15:56 [#00000019]

I got that vis inack tune from joyrex.com. I personally think it is pretty poo. I am not much of a fan. if all his new stuff is like that, then i am not sure if i will evern bother buying any of it.
from Peterborough on 2001-02-17 22:49 [#00000018]

Do not underestimate the power of the cornish man. I myself, originating from Devon, have only a small % of his powers. Wot may seem poo is infact genius + must on be slated. Do you not agree Phobiazero? Any Indie fans will know of this from an album called "Kid A". 'Change' does not mean 'bad', it means 'evolved'.Thankyou, and God bless you all for eternity and more. Til again. Goodbye.
from Sweden on 2001-02-18 15:25 [#00000017]

I hope "Vis Inack" is a hoax. That's my opinion.
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