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15 minutes left to sweden vs canada

offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-15 22:42 [#00089754]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker

sweden vs canada


offline dave from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-15 22:52 [#00089761]
Points: 1135 Status: Regular



offline spoonz from Edmonton, AB (Canada) on 2002-02-15 22:53 [#00089763]
Points: 3219 Status: Regular



offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-15 22:56 [#00089766]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker



offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2002-02-15 22:56 [#00089767]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

Canada will come in second and then claim they should have


offline aron from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-15 22:57 [#00089768]
Points: 3756 Status: Lurker

uhh, dave, you know that there's alot of sweeds here,
including phobiazero...

but anyways, yeah. go canada and all that!


offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-15 23:13 [#00089771]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker

.....hmm....oooh no


offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-15 23:18 [#00089773]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker

1-1!!!!! sundin!!!!!!!!!!!!


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-15 23:38 [#00089781]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag


What a line!

And I they have Al MacInnis, who's from my area, to launch
his cannon slap shot! Let's go Canada.

Oh yeah, they gave Pelletier and Sale the Gold, finally...
that Jamie Sale is the hottest skater on earth, WHOA BABY!


offline lctroboy from BorÃ¥s (Sweden) on 2002-02-15 23:39 [#00089783]
Points: 1705 Status: Regular

sport? heheh. crapper.


offline Sido Dyas from a computer on 2002-02-15 23:50 [#00089789]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

Things are looking great so far!!

Raimons hörde du när det blev fel på ljudet....jag garva
fan achlet av mig!!


offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-15 23:57 [#00089790]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker

jag garva me


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-15 23:59 [#00089791]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Damn, they're playing NOW? I'm missing it, shit! Better turn
on the CBC.


offline Peter File from the future!!! Ooooh chase me! on 2002-02-15 23:59 [#00089792]
Points: 2020 Status: Lurker | Followup to Ophecks: #00089781

"Jamie Sale is the hottest skater on earth"

I hear dat, brutha!


offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-16 00:04 [#00089795]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker

niklas sundström!!!!!!!!!!!!


offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-16 00:11 [#00089796]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker

ooooooooohh sundin!


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-16 00:11 [#00089797]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

3-1 Sweden!!!


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-16 00:12 [#00089800]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Oh well, you're beating us in hockey, but you Swedes aren't
as physically beautiful as Jamie Sale, and that's all that


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-16 00:13 [#00089801]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag



offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-16 00:14 [#00089802]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker

ohhh myy good!!!
this is better than sex man!


offline dave from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-16 00:15 [#00089803]
Points: 1135 Status: Regular

aww fuck now 4-1!


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-16 00:15 [#00089804]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

I don't expect Canada to win the gold, I think Hasek will
bring it back to Czechoslovakia.

But I didn't expect SWEDEN to kick our ass so brutally! STOP

It's only because we don't have Patrick Roy.


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-16 00:21 [#00089805]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Oh, you know what, it's now 5-1, fuck this shit.


offline spoonz from Edmonton, AB (Canada) on 2002-02-16 00:21 [#00089806]
Points: 3219 Status: Regular

AHHH!!! I WAS WRONG! why r we getting our ass whooped?!

ur right though ophecks SALE IS FUCKIN HOT


offline dave from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-16 00:21 [#00089807]
Points: 1135 Status: Regular

you want madness? NOW WERE DOWN 4 GOALS! IT'S 5-1!


offline Sido Dyas from a computer on 2002-02-16 00:31 [#00089808]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker



offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-16 00:31 [#00089809]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker

i love smörgårdsbord!!!!!


offline Sido Dyas from a computer on 2002-02-16 00:33 [#00089810]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

Fy fan vad underbart!!!
Dom har varit så jävla kaxiga innan!!...hehehhe


offline Sido Dyas from a computer on 2002-02-16 00:35 [#00089812]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

I love hundbajs!!!


offline Sido Dyas from a computer on 2002-02-16 00:37 [#00089813]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

But i will be more satisfied when we beat Finland.
Sweden and finland have a love hate relationship when it
comes to hockey.


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-02-16 02:40 [#00089851]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular

5-2 final...
woa i cant believe canada lost.. our players are so much
better.. they just play so badly!

u have to give sweden credit though, u guys were really


offline Zombiekev from Ardmore (United States) on 2002-02-16 02:55 [#00089859]
Points: 2857 Status: Lurker

hockey, eh?


offline dave from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-16 03:11 [#00089883]
Points: 1135 Status: Regular

boo eh


offline dave from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-16 03:12 [#00089884]
Points: 1135 Status: Regular

aww those sweed sure showed me :(


offline Sido Dyas from a computer on 2002-02-16 03:24 [#00089911]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

We are meeting the tjeck's next!
Thats a tuff one....

....but sweden is looking goood!!!


offline Archrival on 2002-02-16 11:26 [#00090163]
Points: 4265 Status: Lurker

Sverige är så jävla bra!!!!!!!

Det är inte sant!!!! Jag trodde jag var hör eller nåt då
jag såg matchen igår.

SUNDin är helt otrolig. Sverige tar guld :)


offline Archrival on 2002-02-16 11:28 [#00090164]
Points: 4265 Status: Lurker

jag menade hög.

Canda looked old, Lemieux was wack.

I mean they better update their team, a bunch of oldies.


offline Robin from Gothenburg (Sweden) on 2002-02-16 11:38 [#00090165]
Points: 102 Status: Regular

One of the best threads ever.


offline raimons from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-02-16 13:13 [#00090189]
Points: 4266 Status: Lurker

dig my face


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2002-02-16 15:33 [#00090229]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag

So sweet... and the worlds best hockey player is not even in
the Swedish team due to an injury: Peter Forsberg.


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-02-16 15:37 [#00090232]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

um..go Swedes?


offline tunemx from Budapest (Hungary) on 2002-02-19 04:25 [#00093510]
Points: 2142 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag

Canada - Czechs 3-3... Hehehe Canada got Finland to beat for
quarters. Better than russians.

Is there a site where the competition is explained in


offline Sido Dyas from a computer on 2002-02-19 07:00 [#00093622]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

try this one.



offline tunemx from Budapest (Hungary) on 2002-02-19 14:27 [#00093944]
Points: 2142 Status: Webmaster | Followup to Sido Dyas: #00093622 | Show recordbag



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